If you are looking for BEGAE-182 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject English Communication Skills, you have come to the right place. BEGAE-182 solution on this page applies to 2021-22 session students studying in BAG, BCOMG, BSCG, BAVTM, BAECH, BAHIH, BAPSH, BAPAH, BAPCH, BASOH, BAEGH, BSCANH, BSCBCH, BAEGH, BAPFHMH, BBARIL, BAVMSME, BAFSM, BAGS, DIRIL courses of IGNOU.
BEGAE-182 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: BEGAE-182/2021-22
Course Code: BEGAE-182
Assignment Name: English Communication Skills
Year: 2021-2022
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
Answer all questions
Section A
Answer the following in about 150 words each: 5x5=25
Q1. What do you understand by the term ‘non-verbal communication’?
Ans) It is not necessary for all communication that communicates a message to be spoken. A grin, a frown, or silence can all be used to express our feelings. Nonverbal communication is any form of communication that does not involve the use of words. According to Albert Mehrabian, a psychology professor, nonverbal communication accounts for 55 percent of a message's impact. Nonverbal communication can take the form of either visual or audio communication.
Nonverbal communication includes symbols, signs, sounds, eye contact and face expression, bodily postures, gestures, and physical appearance. Silence is also included in this category. Drums and fire were utilised as a form of communication in the past, when communication media were less established. People would communicate by pounding drums in a relay system. For example, a vehicle on a highway only needs to see a picture of a gas station or a phone on a sign post to know what is available nearby.
Q2. What are the conventions of a conversation? How does it differ from other speech events?
Ans) People can connect and communicate through conversations. Because talks usually involve at least two people, there are some rules to observe when chatting with someone. This type of action, as well as social gatherings utilised to communicate with others, paints a positive picture of the individual. The first guideline is to listen first and then talk. One should not interrupt while the other is speaking in order to communicate well. One should not abruptly end another's discourse.
Difference between speech and conversation:
Speeches contain and include rationally organised and ordered concepts, whereas talks might drift about topics/subjects.
Speeches utilise formalised language, but dialogue uses slang, sometimes with poor grammar, and sometimes with profanity.
Speeches are typically given in planned, purposeful settings and scenarios, whereas discussions happen on their own.
Q3. What is meant by the ‘schema theory’? How is it important in understanding the reading process?
Ans) Schema theory is a subfield of cognitive science that studies how the brain organises information. A schema (plural: schemas or schemata) is an ordered unit of information based on prior experience for a subject or event. Individuals use schema to help them understand and act on their current situation. To construct comprehension, readers use the two forms of processing interchangeably, whether consciously or unconsciously. Readers can use schema theory to help them make sense of new experiences and create predictions about what they might expect to encounter in a certain situation.
Understanding the reading process requires knowledge of schema theory:
As a result, one of the most essential functions of schema is to assist readers in matching what they know with what the written text informs them, or in monitoring their comprehension.
If there is a shortcoming at the level of analysing print, such as decoding issues such as poor word recognition, the higher-level knowledge of the topic will compensate.
Q4. Discuss any two difficulties that learners of English as a second language are likely to encounter while learning English vocabulary.
Ans) The two difficulties that learners of English as a second language are:
One Word Many Meanings (Homonyms)
Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but have distinct meanings depending on their context. The term club has several different connotations in the following lines. You might have gone to a neighbourhood club in your colony as a kid. You may have seen a picture of Bhim holding a club in the Mahabharat television series, and if you play cards, you will come across clubs in the pack.
Same Sound Different Form and Meanings (Homophones)
Take these two terms as an example: break and brake. Both words have the same pronunciation (sound), but their written forms (spelling) are different. The words' meanings are also diverse. The context in which the word is used determines which spelling to choose. Homophones are words that have the same sound but differing spelling and meaning.
Q5. What are the four levels of meaning that you need to be aware of as a reader?
Ans) The four levels of meaning that you need to be aware of as a reader are:
Literal comprehension entails the reader comprehending the information immediately expressed in a text. Facts and details, sequences of events, primary concepts and generalisations, causes and effects are all examples of information. The fact that the information is present "in black and white" in the text is crucial to comprehension at this level. It is not necessary for the reader to delve too deeply to find it.
Interpretive: Reading at the interpretive level, on the other hand, entails reading 'between the lines,' recognising thoughts and information that aren't explicitly stated. To put it another way, the reader must analyse the information presented in the book and make the inference by putting two and two together.
Critical: Making judgments about a book is a requirement of critical reading. The reader can assess the veracity of the facts, the validity of the conclusions reached, and the author's style.
Creative: Innovative reading necessitates the development of new concepts, insights, applications, and methods. It necessitates creativity, foresight, and imagination.
Section B
Q1. You are attending an International Conference in your city. You have just met a participant from the U.S.A. Write out a dialogue in 10 turns where both of you get introduced to each other and discuss your expectations from the conference. 10
Ans) Dialogues:
Naina: Hello! Mr. Sam. How are you?
Sam Tidon: Hey! I’m totally fine and what about you?
Naina: I am good too.
Sam Tidon: Have you been attended such an international conference yet?
Naina: Yes, I have been. This conference is quite different from all and interesting as well.
Sam Tidon: Education with corona is likely to be on the same pace now. We can’t stop education because of this pandemic.
Naina: Yeah! It’s true. People should pay attention to their protection. No law can impose complete protection to all.
Sam Tidon: Covid-19 put the impact on various walks of life i.e. education, health, economic etc.
Naina: So many people lost their lives and loved ones too.
Naina: Governments must take more severe measures in this regard, and citizens must be commended for their efforts in combating the pandemic.
Naina: It was quite an interesting conference today; did you enjoy this?
Sam Tidon: Without a doubt. Even though it was my first visit to India, it was the nicest trip I've ever taken. Thank you so much for having such a lovely talk with me.
Naina: Once again, welcome to India. Greetings, Mr. Sam.
Q2. You have been invited to speak in a webinar for high school students on the topic: “Challenges faced by school students in India during the COVID-19 lockdown.” Write out your speech in around 250 words. 10
Ans) Speech:
Today, I, Naina Thakur, would like to share my thoughts on a hot topic: 'Challenges faced by Indian school pupils during the COVID-19 lockdown.' State governments around the country temporarily closed schools, colleges, and institutions due of the COVID-19 outbreak.
It is unclear when schools, colleges, and institutions will reopen, given the current scenario. Several university entrance exams and competitive examinations are held during this season, making it a significant time for the education sector. Millions of students are struggling to face the demands of online classrooms as the digital divide has spread across India, further separating the wealthy from the impoverished and the tech-savvy from the tech-poor.
'Student participation is the most important factor in the success of online courses. In an online setting, delivering the knowledge component is more natural. The transfer of talents over the internet is case-by-case. Conducting a design studio in an online mode, for example, could be difficult. It's possible that a lab-based trial won't be possible. I believe that skill-based courses can also be addressed.
As students and teachers in villages, cities, and towns struggle to meet the demands of the times, the field of education, which never realised its full potential, has become potholed, lively, and bumpy-lumpy. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced people into their homes and forced schools, colleges, and universities to take virtual classes, has blown up educational dreams with minimal requirements: a computer or, at the very least, a smartphone, a reliable Internet connection, and a steady power supply. All of this made education difficult.
Many of us have had a difficult year in 2021. We cannot, however, allow it to be a squandered year. We must all learn the harsh lessons that this year taught us as we approach the new year. The COVID-19 epidemic must be over by 2022. However, it must also mark the start of something new: a new period of solidarity. We must mourn the loss of 2021 and look ahead to 2022 with optimism.
Thank you.
Section C
Q1. Discuss the semantic and linguistic barriers to communication. Give suitable examples. 20
Ans) Different domains, such as interpersonal communication, social interaction, and job challenges, can all be affected by a semantic barrier. Interpersonal communication refers to how coworkers or employees interact with one another on a regular basis in the workplace. Professional communication is another term for this.
The term "workplace relationships" encompasses a wide range of interactions. Workplace communication can take many forms, including water cooler chats, meeting debates, and Zoom calls. Social interaction is a vital communication component in the job and occasionally after hours, yet it's often disregarded. It could include chats among coworkers regarding business and personal interests. They might take place over dinner, cocktails, or in the corporate gym. As a result, all of these situations might lead to communication obstacles due to semantic barriers.
Use of idioms
Misunderstood words
Non-native speakers
Missed or misinterpreted jokes
Differences in emoting
Tech trouble
Lack of information
The most common types of communication hurdles in the workplace are language or linguistic limitations. It leads to misunderstandings and misinterpretations among coworkers, putting a strain on their working relationships. Language, whether verbal, nonverbal, or even sign language, is required for all forms of communication. Language obstacles emerge as a result of the incapacity to communicate via language. It refers to the difficulties that people or groups who speak different languages and dialects confront (in some cases).
Linguistic obstacles arise when people who speak different languages are unable to communicate with one another. There is a linguistic and communicative breakdown. However, the breadth of language communication hurdles is far broader. There are subtle distinctions that are brought about by a specific industry. Using technical language at work, for example, can be difficult for a new hire. Using the wrong words can detract from an employee's experience, resulting in low morale and job satisfaction.
There are also language difficulties based on culture that can be a hindrance. What one culture considers courteous may be deemed disrespectful in another. Using direct language with managers, for example, may be considered disrespectful in some cultures. Employees may be discouraged from speaking up and providing feedback to their bosses as a result of this. Body language, gestures, and facial emotions are all nonverbal indicators that have distinct interpretations. When dealing with a diverse workforce, it's critical to keep these points in mind.
Q2. “Writing is commonly seen as a three-way process: pre-writing, writing and re-writing.” Explain this statement. 20
Ans) Writing is commonly seen as a three-way process: pre-writing, writing, and re-writing. It may appear that writing proceeds in a sequential, step-by-step manner. However, it almost always proceeds in a recursive fashion. This simply implies that writers revisit their ideas on a regular basis, clarifying, expanding, or refining them. Most writers will plan and then revise their plans, as well as write and rewrite parts or entire draughts, until the very last moment, when they must submit or send to the reader in question.
You plan and prepare your writing at the pre-writing stage. This is also the time when you do your research and look for appropriate sources for your topic.
You should consider the subject and goal of your project early in the pre-writing step.
If your instructor has assigned you a broad subject, you will need to narrow it down and concentrate on a narrower subject area, preferably one that interests you.
To write successfully, you must first understand why you are writing.
Each sort of writing has its own set of rules and knowing why you're writing will help you create a work that's both high-quality and relevant.
You must interpret the task in order to understand the aim of your writing.
Preparing well for your writing is essential and will save you a lot of time in the long run. It will assist you in maintaining your concentration while writing.
You may need to make changes to your initial strategy as your project advances. It is critical to set aside time at the start of the writing process to construct a writing schedule to ensure that you have a finished output by the deadline.
Consider that the revision phase may take as much time as the initial writing, if not more, when organising your time.
This is comparable to how you would schedule your study in general.
It's time to start writing after you've established an outline. Remember that a perfect first draught is not required.
Rather of concentrating on producing immaculate text at this point, try to focus on getting out your core thoughts. You are not required to an aeon or proofread at this time.
Instead, strive to allow as much freedom as possible in your ideas and writing.
Furthermore, you are not needed to compose the content from beginning to end. It's fine to start with the portions where you're most comfortable.
Before you have a comprehensive text, you will most likely have to modify your draught multiple times. Allowing time between draughts (up to days, if you have the time) will allow you to gain a fresh perspective on your writing.
This is the point in the writing process when you check to see if your work is coherent and well-written.
Your end product should be a text that has been thoroughly researched and meets academic writing standards. Before submitting your assignment, make sure you have enough time to review, edit, and proofread it.
Q3. A group of four students have been given the following topic for group discussion. ‘Internet usage by school students: issues and challenges.” Write out the discussion giving at least 3 turns to each student. 15
Ans) Group Discussion:
Student 1: In the field of technological study, e-learning poses considerable obstacles. Students' connectedness and communication are improved by using the internet. Connectivity and communication among students has improved, making it faster and more effective than before. The internet has made a significant contribution to students' study and education; students can conveniently and comfortably study and learn via the internet. Students may easily connect with professionals all around the world, talk with them, and learn from them. Many students benefit from the internet in their studies and learning; they can easily study online using the internet.
Student 2: Aside from the benefits and beneficial effects of the internet for students, the internet has a negative side for kids. There are numerous drawbacks to using the internet as a student. More than likely, the internet diverts students' attention away from their studies to other pursuits.
Student 3: Excessive Internet use is mostly responsible for social isolation. The majority of students are afflicted by the internet problem. Students who spend a lot of time on the internet become cut off from the rest of the world. They don't want to go outdoors and speak with their friends, relatives, and family members because they want to spend all of their time surfing the Internet. For students, the internet creates a slew of privacy difficulties. Everyone has access to the Internet, and everyone is free to use it. The majority of the time, the data and privacy of students are jeopardised. Hackers use the Internet to break into students' computers and phones, steal personal information, and blackmail them. Many of the students' photos and videos have gone popular on social media and the Internet. Because of the Internet, many students commit suicide.
Student 4: Students spend a significant amount of time on the Internet. They always appear to be surfing the web. Also see BSOG-173 English Medium Solved Assignment 2021-22. For students, one of the most crucial things is their limited time. For them, every second counts.
Student 2: Because the internet benefits students in a variety of ways and makes their lives easier, they should use it. It increases communication, but it has a significant impact on pupils' communication abilities.
Student 3: Because the internet opens up the world to pupils, they may build connections and speak with people from all over the world, learning about different cultures and lifestyles.
Student 1: One of the most serious negative consequences of the internet on pupils in school is the addiction to excessive Internet use. The addition of the internet has an impact on the majority of students. They always want to use the Internet and not do anything else as a result of the addition of the Internet. Student education, study, and learning are all disrupted significantly as a result of Internet addiction.
Student 2: One of the most common negative consequences of the Internet is cyberbullying among students. The majority of pupils use the Internet to bully other students. Because of the growing popularity of the Internet. Bullying and cybercrime are also on the rise. Cheating, fraud, and cyberbullying on the internet have a negative impact on students' lives. Many students commit suicide as a result of internet cyberbullying.
Student 4: Anonymity is a result of extensive Internet use. Students can use the Internet to participate in websites, forums, communities, and chat rooms. In addition, many people participate in forums, communities, and chat rooms. It allows for wicked people to take advantage of innocent pupils on numerous occasions, abusing and bullying them.
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