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BSW-126: Social Work in Family Setting

BSW-126: Social Work in Family Setting

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2021-22

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Assignment Solution

Assignment Code: BSW-126/ASST/2021-22

Course Code: BSW-126

Assignment Name: Social Work in Family Setting

Year: 2021-2022

Verification Status: Verified by Professor


(i) Answer any five of the following questions in about 300 words each.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1. Describe the meaning of Family Life Education. (20)

Ans) "Educational concepts and experiences that influence attitudes toward family living, personal relationships, and sexual development are referred to as family life education."

The Meaning of Family Life Education

Education in family life is a large and flexible field. Under the umbrella of family life education, anything that contributes to the family's overall growth and well-being – physical, mental, emotional, economic, and spiritual – can be included. As a result, numerous disciplines, such as sociology, social work, psychology, anthropology, biology, education, and history, have roots in family life education. The program's objectives are frequently wide. Its overarching goals are to promote parental choice and the enrichment of human existence. The concept of family life education is regarded as a value-related concept. The majority of values associated to family life education are deeply ingrained in the people's socio-cultural milieu. Moral or ethical values, cultural, religious, personal, and social values are all present.

India has a long history of a close-knit family system. However, some say that the [modern] family as an institution is in peril today. Let's take a more upbeat approach. Families are not immune to the effects of rapid social and technological change, but they have shown how to transform challenges into opportunities by providing support and stability to each of their members in a rapidly changing society.

Each family has its own sense of shared family customs, shared experiences, and behavioural patterns that have been passed down through generations. We believe that developing this type of family contact and engagement is even more crucial in today's world, when so many individuals feel alone and disconnected. Technological progress often aids development, but it can also lead to a sense of depersonalization and loss of one's own identity. As a result, family life education is both necessary and relevant in today's world.

Every community has developed its own methods for preparing its younger members for adulthood over time, usually through education. Most aspects of family life education have traditionally been informal, taking place in the home, in places of worship, at work, and in everyday interactions with other people. Many ideals connected to family life education were instilled in children through stories from folk tales, epics, religious scriptures, and other sources. The secret rationale behind these is to allow youngsters to acquire or instil the proper ideals for family life in them so that they can serve as guidance for the rest of their lives.

Q3. Write a brief note on personal identity. (20)

Ans) Every youngster seeks to build his or her own identity during puberty. During this period of growth, establishing one's identity is a gradual process. It's likely that the physical and psychological changes that occur during adolescence will obstruct the process of forming a personal identity. They usually develop a strong feeling of personal identity as they mature into adults. Parents and teachers must assist and encourage their children in developing and maintaining a positive self-esteem and self-concept. Self-esteem and self-respect are inextricably linked. It is the recognition of one's self as a human being and the placement of one's self within society. This self-esteem is the foundation for a person's social development.

Sexual adjustment is an important element of a person's overall development as a mature adult. Sexual maturity assists in bringing out the greatest, most generous, and most constructive aspects of a person's life. Sex is a basic urge that ensures the survival of both the race and the individual. If sexuality does not develop properly, the entire growth and development process is likely to be harmed. Excessive sex suppression tends to limit an individual's freedom and ability to function to the point where mating and sexual fulfilment are impossible to achieve. On the other hand, too much sexual freedom might obstruct typical displays of love and mating functions, causing sexuality to revert to a childlike state. Personal and societal maladjustments might result from disturbances in sexual development.

Sex is an integral part of a person's identity. Sex isn't a thing in and of itself. It is a human being who is sexually active. There is a temptation to treat sex as a commodity at times. Instead than dealing with sex as the foundation of a person's identity, it is treated as a commodity in and of itself. The pronoun 'it' is used to refer to sexual activity: "do you want it?" "have you, had it?" When sex becomes a commodity, it is seen as something that can be bought, sold, lent, borrowed, swapped, and so on. As a person, a human being is distinct and irreplaceable. The commodification of sex has resulted in several disasters in people's lives. The healthiest attitude to sex is to see it as an integral component of a boy's or girl's unique identity.

Q4. List the major objectives of sexual health education. (20)

Ans) The major objectives of sexual health education are as follows:

Physical Aspects

Male and female reproductive systems are discussed in sexual health education. It describes the functioning of several elements of the male and female reproductive anatomy. Sexual health education introduces students to the processes of ovulation and menstruation in females, as well as the terminology and principals involved in this area. It allows students to comprehend and investigate the physical, emotional, and psychological changes that occur during puberty.

Social Aspects

Sexual health education helps teenagers comprehend the natural features of sexual development and the expressions of the sex drive. It enlightens students about the different aspects that influence the development of sexual attitudes and behaviours. It teaches people how to accept the need to manage and direct their sexual drive so that it can become a constructive force in their lives. A person can understand the value of wholesome sexual attitudes and behaviour and examine the issues associated to sex drive by receiving sexual health education.

Sex Roles

One of the ways to study and understand attitudes around sex, men, women, and youth is through sexual health education. Students can identify and analyse men's, women's, and youth's roles and expectations in the family and society. They can be aware of how child rearing practises in the home and in society effect the formation of sex roles.

Sexual health education is highly useful in identifying the numerous stereotypes that have been formed for men and women, as well as the diverse roles that men and women play. It explains how sex roles are viewed in various cultures. It helps students become more aware of stereotyped sex roles and encourages them to think about how they compare themselves to stereotypes. It aids students in gaining a better knowledge of masculinity and femininity, as well as comparing and contrasting ideas and exploring stereotyping of sex roles.

Informative Roles

Students' awareness of STDs, their causes, symptoms, effects, testing, treatment, and prevention improves as a result of sexual health education. It improves students' comprehension of STDs as a medical problem and persuades them that it is both a social and a medical issue that must be addressed urgently.

Q5. What do you mean by family life cycle and family developmental tasks? (20)

Ans) The notion of family development provides a longitudinal perspective for comparing family interactions at various stages of a family's life cycle. The age and developmental demands of the parents and children in the family may dictate these stages. The Family Life Cycle is a method of examining family life. It is founded on the detection of successive patterns across time within the continuity of family life.

The family life cycle, according to Evelyn Duvall, is divided into eight stages:

  1. Beginning Families (Stage 1) (married couples without children)

  2. Families with Children in Stage 2 (oldest child, birth to 30 months)

  3. Families in Stage III with Preschool Children (the oldest child is between the ages of 212 and 6)

  4. Families with School-Age Children (Stage IV) (oldest child 6 to 13 years)

  5. Families with Teenagers in Stage V (oldest child 13 to 20 years)

  6. Families in Stage VI as Launching Centers (from first child to last kid leaving home)

  7. Families in Stage VII in the Middle Years (empty nest to retirement)

  8. Families in Stage VIII (retirement to death of one or both spouses)

Development Tasks

A family's development task is a growth responsibility that arises at a certain point in a family's life, and successful completion leads to satisfaction and success with subsequent tasks, whereas failure leads to unhappiness in the family, social disapproval, and difficulty with subsequent developmental tasks. Family development chores are basic family tasks that are established at a specific stage in the family life cycle to develop. The goal of family life development programmes is to improve knowledge, attitudes, and skills in order to foster democratic family functioning and a healthy family ecosystem.

These objectives can be met by completing the following tasks:

  1. Development of attitudes in favour of family rights and duties.

  2. At each step of a family's life span, skill training for enriching family dynamics and development is provided in order to increase the family's interactions with its social ecology.

  3. Information on family resources, such as laws, policies, and implementation systems and services, is disseminated.

Q6. Discuss the objectives and scope of family planning services. (20)

Ans) "A way of thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily, on the basis of knowledge, attitudes, and responsible decision by individuals and couples in order to promote the health and welfare of the family, group, and thus contribute effectively to the social development of a country," according to a WHO Expert Committee.

Objectives of Family Planning

Family planning is a term that refers to procedures that assist people or couples in achieving specific goals:

  1. To avert unplanned pregnancies

  2. To bring about desired pregnancies

  3. To keep the intervals between pregnancies as short as possible

  4. To regulate the timing of births in accordance with the parent's and child's ages.

  5. To figure out how many children the family has

Scope of Family Planning Services

It is not the same as birth control, but it is more than that. According to a WHO Expert Committee, family planning include the following:

  1. The appropriate spacing of births and the limitation of the number of births,

  2. On the subject of sterility,

  3. Parenting education is important.

  4. Educating women about sexuality,

  5. Pathological problems affecting the reproductive system are screened for.

  6. Genetic consultations,

  7. Consultation and assessment prior to marriage,

  8. Counseling for couples,

  9. Performing pregnancy tests,

  10. Couples' preparation for the birth of their first child,

  11. Unmarried moms' services are provided.

  12. Providing adoption services and teaching home economics and nutrition.

These activities differ by country, depending on national goals and policies around family planning. This is how modern family planning works. Rapid population increase in developing countries is a major issue restricting their ability to improve their living standards. Limited resources, food distribution issues, a high rate of infections and infant mortality, a lack of basic sanitation, a paucity of cash, and a lack of educational facilities and job possibilities are all significant barriers to their socioeconomic growth.

"India's recent population growth, along with the pressures placed on the country's limited resources, has pushed the importance of family planning and population management to the fore." As a result, it is clear that population control can only be done by lowering the birth rate to the level required to ‘stabilize the population' in accordance with the needs of the national economy. Only by the people's recognition of the necessity for family limitation on a larger scale can this be ensured."

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