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BHC-014: Event Marketing and Promotion

BHC-014: Event Marketing and Promotion

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2021-22

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Assignment Code: BHC-014/AST/TMA-4/2021-22

Course Code: BHC-014

Assignment Name: Event Marketing and Promotion

Year: 2021-2022

Verification Status: Verified by Professor


Note: The assignment has three sections. It contains questions, which require long, medium, and short answers. Along answer should not exceed 700-900 words. Medium answers should not exceed 400-500 words each. Short answers should not exceed 200 words each.


Long Answer Questions Maximum Marks: 30 (30 x 1 = 30)


Attempt any One of the following:


Q3) Answer the following question:


i) Write about Consumer Behaviour regarding Event Industry.

Ans) Consumer behaviour is defined as the actions that people take when they buy, use, evaluate, and discard things and services that they believe will meet their requirements. In a highly competitive market, a company's capacity to recognise and address unmet consumer requirements better and faster than competitors is critical to its survival, profitability, and growth.


It is critical for event marketers to recognise that the perceived value of an event is what attracts individual customers to the event and causes them to consume it. The term 'value' here refers to a collection of benefits that have the ability to meet a variety of functional and emotional needs and desires of the consumer. The more the perceived value of the event, the greater the customer drive to attend and the level of involvement. Aside from the sort of involvement, there are a number of aspects in the micro and macro-environment that the event marketer must be aware of in order to understand the underlying causes of demand for the event.


Personal, psychological, social, and environmental elements all interact to influence consumer behaviour. Aside from that, the amount and type of marketing activity also has an impact on customer purchasing behaviour. The marketing manager's primary task is to identify the consumer's needs and desires. It's critical to remember that customers will only attend an event above others and spend their time, money, and effort if the event can meet their functional and emotional needs. The ability of the event marketer to foresee future needs and wants of present and potential consumers, rather than merely current needs and wants, is critical to the event's continuous success.


Consumer behaviour research focuses on the following aspects:

  1. What customers purchase

  2. Why do they purchase it?

  3. When are they going to buy it?

  4. What store do they buy it from, and how frequently do they buy it?

  5. How frequently do they make use of it?

  6. What they think of it after they've bought it

  7. The effect of these assessments on future purchases

  8. How do they get rid of it?


We are all consumers of a variety of goods and services. Personal consumers and organisational customers, on the other hand, can be broadly divided. Individuals who make purchases for self-consumption are known as personal consumers. Their judgments are influenced by their personal qualities such as age, gender, social standing, and education, as well as their needs and desires. A personal customer is someone who hires an event planning company to throw his anniversary party.


Organizational consumers, on the other hand, include businesses, non-governmental organisations, and government agencies, among others. They make purchases on behalf of their company, and their purchasing selections are guided by the company's needs and goals. An organisational consumer is, for example, a firm that organises a product launch event.


ii) Explain Consumer Protection in India.

Ans) Consumers are the focus of all marketing activities. Any economy's backbone is made up of these. Any government must ensure that they are aware, educated, and protected. The Consumer Protection Act (CPA) of 1986 is a landmark law that establishes distinct consumer courts at the district, state, and national levels to compensate consumers for their complaints. In 2002, the statute was revised. This is a significant piece of legislation since it allows any consumer to submit a complaint against any event organisation if they are dissatisfied with their service.


For the first time in India, the CPA has defined the term "consumer" and attempted to protect both service and product consumers. This law is based on the notion of ‘self-help' and is intended to protect customers from all types of exploitation and unfair deals, including overpricing, defective goods, and deceit. For the consumer, this act has two major ramifications. First, it allows consumers the right to file a complaint with a government agency if they are harmed, and to seek restitution quickly and without wasting time. Second, the consumer is entitled to compensation for any damage or harm incurred as a result of the manufacturer's or service provider's negligence.


Except for those rendered free, this act applies to all goods and services in the commercial and public sectors. Consumers can bring a complaint in the district, state, or national forum against any service provider or manufacturer if they detect a flaw in their service or product, depending on the amount of compensation requested. They have the right to claim compensation for any damage, misery, or harm they have incurred as a result of the manufacturer's or service provider's negligence. To avoid any consumer complaints, every event management must be informed of the terms of the CPA. Event managers must also ensure that they always fulfil the services promised to their clients.


Medium Answer Questions Maximum Marks:40 (20 x 2 = 40)


Attempt any Two of the following:


Q1) Describe the Ps framework proposed by Getz and

Ans) The Ps framework proposed by Getz is as follows:

  1. The term "product" refers to the actual event.

  2. The venue, event environment, event setting, and destination attributes all fall under the category of place. This P also takes into account the spread of event items.

  3. The event programme is referred to as programming. It must be creative in order to appeal to the target audiences. It employs a variety of stylistic features to keep the audience interested.

  4. Staff and volunteers are internal customers for the event and are an important part in the event's success. This P also covers event participants who are external customers who would not be able to attend if the event would not take place.

  5. Partnerships are agreements between event organisers and other groups such as tourism organisations, government agencies, and private corporations to collaborate on commercial and marketing initiatives.

  6. The term "promotion" refers to a set of methods used to publicise an event and urge target people to attend. The marketing communication mix is another term for this.

  7. The term "packaging and distribution" refers to framing the event experience in such a way that the target audience is persuaded and willing to attend. Such packaging could include competitive price, value addition and discount offers, among other things.

  8. The cost of an event to a target consumer is measured in terms of ticket prices, space expenses, time costs, travel costs, and other productive activities that the customer could have done otherwise.

  9. Positioning and branding refers to how the event's image is perceived by the target audience in comparison to other events and attractions that compete for the participants' time and money.


The Ps framework proposed by is as follows:

  1. The main service that the event is supposed to provide is referred to as the product experience.

  2. Programming is concerned with various aspects of the event's programme and activities, as well as their quality and/or style, which all contribute to the overall event experience.

  3. The mix of options presented within the event itself, as well as how the value is exploited with additional extra products, is referred to as packaging.

  4. The term "place" in the context of events refers not only to the location or site of event delivery, but also to the mix of channels utilised to distribute event tickets.

  5. The physical setting of an event refers to the location, theme, and decorations of the event, as well as the overall event atmosphere that contributes to the event experience.

  6. Processes can be characterised in terms of the time frame in which they occur, such as the pre-event phase, event phase, and post-event phase of the event life cycle.

  7. People interested in the event are involved at various levels, with differing stakes. Event organisers, who also serve as hosts, employees and volunteers, suppliers, and, most importantly, event participants are among them.

  8. Stakeholder connections, such as those between event organisers and sponsors, vendors, volunteers, or the media, are examples of partnerships.

  9. The cost of attending the event as well as the value of experiencing the event are included in the price.

  10. Promotion includes the strategic selection of multiple media channels and messages to promote an event among target markets and consumers.


Q2) Explain any two types of Event Marketing with the help of suitable examples.

Ans) The two types of Event Marketing are:


Conceiving and Organizing an Event of Your Own

Branded Events and Venues: Branded events are those that focus on a certain brand. They're put together with the express objective of instilling good brand connections or strengthening those that already exist. A professional event planner may be hired to coordinate the event. It allows the company to strengthen links with the target audience and integrate the brand deeply in the audience's identity and way of life. Brand events are held to reach out to a certain target audience based on the product that the company is promoting.


Audi, for example, put on a spectacular display at the Audi Brand Event, incorporating audio-visual elements, performers, and entertainment to highlight the underlying principle of 'progression.' Audi was the event's creator, owner, and primary financier. Sporty, progressive, and sophisticated values emerged with the introduction of the new A4 models. Brand venues are essentially meeting spaces for brands. They are, nonetheless, as significant because they give businesses the opportunity to build a distinctive brand identity.


Relationship Events: Rather of trying to advertise them only once, brands create relationship events to build long-term relationships with existing consumers, potential customers, and other stakeholders. These events give all partners and stakeholders a chance to meet in a setting that isn't quite like a professional meeting. Relationship events are aimed at increasing client loyalty and increasing the value of existing connections. They are created after determining the customer's needs, desires, and what motivates them to return for more.


Internal Branding (Internal Brand Events): Internal branding events are gatherings for employees. These events assist personnel in the sales department in better connecting with the brand in order to boost long-term business. Internal branding events focus on team-building, performance development, strengthening relationships, employee motivation, open feedback culture, willingness to pursue personal growth, more attention in the Customer Service Department to the relationship with retailers, and a desire to improve internal cooperation in the sales department, as sales employees are a critical factor in sales success. An introduction training session, a personnel party, a team-building event, and a goodbye party are all examples of internal branding events.


Hosting, Facilitating or Financing an Event

Social gatherings, cultural events, and international conferences may be hosted by national, regional, and municipal government entities. Because they are used consciously and strategically with government support, such events are classified as event marketing. NABARD, for example, would volunteer to help organise and fund a State Farmer's Meet using available equipment. Every year in November, the India Trade Promotion Organisation hosts the IITF in New Delhi. There are a variety of ways to publicise an event. The ultimate purpose, however, is to maintain business continuity and create profits. Events can be planned for a variety of reasons, including creating enabling conditions, providing entertainment, or promoting culture.


Short Answer Questions Maximum Marks:30 (5 x 6 = 30)


Write short notes on any Five of the following:


Q1) Difference between B2C and B2B Markets

Ans) The differences between B2B and B2C markets is given below:

  1.  B2B firms focus on developing long-term human relationships, whereas B2C enterprises focus on delivering short-term value at a rapid pace.

  2. Branding: B2B companies are more concerned with generating leads than with building a strong "brand." In order to sell items, B2C enterprises strive to establish brand recognition.

  3. Decision-making B2B buyers are methodical and methodical, and their purchasing decisions are made by a committee. B2C shoppers are emotional, and they make purchases based on their wants.

  4. Targeting an Audience: B2B companies market to a group of numerous decision-makers and managers. Businesses that sell directly to consumers are known as B2C.

  5. Language: To engage with possible business partners, 2B enterprises use industry terminology. B2C firms use the language that potential clients use, which is frequently easier.


Q2) Concept of positioning in Events

Ans) Event marketers utilise positioning to learn about how people think about events. In other terms, it refers to a brand's position in the eyes of consumers. To stand out from competitors' similar offerings in the minds of audiences, a product, service, idea, or brand must have some distinguishing traits. Positioning is a powerful marketing idea that incorporates all of the other Ps of the marketing mix. The distinguishing characteristics of an event distinguish it from others and confer the opportunity to avoid competition from others. The location of an event, the cost of the entry fee, and the programme content can all be emphasised when positioning an event. Simple marketing methods, on the other hand, should be learned because they are simple to follow and track.


Q5) Benefits of Brand Loyalty

Ans) When a consumer begins to trust a brand and believes that it offers the proper product qualities, quality, and price, he or she dread purchasing and consuming products from another brand. Any other alternative brand will be considered only briefly as a replacement by consumers. Brand loyalty can be built through a variety of methods, including quick service, high-quality products, constant improvement, and a large distribution network. It has numerous perks or benefits.


Customers become less responsive to competing tactics and actions as it rises. Customers that are devoted to a brand are willing to pay a greater price for it and will always endorse it. Customers that are loyal to a brand will have more sales, lower marketing and advertising costs, and the best pricing. This is because brand loyal clients are less likely to switch brands, respond less to price fluctuations, and self-promote the brand since they believe their brand offers a unique value that is not offered by other companies.


Q6) DAGMAR Approach

Ans) Russell Colley's DAGMAR approach (Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results) for transforming objectives into specific goals includes a framework for creating advertising goals and measuring ad campaign success. It emphasises that the advertising goal is essentially a defined communication task focused on a target audience over a set period of time. According to Colley, the primary goal of advertising is to transmit required information to the appropriate people at the right time and at the right cost to a specific audience. Colley suggested a special model of communication in the DAGMAR method, which consists of four hierarchical stages. (1) Awareness, (2) Comprehension, (3) Conviction, and (4) Action are the stages.


Q8) Media Mix for Event

Ans) Each target market's media mix is determined by the role that each channel will perform. It is a mix of media that will be employed in an advertising campaign. Most national advertising campaigns used to be dominated by television and magazines, but in recent years, vehicles such as digital and social media have entered the sector. It can be used to target a more limited and precise market niche, and it can be less expensive and more effective. Telephone directories, cable television, super markets, shopping carts, and other types of media may also be included in the media mix.

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