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BPCG-173: Psychology for Health and Well-being

BPCG-173: Psychology for Health and Well-being

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2023-24

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Assignment Solution

Assignment Code: BPCG-173 /Asst /TMA /July 2023- January 2024

Course Code: BPCG-173

Assignment Name: Psychology for Health and Wellbeing

Year: 2023-2024

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

NOTE: All assignments are compulsory.


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Study Centre, Programme Title and code, Course title and code.

2.Use A4 size paper for the tutorial (ruled/ bank).

3.For making tables, blank pages can be used and tables/ graphs (if any) to be drawn in pencil.

4. Content should not be plagiarised.


Assignment I


Answer the following questions in about 500 words each. Each question carries 20 marks.


Q1) Define coping and explain its goals. Describe various coping styles.

Ans) The term "coping" refers to the methods that people use to deal with stressful events, difficult circumstances, or other demanding circumstances. To efficiently adjust to stressors, to alleviate emotional distress, and to preserve general well-being are the fundamental goals of this approach. Problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping are the two primary forms of coping methods, which can be roughly classified into a variety of different categories.

a)     Problem-Focused Coping: To do this, one must directly address the source of stress by either taking action or locating potential answers.

a)     Strategies Include: Both persons and Active Probsolutions take preventative measures against the stressor by actively seeking information, developing solutions, and putting those solutions into action.

b)     Planning: In order to properly manage the stressor, it is necessary to have an organised plan or strategy.

c)     Seeking Social Support: Getting involved with other people in order to receive advice, assistance, or direction in resolving the issue.

d)     Time Management: The effective management of the stressor and other duties requires the allocation of time in an efficient manner.

e)     Emotion-Focused Coping: As opposed to focusing on the stressor itself, this approach addresses the emotional suffering that is connected with the stressor.


Techniques Include:

a)     Emotional Expression: Expressing one's emotions through writing, conversing to other people, or engaging in other creative activities.

b)     Distraction: Participating in activities, such as hobbies or entertainment, that momentarily redirect attention away from the source of stress is an effective strategy.

c)     Positive Reframing: Making adjustments to one's viewpoint in order to discover good features or meanings in the circumstance.

d)     Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Activities such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing are effective ways to alleviate stress and foster a sense of serenity.


Additional coping styles:

a)     Avoidant Coping: People may make an effort to steer clear of or completely disregard the source of stress, denying its existence or refusing to deal with it whenever possible. This approach may bring relief in the short term, but it may make the problem far worse in the long run.

b)     Adaptive Coping: Approaches that are adaptable and optimistic and that are adapted to the particular stressor are required here. Depending on the circumstances, individuals modify their techniques, shifting their attention to either problem-solving or emotional regulation when the scenario calls for it.

c)     Maladaptive Coping: It is either counterproductive or detrimental to employ these tactics. Examples of such behaviours include substance misuse, self-harm, and other destructive behaviours that provide momentary relief but either intensify the underlying concerns or generate further issues.


As a result of the nature of the stressor, the characteristics of the individual, and the environment, coping strategies are not fixed and can vary over time. Recognizing stresses, gaining a knowledge of one's own reactions, and selecting appropriate coping techniques to manage stressors in an adaptable manner are all essential components of effective coping.


Individuals are able to effectively navigate problems and preserve their mental and emotional health when they have developed a repertoire of good coping techniques, which is crucial for general well-being and resilience.


Q2) Explain the strength-based approach to work. Describe the nine components of gainful employment.

Ans) The strength-based approach to work places an emphasis on utilising an individual's innate abilities, talents, and positive traits in order to improve workplace performance, general well-being, and overall pleasure. On the other hand, rather of focussing on deficiencies or deficiencies, it places an emphasis on recognising and making use of one's personal strengths. This strategy is in line with the ideas of positive psychology, and its primary objective is to create a working atmosphere that is more satisfying and productive.


Nine components of gainful employment:

a)     Competitive Wages: It is essential for individuals to receive adequate pay for the work that they undertake in order for them to feel valued and motivated. There is a correlation between fair pay and financial security, which in turn reduces stress and increases job satisfaction.

b)     Safe Working Conditions: Providing a safe and risk-free working environment is essential to the health and happiness of employees. Assuring one's physical health and reducing the likelihood of accidents or injuries are the goals of safety measures.

c)     Work-life balance: It is crucial for overall contentment to strike a balance between one's personal life and professional life. A healthier work-life balance can be achieved through the implementation of flexible work arrangements for employees, such as telecommuting or flexible hours.

d)     Opportunities for Advancement: Employees are motivated by possibilities for professional development, promotions, and career advancement through career advancement prospects. Providing employees with distinct opportunities for progress inspires engagement and devotion to the organisation.

e)     Job stability: Assurance of job security and stability enables individuals to plan for the future, reduce anxiety, and commit to long-term goals within the organization.

f)      Health Benefits: Access to healthcare benefits, including medical, dental, and mental health coverage, supports employees' well-being and contributes to overall job satisfaction.

g)     Supportive Work Environment: There is a significant correlation between a supportive workplace culture that appreciates diversity, encourages inclusivity, and promotes open communication with the level of satisfaction and morale experienced by workplace employees.

h)     Job Autonomy: Having some level of control and autonomy over one's tasks and responsibilities leads to a sense of ownership and empowerment, enhancing motivation and job satisfaction.

i)       Meaningful Work: There is an increase in the intrinsic worth of a job when an individual has the perception that their labour contributes to a greater purpose or serves a significant cause. Individuals are motivated when they are aware of the influence that their contributions have having.


Embracing a strength-based approach within these components of gainful employment involves recognizing and nurturing employees' strengths, skills, and positive attributes.


It involves:

a)     Strength Identification: Identifying and acknowledging individual strengths and unique talents within employees.

b)     Strength Utilization: Leveraging these strengths within job roles and tasks, allowing individuals to perform at their best.

c)     Strength Development: Providing opportunities for skill enhancement, training, and development to further strengthen existing abilities.


By focusing on strengths, organizations can enhance job satisfaction, productivity, and employee engagement. It fosters a positive work environment where individuals feel valued, leading to improved job performance and overall organizational success. This approach emphasizes empowerment and encourages employees to utilize their strengths to contribute meaningfully to their roles and the organization.


Assignment II


Answer the following questions in about 250 words each. Each question carries 10 marks.


Q3) Explain the cross-cultural perspectives on health.

Ans) Cross-cultural perspectives on health encompass varying beliefs, practices, and attitudes toward health and well-being across different cultures. These perspectives reflect diverse cultural values, norms, traditions, and societal structures that shape how individuals perceive and approach health-related matters.

a)     Cultural Beliefs: Different cultures hold unique beliefs about health, illness, and healing. For instance, some cultures might attribute illness to spiritual causes, while others may view it as a result of physical or environmental factors.

b)     Healthcare Practices: Various cultures have distinct healthcare practices and treatment methods. Traditional medicine, herbal remedies, rituals, and alternative therapies might be prominent in some cultures alongside or instead of modern medical interventions.

c)     Role of Community and Family: Cultural perspectives often emphasize the collective well-being of the community or family over individual health. Support from family or community members can be integral to healing and recovery.

d)     Understanding of Disease and Prevention: Perceptions of diseases and approaches to prevention can differ significantly. Some cultures may focus on holistic approaches that encompass physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of health, while others may prioritize specific medical interventions.

e)     Cultural Norms and Behaviours: Dietary habits, lifestyle choices, and behaviours related to health can vary greatly across cultures. Cultural norms influence practices like diet, exercise, hygiene, and coping mechanisms.

f)      Healthcare Access and Resources: Disparities in healthcare access, resources, and infrastructure exist across cultures and regions, impacting individuals' ability to obtain adequate healthcare services.

g)     Stigma and Mental Health: Cultural perspectives on mental health and the stigma associated with mental illnesses can vary. Some cultures might view mental health issues differently, affecting help-seeking behaviours and treatment approaches.


Q4) Describe the techniques of time management.

Ans) Time management involves utilizing various techniques to optimize productivity, prioritize tasks, and efficiently allocate time.

a)     Prioritization: Identify tasks based on urgency and importance using methods like the Eisenhower Matrix (quadrants dividing tasks into urgent, important, non-urgent, and non-important).

b)     Goal Setting: Set clear, achievable goals with specific deadlines. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones to track progress.

c)     To-Do Lists: Create daily or weekly to-do lists outlining tasks, deadlines, and priorities. Update and revise these lists regularly.

d)     Time Blocking: Allocate specific time slots for different tasks or categories of work. This prevents multitasking and helps maintain focus.

e)     Pomodoro Technique: Work in focused intervals (e.g., 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break) to enhance concentration and manage fatigue.

f)      Eliminate Distractions: Minimize interruptions by silencing notifications, setting specific periods for checking emails or messages, and creating a conducive work environment.

g)     Use of Technology: Utilize apps, calendars, or task management tools to organize schedules, set reminders, and track progress.

h)     Delegate and Outsource: Delegate tasks that others can handle effectively, freeing up time for more critical responsibilities.

i)       Time Audit: Regularly review how time is spent. Identify time-wasting activities and areas for improvement.

j)       Learn to Say No: Avoid overcommitting by saying no to tasks or commitments that do not align with priorities or goals.

k)     Batching Similar Tasks: Group similar tasks together, like replying to emails or making phone calls, to streamline workflow and avoid switching between different types of work frequently.

l)       Flexibility and Adaptability: Be open to adjusting schedules as needed. Unexpected situations may arise, so having flexibility built into the plan is essential.


Q5) Explain anxiety disorders as stated in DSM 5.

Ans) Anxiety disorders as a group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive fear, worry, or apprehension causing distress and impairment in daily life.


a)     Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Individuals with GAD experience persistent and excessive worry about various aspects of life, such as work, health, or family matters, even when there is no apparent reason for concern. This worry is challenging to control and often accompanied by physical symptoms like restlessness, fatigue, muscle tension, and difficulty concentrating.

b)     Panic Disorder: People with panic disorder have recurrent panic attacks—sudden, intense periods of fear or discomfort. These attacks reach a peak within minutes and may involve symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, and a sense of impending doom. Fear of future attacks can lead to avoidance behaviours.

c)     Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD): SAD involves an intense fear of social situations due to concerns about being judged or humiliated. This fear significantly affects an individual's ability to interact in social settings, leading to avoidance of social gatherings or speaking in public.

d)     Specific Phobias: Specific phobias involve excessive fear or anxiety triggered by specific objects or situations, such as heights, animals, or flying. The fear is excessive and persistent, leading to avoidance behaviours that significantly disrupt daily life.

e)     Agoraphobia: Agoraphobia involves fear or avoidance of situations or places where escape might be difficult, or help might not be available in case of a panic attack or panic-like symptoms. It may lead to avoiding crowded areas, public transportation, or being outside the home alone.

f)      Separation Anxiety Disorder: Primarily diagnosed in children, separation anxiety disorder involves excessive fear or anxiety about separation from attachment figures, leading to distress when anticipating or experiencing separation.


Assignment III


Answer the following questions in about 100 words each. Each question carries 6 marks.


Q6) Biopsychosocial model of health.

Ans) The biopsychosocial model of health considers health and illness as a result of multiple interacting factors. It integrates biological, psychological, and social elements to understand health conditions. Biological factors include genetics, physiology, and medical conditions. Psychological factors involve thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and mental health. Social factors encompass cultural, environmental, socioeconomic, and interpersonal aspects impacting health. This model highlights the interconnectedness of these factors in influencing an individual's well-being and health outcomes. It emphasizes a holistic approach to healthcare, recognizing that various elements contribute to a person's health status and need to be considered for effective diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies.


Q7) Symptoms of stress.

Ans) Stress symptoms vary but commonly include physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioural indicators. Physically, stress might manifest as headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, or stomach issues. Emotionally, stress could lead to irritability, anxiety, or feeling overwhelmed. Cognitive symptoms might involve racing thoughts, memory problems, or lack of concentration. Behaviourally, stress can cause changes such as overeating or undereating, social withdrawal, or sleep disturbances. These symptoms might vary in intensity and duration, impacting an individual's daily functioning. Recognizing these signs can prompt interventions to manage stress and prevent its negative effects on mental and physical health.

Q8) Inverted -U.

Ans) The Inverted-U, also known as the Yerkes-Dodson Law, illustrates the relationship between arousal and performance. It suggests that performance increases with physiological or mental arousal, but only up to a certain point. Beyond this optimal level, further arousal leads to a decline in performance. This model implies that low arousal results in sluggish performance, moderate arousal enhances performance, and excessive arousal causes a decline. The exact point where optimal performance occurs varies based on task complexity, individual differences, and the nature of the activity. The Inverted-U signifies the delicate balance between arousal and optimal functioning in different situations.


Q9) Meditation.

Ans) Meditation involves practices that cultivate mindfulness, relaxation, and focused attention to enhance mental clarity and emotional balance. This technique aims to calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote a sense of inner peace. A heightened state of awareness can be achieved by individuals through a variety of meditation practises, such as mindfulness, transcendental, or loving-kindness meditation. Individuals who practise these practises frequently experience improvements in their ability to concentrate, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. Through the cultivation of self-awareness, the alleviation of stress, and the establishment of a more profound connection with one's own thoughts and feelings, meditation affords advantages to one's mental and physical health.


Q10) Epilepsy.

Ans) Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures due to abnormal brain activity. These seizures vary in intensity and duration, affecting sensory, motor, or behavioural functions. Causes include brain injury, genetics, infections, or structural brain changes. The seizures may manifest as convulsions, loss of consciousness, or unusual sensations. Treatment involves antiepileptic drugs to control seizures, and in some cases, surgery, or other therapies to manage symptoms. While epilepsy has no cure, proper medication and lifestyle adjustments often enable individuals to lead fulfilling lives while managing the condition. Regular medical supervision helps optimize treatment and reduce seizure frequency.

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