If you are looking for BPAC-105 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Personnel Administration, you have come to the right place. BPAC-105 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in BAPAH courses of IGNOU.
BPAC-105 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: BPAC-105/ASST/TMA/July2022&January2023
Course Code: BPAC-105
Assignment Name: Personnel Administration
Year: 2022-2023
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
Assignment A
Answer the following in about 500 words each.
1. Write a note on various types of training conducted by training institutions in India.
Ans) Foundational Training: Following their successful completion of the civil services examination, new entrants to the civil service must get some basic training. The main goal of this kind of training is to expose civil servants to the fundamentals of administration, the fundamentals of the country's socioeconomic realities, the political environment, the government's ideology, the overall system of interrelationships, the interdependencies between the different organs and agencies of the government, between citizens and administration, etc., regardless of their educational backgrounds and disciplines. Additionally, it is envisioned that they will foster a sense of "camaraderie" and civil service camaraderie that will serve them well as they collaborate in the many government of India ministries in the future.
This type of training is referred to as "on campus training" when it is organised on one campus, in the same setting, and with the same people in order to give the participants a sense of how everyone lives, communicates, and works together. The fundamental training programme for government workers was developed in 1959 with these goals in mind. The Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, Dr. M.C.R. HRD Institute, Hyderabad, RCV'P Noronha Academy of Administration, Bhopal, and NADT, Nagpur are now accepting applicants for the IAS and other non-technical services through this curriculum. Since 2008, this training regimen has been used.
On-entry Training: This training, often known as "post-entry training," may take many different forms, including orientation, induction, on-the-job training, etc. This on-entry training should not be confused with later career programmes or in-service training that employees receive throughout their mid-career or "maturation stage," that is, at the higher or senior career stage. This in-service training, which we will cover later, may come in a variety of packages, including executive development programmes, managerial training, refresher courses, and retraining. As it prepares new hires for their new jobs, on-entry training is crucial when a person joins the service. It is the instruction given after hiring and before being given a job. The steps of "on-entry" training include orientation, induction training, and on-the-job training.
In-service Training: In-service training is the instruction given to employees in the middle of their careers or at a later point in their employment. It also goes by the name of mid- (later) career training. Staff development is an ongoing activity that significantly affects how effectively an organisation operates. The underlying premise of in-service training is that because the basic or initial training provided to new hires is insufficient for the duration of their employment, it is necessary to instil in them new information, skills, and better attitude and behavioural patterns. They would be more equipped to deal with the fast evolving technology and organisational environment. It places a strong emphasis on the growth of logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, which raises their performance levels.
The federal servants receive in-service training from a variety of training organisations. Members of the All India Services must now complete mandatory in-service training at the midcareer level as a result of the Yugandhar Committee Report on Training. IAS officers get in-service training from a number of training institutions, including the Administrative Staff College of India in Hyderabad, the National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj in Hyderabad, and the Indian Institute of Public Administration in New Delhi.
2. Describe the various steps in the recruitment process.
Ans) Steps to the recruitment process are as follows:
Identify Your Needs: Create a list of needs before you create a job posting. It may seem easy to identify the hiring need when you’re replacing an employee who just left, but the task gets more difficult if you’re creating a new position or changing the responsibilities of a role.
Prepare the Job Description: Creating a good job description is a vital piece in crafting an effective recruitment strategy. Once you understand your business and department’s needs, you should determine the duties and responsibilities of the role and write them out. Job descriptions help communicate the organization’s needs and expectations to a potential candidate. It’s essential to be as specific as possible in the job description to attract and meet candidates who can sufficiently meet the demands of the role.
Create a Recruitment Plan: Save time and energy by creating a recruitment plan. Strategize the best ways to get the word out about the job. Determine who will be reviewing resumes, scheduling interviews, and deciding on the right candidate.
Start Searching: Use keyword recruitment tools to cut down on your search time during the recruitment process. This can be the most time-consuming part of recruiting, and keyword tools can weed out unqualified applicants.
Recruit Top-Tier Candidates: The best candidates likely have many options, and you’ll need to maintain timely communication or they’ll quickly move on to other opportunities. Use a mobile hiring app to review top candidates quickly, right on your smartphone, whether you’re in the office or on the go.
Conduct a Phone Screening: Once you have your eye on certain applicants, conduct a phone screening to narrow down the selection process and make sure you want to take the time to interview the candidate in person. Make a list of the best interview questions to ask before you get started.
Interview in Person: Interviews should be conducted soon after a phone screening—ideally within a week. The process shouldn’t stretch on too long, or candidates may lose interest. Communicate with the interviewee about where you are in the process and how long it will take to get back to them with your decision. And then be sure to follow up, even if you decide they’re not a good fit. Be sure to allot enough time so you can focus and give candidates your undivided attention.
Offering the Job: Just because you offer an employee a job doesn’t mean they’re going to accept. Take great care in this step of the process to present a desirable offer the candidate won’t want to pass up. Over 90 percent of people report being contacted by a manager can make them accept a job offer faster, so don’t be afraid to reach out. But expect the process to take time and be ready to negotiate salary and benefits.
Onboarding a New Employee: Now that you’ve determined which candidate will be joining your team, the real work begins. Implement a new hire onboarding process so the candidate has a positive experience and can easily dive into the job you’ve hired them for.
The onboarding process shouldn’t simply focus on new hire paperwork—it should focus on processes and resources that will help new hires transition successfully into the company. For example, assigning a mentor or a friend and setting up one-on-one time with managers can help expedite new hire proficiency.
Assignment B
Answer the following questions in about 250 words each
3. Examine the reasons for growing importance of bureaucracy.
Ans) The role of bureaucracy is rapidly expanding. Therefore, be aware of some of the causes behind the growing relevance of bureaucracy.
Increasing Population
The population is growing, as may be seen by looking at the national situation. This is especially true in developing nations when the population is growing at a geometric rate that exceeds the production of resources and all other forms of growth.
Industrial Development
Expanding administration and a reliance on bureaucracy are inextricably linked to industrial development of the nation, economic growth through trade and commerce, the establishment of steel, petrochemical, and fertiliser facilities, among other factors. It is necessary for both policy programmes and operations at the operational level.
Responsiveness to People’s Need
It is important for bureaucracy to be fully responsive in order to uphold the underlying presumption of providing the masses with the best possible service. People demand swift action from the bureaucracy as a result of Citizens Charters and other such measures that were implemented in the past.
Multifarious Activities of Modern State
More and more public employees, in their many sorts and categories, must be hired as a result of the modern state's activities becoming so varied and expanding in scope. The relevance of bureaucracy has increased as a result of people being more and more dependent on government for a variety of tasks, including development, regulation, and even conventional law and order or security roles.
Rising Expectations of People
The escalating expectations of the populace are undergoing a revolution nowadays. People are no longer meek, naive, unquestioning, or lacking in assertiveness. Today's masses are assertive, demanding, and questioning. They have a greater awareness of their rights and are calling for better housing, health care, education, and living conditions.
Challenges of Bureaucracy in Recent Times
As a result of liberalisation, privatisation, and globalisation, the roles and duties of the state, society, and bureaucracy have altered. It is time for the conventional bureaucratic models to relearn how to develop, adapt, and lead organizationally in order to meet the demands and expectations of citizens as well as the problems posed by fast globalisation.
4. Describe the methods of job evaluation.
Ans) The company typically employs one of two job evaluation techniques:
While not quantitative, non-analytical procedures are used to construct grade hierarchy. Compared to the analytical procedures utilised by large organisations, non-analytical methods are preferred by small organisations. Two non-analytical techniques exist:
Job Ranking Method: A straightforward technique of comparing tasks side by side is to rate them in terms of importance. This method merely lists the relative worth of the numerous tasks being taken into account; jobs are not factored but rather taken into account as a whole.
The "paired comparison" ranking technique is sometimes employed since it is challenging to rank a large number of jobs at once. Easy and quick administration of the ranking system. The method's drawback is that it is subjective, which means that there are no "yardsticks" for the tasks and that it is impossible to check the underlying assumptions of people who are rating.
Job Classification Method: With this approach, one or two occupations are chosen from each level of the grading scheme, and standard descriptions of the tasks, commitments, and prerequisites for the position are written. They are classified as benchmark or significant occupations. Then, based on their work descriptions, all jobs are classified into these categories. The grades or levels that appear to be the most acceptable are used to categorise jobs.
Quantitative methods are used in analysis. They can therefore be stated numerically. Numerous job-related characteristics are taken into account, and points are allocated to them based on their relative importance. There are two analytical techniques for assessing jobs:
Weighted Point Assessment: The point method of job evaluation examines many aspects of the job being evaluated, such as skill, effort, responsibility, and working environment, and then scores each job along a scale of each aspect.
Factor Comparison Method: The point approach is simpler than the factor comparison method. Among the crucial components are:
Chooses the elements or traits of the work.
Creates a scale for every aspect of the project.
Evaluates and ranks every job according to the variables.
5. Discuss the scope of personnel administration.
Ans) All facets of managing individuals and groups within an organisation are included in personnel administration. Ensuring efficient use of people resources in pursuit of organisational goals is the main goal of personnel administration. By breaking down organisational duties into jobs and outlining each job's authority, responsibilities, and relationships to other positions within the organisation, personnel administration departments can create and develop a successful working relationship among all of the members of an organisation.
Employee engagement, interest, and loyalty to the company must be encouraged via personnel administration. The goal is to foster friendly relationships among the staff members and eliminate contentious circumstances brought on by interpersonal rivalries, jealousies, and prejudices. In an organisation, personnel administration must also put a stop to unfavourable behaviours like favouritism and nepotism.
Recruitment, training, promotion, working conditions, employee welfare, employer-employee relations, and methods for morale and motivation are only a few of the management-related issues that must be addressed by personnel administration. For it to be effective and efficient, it needs to establish connections with the immediate, intermediate, and external environments.
As organisational responsibilities grow, so do the duties associated with managing individuals. With one-time and one-stroke decisions, the exaggerated problems cannot be solved. The complexity increases as the system size increases.
For instance, the Government of India, which is split up into many ministries, departments, divisions, and units, is dispersed across the entire nation. It employs thousands of employees who perform a wide range of tasks at various hierarchical levels. The central government's workforce is made up of a variety of services that are divided into sections. Each state's condition is quite similar. All of these considerations must be made in personnel administration. At all levels, it calls for constant and updated managerial inputs.
An important duty of the government is to plan and provide for the regular supply of the necessary labour for various positions and in various numbers. Effective personnel administration is necessary for the recruitment and utilisation of each micro-unit of human resources.
Assignment C
Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.
6. Explain the role and functions of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.
Ans) The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions' Department of Personnel and Training is the primary organisation in charge of formulating policy and coordinating all aspects of public personnel management, including administrative vigilance, training, staff welfare, joint consultation mechanisms and mandatory arbitration, reservations for scheduled castes and tribes and other categories in the civil service, and administrative reforms.
The Department is responsible for creating the rules for the various All-India and Central Services, which includes providing the final interpretation of rules when there is a question, as well as keeping an eye on their execution and managing their cadre.
Along with performing promotional duties by establishing impartial reward and punishment systems, conflict-management techniques, and need-based employee welfare programmes, it is also concerned with the career management of civil servants through training, experience-cum-productivity oriented deployment, deputations, and assignments, applied and futuristic research on personnel policy, and planning.
The Department of Personnel oversees all administrative matters for the Central Vigilance Commission, Central Bureau of Investigation, Administrative Tribunals, Union Public Service Commission, Staff Selection Commission, and Indian Institute of Public Administration in addition to controlling the Indian Administrative Service and Central Secretariat Service. Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration is also under its supervision.
7. Discuss the relationship between the government and public services.
Ans) Human society has always incorporated the art of government and administration. Whatever its form, there has always been a government for governance, and there have always been public services to carry out the goals of the government. For the creation, implementation, monitoring, and assessment of the government's programmes, these services have long been a crucial branch of the government. As a result, the nature of public services would undoubtedly rely on the sort of government as well as the nature and scope of the work that it would be required to carry out. As a result, whenever and wherever there is a change in the administration, there is also some degree of change in the public services.
Despite the fact that both are reliant on one another, public servants have more knowledge and experience than politicians. The distinction between developing policies and putting them into action cannot be strictly maintained in practise because of the link between the government and public services. Experience has taught us that this division between governmental and administrative functions is only partially accurate. It is exceedingly challenging for the government to only be concerned with formulating policy and for the services to only be responsible for carrying out these policy formulations.
8. Why is promotion necessary in civil services?
Ans) A career service is the civil service. An individual who joins the civil service dedicates their entire life to it. With time, he improves and climbs the ranks of the organisation. The possibility of advancement maintains him in the service from the time of his induction as a young person until his retirement as an old person. Thus, promotion is a crucial component of career service. The only way to make the civil service an appealing career and draw the greatest talent to it is through an effective promotion system.
The employees may also receive rewards in the form of promotions. A chance for promotion is one possible reward for diligence, effectiveness, and loyal service. Employees in the public sector will put in a lot of effort to advance. This indicates that the effectiveness and happiness of employees in the public sector are increased by the possibility of advancement. The first and most crucial step in personnel administration is finding the best candidates. But keeping talented people in the workforce is just as crucial. The promotion mechanism makes it possible to keep the best, most talented, and most effective employees in the public service. The human being is a developing being.
9. What are the components of performance management process?
Ans) Performance management is a year-round communication process that involves both the employees' managers and them. The procedure is extremely continuous and circular in nature. The following activities are part of a performance management system.
Creating precise job descriptions and performance plans for employees that contain the main outcome areas and performance markers
implementation of a suitable selection method to choose the best group of candidates.
Negotiating specifications and performance benchmarks to compare the result and overall productivity to the set criteria.
giving ongoing coaching and feedback throughout the performance delivery period.
determining the need for training and development by comparing the results attained with the established standards and putting in place efficient development programmes for advancement.
reviewing employee performance in accordance with performance plans and holding quarterly performance development talks.
creating efficient methods for compensation and rewards to recognise workers who excel at their employment by exceeding performance benchmarks or meeting the standards set forth in the performance plans.
providing assistance and direction to employees for their professional growth.
conducting exit interviews to identify the root of employee dissatisfaction and then leaving a company.
10. Describe trade union rights.
Ans) Right to Association: The right to join a union is guaranteed to public employees in Australia and France. The right to association of public employees is subject to limitations in Canada, India, Germany, and England.
In Germany, only associations whose goals align with the requirements of the current constitutional system are permitted for members to join or create. Public employees are not permitted to affiliate with outside unions in Canada or England. Every citizen in India has the legal right to form associations. Therefore, public employees are allowed to start associations or join ones that already exist. However, the government will only consult or negotiate with associations that it has officially recognised.
Right to Strike: Whether or not the right to strike for civil officials is recognised, this right is frequently used in India, France, Canada, Australia, the United States, and England. The legislation in England does not restrict the ability of public employees to strike. They are permitted to strike in France. The legal right to strike for public employees does not exist in Germany, though. The loss of one's work is one of the consequences for breaking the law.
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