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BPCS-185: Developing Emotional Competence

BPCS-185: Developing Emotional Competence

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2022-23

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Assignment Solution

Assignment Code: BPCS-185/Asst/TMA/2022-23

Course Code: BPCS-185

Assignment Name: Developing Emotional Competence

Year: 2022-2023

Verification Status: Verified by Professor


NOTE: All questions are compulsory.


Assignment One

Answer the following descriptive category questions in about 500 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. 3 x 20 = 60


Q1) Discuss the nature and characteristics of emotions. Differentiate it from mood and feelings.

Ans) The nature of emotion is as follows:


  1. Every emotion is followed by a physiological reaction, such as a rise in blood pressure, a quickening of the heartbeat, a change in pulse rate, and alterations in the voice, body language, and facial expression.

  2. A good or terrible feeling goes along with emotion, and then there are physiological changes.

  3. Emotions are totally personal and arbitrary. Different people may experience different emotions in response to the same circumstance.

  4. A tripolar reaction with cognitive, emotional, and conative components is emotion.

  5. Because emotions have such a vast range, they are not age-specific. Adolescents, kids, adults, or any other living thing can experience them.

  6. Instantly, feelings intensify. However, the decline in feelings is gradual, leaving a long-lasting emotional state in its wake.

  7. Emotions fluctuate. One feeling can inspire another, and the two emotions might even merge.

  8. When someone is faced with a challenging scenario where one of his or her basic needs is challenged or unmet, emotions are typically triggered. Whatever the circumstance, whether it be actual or imagined, emotions are always involved.

  9. Emotion often lasts a very little period of time, is clearly defined as having a beginning and an end.

  10. Emotional experiences can be either pleasant or negative, such as joy, happiness, and laughter. It can also be a mixed emotion, such as the bittersweet emotions experienced when watching a child leave for the first day of kindergarten.

The characteristics of emotion are as follows:

  1. It is felt in reaction to a specific internal or external incident that causes the body to become physically aroused. As an example, your blood pressure may rise in response to learning that your girlfriend had committed an unfaithful conduct.

  2. It inspires people to do things like seek out things and activities that make them feel good and stay away from those that make them feel bad or uncomfortable. For instance, the emotion of compassion drives us to put others first (inner satisfaction) and refrain from hurting others.

  3. It is a result of our perceptions, feelings, and ideas about various things, people, and circumstances.

  4. Their level of intensity varies. As an illustration, happiness can be felt as pleasant and contented at one end of the continuum and as aroused and thrilled at the other.

  5. Depending on whether an individual views the aforementioned incident as "good" or "negative," it may be desirable or unwanted to them.


The differences between mood and feelings are as follows:



Q2) Explain the meaning and importance of self-regard. Describe the strategies to develop self-regard.

Ans) Regarding or respecting oneself is referred to as having self-regard. It is independent of other people's endorsement or guarantee. It is independent of all outside variables, including age, gender, class, caste, and race. In contrast to someone from a low caste, low social class, or living in a rural region, it may not be true that someone from a high caste, high social class, living in a metropolis, or in a bungalow will have more or less self-regard. Self-esteem is largely dependent on how we view ourselves and the value we accord to ourselves while fully appreciating all of our advantages and disadvantages.


Effective interpersonal communication is aided by self-respect since such individuals correctly comprehend their own feelings and views. They are better able to reflect on oneself, which informs how they should behave and operate in various contexts because they are evaluating both their positive and negative elements of themselves. They have confidence in their abilities and see themselves as capable of handling challenges. However, they do not perceive themselves as superior and do not perceive themselves as inferior in terms of their flaws. Regard for oneself is about respecting and accepting oneself. This solid foundation paves the way for the person to develop, branch out, and have a beneficial influence on both oneself and others. It supports psychological health and wellbeing in the process.


The strategies to develop self-regard are as follows:

Appropriate educational opportunities for the developmental phase: Self-esteem is a learned trait. As soon as a kid is born, she or he begins to create opinions, thoughts, and feelings about oneself and to build the concept of "I," "me," and "myself." During this phase, the child is significantly impacted by the experiences that result from parental behaviours, the home environment, the school environment, and the neighbourhood. Both a favourable and negative attitude toward oneself are formed as a result.


Learning opportunities during the formative period have an impact on a child's overall growth in terms of their moral, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Parents must practise nurturing parenting techniques. Given that kids spend a lot of time at both home and school, the child needs to feel loved, heard, and accepted in both settings. The child's social and emotional development is greatly influenced by the actions, comments, and expectations of important others. As a result, creating suitable learning experiences that influence a child's growth of self-respect depends greatly on parents, teachers, family members, and peers.


Self-regard comprises a variety of prerequisites, including self-awareness, self-concept, self-acceptance, self-control, self-confidence, and self-respect. These could be referred to as the many self-regarding qualities required to develop self-regard. Knowing oneself, or having self-awareness, is the first thing needed. It's important to be aware of one's thoughts, emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. It entails accurately measuring oneself using various metrics and self-assessment.

  1. Self-concept: It contains all that the person believes they possess, including as their talents, abilities, ways of thinking, emotions, and behaviours.

  2. Self-acceptance: Respecting oneself begins with accepting oneself for all of one's attributes, both good and bad.

  3. Self-control: It makes sure that one can manage their emotions, resulting in sensations of sufficiency and power.

  4. Self-confidence: One has respect for oneself when one is at ease with oneself and feels at rest in their own skin.


Q3) Elaborate on the relationship between emotions and assertiveness. How can assertiveness be developed?

Ans) The relationship between emotions and assertiveness is as follows:


Effective interpersonal communication and personal success can both be facilitated by assertive behaviour. Passivity and aggression are two extremes on a continuum that can be used to represent assertiveness. Though it is not aggressive, assertiveness is frequently mistaken for it. A non-assertive communication style known as passive behaviour is characterised by shyness, anxiety, fear, and submissiveness. The demands and requirements of others are prioritised over their own needs, desires, thoughts, and feelings by such persons who lack confidence and feel inferior.


However, aggressive behaviour prioritises one's own needs over those of others and disregards their rights. Such people don't take into account the emotions and ideas of others. Being assertive, or taking the middle road, is an effective communication strategy that addresses the need to fulfil one's own desires, take into account one's feelings, and also acknowledge the wants and rights of other people. When one is able to manage one's own emotions as well as those of others while still working toward the main goal, one is able to act with assertiveness. Such individuals will value themselves and have cordial relationships with others. The fact that they maintain a cool, collected demeanour without becoming irritated benefits both their physical and mental wellbeing.


Assertiveness be developed using the following strategies:

  1. The first step in acquiring assertiveness is becoming aware of one's emotions. In the earlier example of Nita, she needed to be conscious of the emotions and sentiments she was experiencing as well as the things she desired for her. What would I fight for if I didn't know what my thoughts and desires were?

  2. The next step in becoming assertive is to become aware of other people's feelings. By ignoring, demeaning, or putting down others, one cannot develop or find happiness. Equal regard must be shown for other people's needs and wishes. This will make it easier for people to accept your position without being offended or expressing hostility. Thus, being assertive entails balancing one's needs with those of others.

  3. observing/paying attention to the C's of assertiveness. Be confident and clear in what you want to express and keep your body language under control. Therefore, it is important to be aware of one's goals in each situation. Further, to be aware of what one is communicating to others, one must pay attention to both their verbal and nonverbal cues. One must practise speaking confidently and calmly without being emotional or irritated in order to be accepted by others. Controlling one's emotions will also enable one to think clearly and take actionable steps.

  4. Develop your forceful speaking style. Being assertive is a communication style that may not come naturally. Therefore, it is important to practise being forceful while avoiding injuring others.

  5. being attentive. One must be aware of their emotions, feelings, and actions. Knowing what one wants and how to express it to others will be made easier as a result.

Assignment Two


Answer the following short category questions in about 100 words each. Each question carries 5 marks. 8 x 5 = 40


Q4) Explain the types of emotions.

Ans) The two common the types of emotions are as follows:


Q5) Discuss the relationship between emotion, thinking and behavior.

Ans) Thoughts, behaviours, and emotions are all interconnected. Individuals interpret or analyse the situation when a situational occurrence occurs in order to make sense of it. Thoughts are one way that this manifests. What one feels or perceives as an emotion may depend on the type of thoughts one has about a circumstance. The experienced feeling, in turn, has the capacity to inspire some kind of response to the circumstance. This cycle might continue, with one's response sparking other ideas and feelings, and so on. While emotions may motivate us to take action, other factors also play a role in whether we actually do so. Behavior is influenced by the situational context, the target of an emotion, the anticipation and assessment of the outcomes of actions and prior experiences, culture, and gender.


Q6) Define emotional intelligence.

Ans) “Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.”


The phrase, which is made up of two components—emotion and intelligence—is the result of the fusion of these two seemingly disparate fields. Thinking can help make sense of and efficiently use emotions since it has the power to change emotions. It is now widely accepted that adaptive functioning and peak performance depend on the skills that make up emotional intelligence, which are concerned with recognising, controlling, and using emotions to guide good decision-making.


The ability to detect and express oneself, make and sustain social connections, overcome obstacles, and use emotional information in productive and meaningful ways are all examples of emotional intelligence.


Q7) Explain the sub-components of social awareness.

Ans) The sub-components of social awareness are as follows:


Q8) Discuss the strategies to develop self-actualization.

Ans) The strategies to develop self-actualization are as follows:


  1. Self-awareness: In order to accurately assess oneself, one must be aware of one's strengths and shortcomings, aspirations and fears, goals and impediments, wishes and dislikes, etc.

  2. Complete acceptance of oneself: One need not hide or feel embarrassed of one's flaws while promoting one's positive traits.

  3. Controlling one's emotions doesn't mean repressing them; rather, it means managing them so that you can recognise their nature and causes and take action to control the triggers that lead to their expression.

  4. Decide on your goals and be persistent in achieving them. Setting goals should be supported with persistence in achieving them despite any challenges that may arise.

  5. Finding opportunities: Regardless of how bad the situation may be, one must create a good mindset, optimism, and a hopeful outlook on the future.

  6. Developing the right mindset: There won't be any room for competition or challenges if we work to realise the full potential that resides inside each of us and receive support from those around us.


Q9) How can one develop self-control?

Ans) One can develop self-control using the following strategies:

  1. Awareness of the current emotional state: One needs to pay close attention to the emotions they are going through right now. Many times, the action has already been taken by the time we become conscious of our feelings. Decisions and actions resulting from this could be unsuccessful. So, in order to connect with one's emotions, one must be aware of their experiences and emotions in the moment.

  2. identifying the underlying reasons of the current emotional state: The second step is to determine why we are experiencing these emotions after we have focused on them. To determine what led to the emotions, it is comparable to going backward or retracing your steps.

  3. putting strategies in place to regain emotional control There are many techniques that can help us maintain emotional self-control, including taking a moment to stop both inside and outside of ourselves; adopting an internal locus of control; not holding other people or things accountable for our emotional states; maintaining a positive outlook; and planning ahead so that you can predict how your emotions will likely affect you and adjust your behaviour accordingly.


Q10) Briefly explain the five emotional competencies given by Goleman.

Ans) The five emotional competencies given by Coleman are as follows:

  1. Self-awareness: It suggests being aware of one's emotional condition, with the potential to acknowledge experiencing several emotions at once.

  2. Motivation: One of the most important traits of emotional competence is the ability to maintain motivation by controlling emotions in the face of loss or even triumph.

  3. Self-regulation: In order to preserve and improve one's functionality and effectiveness in relationships or at work, it entails being able to control and regulate one's emotional experience as well as expression.

  4. Social Awareness and Empathy: It is essential for creating strong, compassionate bonds with others and cooperating to achieve shared objectives.

  5. Social Skills: It is the capacity to engage with people in a way that is socially acceptable while also guaranteeing one's own, another's, or others' advantage as a result of the interaction.


Q11) Explain the relationship between IQ and EQ.

Ans) The mental skills required for environment selection, environment structuring, and environment adaptation are together referred to as intelligence. Academic intellectual abilities are crucial, yet they are insufficient on their own. It makes sense to investigate their combined effects on performance and achievement because emotional intelligence is the sum of the ideas of emotion and intelligence. The association between general intelligence and job performance is further strengthened or boosted by emotional intelligence, particularly when tasks are carried out in social environments involving interaction and collaboration, such as customer service, teamwork, etc. Therefore, despite the fact that cognitive and emotional intelligences are distinct from one another, they also have a close relationship in that they work together to affect success and performance.

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