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BWEF-002: Gender Training Perspectives

BWEF-002: Gender Training Perspectives

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2021-22

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BWEF-002 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity

Assignment Solution

Assignment Code: BWEF-002//TMA-l/2021-22

Course Code: BWEF-002

Assignment Name: Gender Training Perspectives

Year: 2021-2022

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

Maximum Marks: 100

All questions have to be attempted. All questions carry equal marks. 10x10=100

Q1. What are Adult Learning and Participatory Training? Give suitable examples. 10

Ans) Adults' self-concept is important in learning: During training, assist participants in developing their own self-concept and become open to learning. We shall be addressing the needs of poor, disadvantaged women in our training because we are dealing with training in the sphere of women's development. These ladies have been fighting for their own survival for years. It's possible that they've lost faith in their own talents as a result of this never-ending struggle. They may have a low sense of self-worth. They may have lost faith in both themselves and those around them. They may believe that nothing will ever change because they haven't witnessed any change in the last few decades.

Let us look at an example of one of the local women's health worker training programmes. Because the women had not had any formal schooling, there was aggressive resistance during the first few days. "We won't be able to work in the medical field." "We are unable to read and write." "Health is a very technical subject that we find difficult to grasp." These were a handful of the feelings they had in common.

To address this, we started a conversation about their position as health-care professionals in their families. Simple questions like, "What do you do when your child gets a fever?" were asked. Which medicines do you recommend for a common cough and cold in a member of the family? What are your go-to cures for minor injuries? These questions revealed a plethora of information to the group members. The conversation process elicited the strong feeling that "We, too, can contribute." "We also have a lot of experience with health care." This permits a readiness to begin a new learning process.

Adults learn what fascinates them: Always design a training programme around the learners' needs.

Adults learn what is relevant to their lives and valuable to them: Never develop a training programme that isn't relevant and valuable to the participants' lives. For example, if you go to a hamlet to teach women about HIV/AIDS prevention, you might discover that the disease isn't seen as a pressing issue. Their issue could be a diarrhoea outbreak. Do you believe women will be responsive to your HIV/AIDS messages? Instead, if you offer training on how to treat and prevent diarrhoea, many of them will volunteer because they believe they will be able to apply what they have learned instantly in their daily lives. This training could lead to HIV/AIDS instruction in later sessions.

Adults learn from their previous experiences: Always value, respect, and integrate the experiences of learners throughout training to make learning more relevant and exciting. Build new knowledge on top of the participants' existing knowledge.

Learning may be an emotional experience for adults: learning is more than memorising facts or principles. It's also about how you react emotionally. For example, we host "gender sensitivity" training sessions for women. Many participants, as women, have been used at various periods of their lives as a result of the patriarchal nature of society, whether they were aware of it or not. They relate to their secondary standing in society through various training/learning scenarios. These features are easily accepted on a logical level, but it takes time to be convinced on an emotional one. Anxiety and dissatisfaction result as a result of this.

Q2. Explain the qualities of good trainer. 10

Ans) The qualities of good trainer are as follows:

Basic Knowledge of the Subject

The training process comprises allowing trainees to gain new skills and knowledge. The trainer is expected to provide these to the trainees. As a result, nothing can replace a fundamental understanding of the subject. You may have amazing language skills or be very familiar with all of the training skills and procedures for conducting a training programme, but you will fail in all of your endeavours if you do not have a basic understanding of the subject.

Ability to Communicate/Communication Skills

Knowing something isn't enough; you also need to be a skilled communicator who can convey the content in a clear and engaging manner, utilising simple rather than sophisticated terminology. Your vocabulary should be understandable to the target audience, and you should be able to communicate at their level. You should also use positive reinforcement to motivate your students and make them feel competent.


When your trainees may ask you a question while you're instructing, you should stick to your directions. You don't want to be stopped when you're teaching, and you're eager to get your task done. This attitude will not benefit the students; you must clear their doubts and ensure that they comprehend the prior step/point before moving on to the next. To make your trainees feel comfortable, you may need to repeat a step/point twice, thrice, or four times. As a result, be patient and don't be offended if your instructions are interrupted or trainees appear to be taking a long time to comprehend.

Relaxed Attitude

The pupils will be apprehensive of the trainer if he or she is very serious when teaching. They are uncertain and uneasy. Relax, smile frequently, and keep teaching. Learners will be calmer if you are easy-going and open to questioning and conversation. They will be able to ask questions and get answers to their doubts, resulting in improved learning and comprehension.

Excellent Observation

A trainer of trainers must be watchful and vigilant, in addition to being relaxed. When speaking to the students, you must look around the room, examine each student, and see what is going on among the students. You can tell whether or not students are paying attention to you by their facial expressions. You should also be aware of the group's requirements. Provide a different method or plan if the trainees require it. They could be bored, fatigued, or uneasy. As a result, you can either halt or provide a change of action to make them more comfortable.


Do your best to assist your students and communicate with them in a friendly manner. Assist them in calmly resolving their difficulties and resolving any conflicts that may develop. The values you portray will be picked up by your students.

Grooming is Important

When it comes to establishing a good example, you should always be well groomed and dressed simply yet neatly. Clean habits, such as having clean nails, nicely combed knotted hair, and acceptable light make-up, are also requirements for a trainer. You should also carry oneself with grace and confidence.

Democratic Methodology

Allowing independence to your trainees is essential in a democratic teaching method. Allow students to speak, ask questions, express their opinions, and discuss concerns. They should even be encouraged to express opposition in response to other members of the group's points of view if they strongly disagree. This could result in a new perspective or a new method of doing things.

Sincerity and Honesty

Be open and honest with your students. Nobody is flawless or has all the answers. So, if you're not sure about a notion, admit it, and tell the students that you'll check/consult a book and then let them know or clear up their questions. However, do not leave it at that. Consult a book or an expert, then explain or convey the information when the occasion arises. This demonstrates your sincerity as well as your honesty.

Organizing and Facilitating Skills

Finally, you must demonstrate that you are an effective organiser, which means that you must be able to create, execute, and assess a programme. There may be times during the training when you must adjust your strategy and choose from a variety of possibilities. You'll have to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of all the possibilities and choose and follow the best one. To put it another way, you'll need to be a competent decision maker as well in order for your plan to succeed.

Q3. Discuss the ways of managing a training session. 10

Ans) Managing the training process involves tasks such as the following:

  1. Choosing appropriate method;

  2. Briefing the group about the task at hand;

  3. Dividing a group into small groups;

  4. Maintaining control/ discipline;

  5. Monitoring the discussion by keeping the group on the right track;

  6. Debriefing-recapitulating;

  7. Summarizing; and

  8. Suggesting/ providing inputs.

Planning the Administrative Details

The training curriculum for the training programme has already been extensively planned. Now is the time to double-check to see if any last-minute arrangements or improvisations are required, such as tables, seats, equipment, and educational materials. You may need to make some last-minute tweaks to satisfy the unique needs of each participant group. Otherwise, you could have to make do with a shoddy room arrangement, a poorly ventilated or illuminated space, or instructional tools that don't work throughout the session.

Organizing the Training Programme

At the start of each training programme, the exciting task for you as a trainer is to transmit ideas and information in such a way that the trainees fully comprehend and enthusiastically accept it. You may have everything planned and ready for the training programme by now, but you may need to improvise, modify techniques, and deviate from the fundamental concept on occasion.


Only if you maintain track of your progress against your strategy will it be useful. You must control the speed of the seminar/session and ensure that the conversation is relevant and valuable once you have set the time to be allocated to each training session. You must maintain control over the trainees in an inconspicuous and flexible manner.

Strategies for maximising available time include introducing optional work tasks or group discussions ahead of those scheduled for such an event. Address some interesting questions in general with a group conversation and keep it going until the time period is up.

Both the beginning and the end of the show should be on time. A hilarious storey or anecdote can be used to initiate a conversation. The first session may begin with an ice-breaker game to help the trainees get to know one another, or at the very least, introductions. You can explain to the trainees that starting late implies finishing late because there is a lot of information to cover (without being threatening or offensive). At the start of each day, "synchronise" watches is a subtle tactic. Also, don't say something like "please return in 15 minutes." "Please return by 1.15 p.m.," say.

Subject Matter Control: The subject matter control is the next point we'll look at. Although you should and would promote full and open involvement in group discussions as a trainer, you must keep the session moving. A extended group debate irritates or bores certain participants, and it undermines your leadership role.

Individual Behavior Control: As you execute the training course, issues of individual behaviour will arise from time to time. You may encounter issues such as the joker, a trainee who is always looking for a chuckle from the group. Then there's the wall flower, who refuses to take part. The unchanging facial expression of a silent sphinx can be misinterpreted as anger, detachedness, or stupidity. You may even encounter active antagonism at times. You should rouse the dozers and daydreamers by asking a direct inquiry. Direct inquiries will also assist shy members in participating. To be a great trainer, you must keep the trainees under control while allowing them to participate as much as possible.

Organizing the Participants: Split the groups into sub-groups or teams and assign them projects or sub-themes to work on. You can also assign seats to sub-groups so that they can sit in groups and not spend time when working together. Subgrouping trainees is quite beneficial in a training programme; thus, plan ahead of time and implement it once the programme begins.

Monitoring and evaluation are critical components of every training programme. Before you begin monitoring or reviewing, you should explain what you're doing and why you're doing it. For multi-day courses, divide the entire group into small groups and have them convene at the conclusion of each day to discuss the day's events and report back to the facilitators. This allows you to gauge the student's level of understanding and keep the course tuned appropriately. Participants have some power over the process as a result of this. A training programme does not come to a close until all of the activities have been evaluated. Do not rely just on the assessments completed by participants at the end of the programme, which are aptly referred to as "Smile Sheets."

Evaluations of Participants: This usually happens shortly after the training sessions in the training room. The trainees are requested to complete a survey about the quality of the presentation and the topic matter. This type of assessment can aid the trainer in developing future programmes. The programme may need to be altered as a consequence of participant feedback.

Q4. Describe the methodologies in training individual women. 10

Ans) So far, you've learned about the numerous factors to consider while doing a one-on-one training session. We'll now concentrate on the numerous approaches that can be used to carry out the training programme. Consider the case of a hand pump mechanic. When she is called upon to repair a table, she brings her tools, abilities, and, of course, her knowledge of the work she will be performing in the village hand pump's maintenance. Similarly, as a trainer, you should be well equipped with your tools (methods) and expertise once the requirement for delivering the training programme has been determined.

The training objectives, available resources, and, most significantly, the individual trainees, their availability, aptitude, and other factors all influence method selection. There is no single strategy that can be used to all learners in a given situation. The method of choice will differ greatly from one person to the next and from one situation to the next. You may be compelled to employ a combination of strategies on a regular basis. The trainer's goal should always be to make the training programme as effective as possible. Some approaches that could be employed while training persons are given below. You'll notice that we've also mentioned the methods we use to train groups to give you a better notion of what we're talking about.

Q5. What is Gender Training? Explain the frameworks of Gender training. 10

Ans) Gender training aims to increase awareness of the differences between sex and gender. It underlines how society and societal conventions are to blame for women's poor status. In other words, there is no biological basis for women to be treated as second-class citizens. Furthermore, gender training aims to improve women's life choices by encouraging them to develop their talents, skills, and self-esteem.

Gender Training Frameworks

We can define three types of gender training frameworks in order to address strategic and/or practical gender interests:

  1. Gender roles framework (GRF)

  2. Triple roles framework (TRF)

  3. Social relations analysis (SRA)





What is it

Adding gender to existing planning approaches is known as grafting.

Women's practical requirements originating from reproductive, productive, and community management roles are addressed through gender planning technique.

Methodologies for gender planning that "aim to locate the problem in the planning and training process itself."

What it achieves

Women are being trained for programmes that will be executed for women who are currently working.

Women are being trained to address their immediate felt demands, such as practical necessities.

In the planning and training process, women are being trained to be active agents of change.

What it does not achieve

Does not address inequities in the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and commodities.

Doesn't inspire women to think about their own roles, connections, or networks.

Doesn't take into account long-term strategic goals in changing women's standing.

Limits itself to addressing the actual requirements of women.

As gender trainers, we must develop and administer training programmes that address women's practical requirements while also improving their status and quality of life. Following that, you should try to meet their specific strategic interests and needs.

Gender analysis can assist us in comprehending:

  1. Gender inequalities in terms of men's and women's activities, resource access and control, limits faced, and rewards and incentives received.

  2. The effects of an intervention, such as a training programme, on men and women.

  3. There is a need to design precise action or implementation strategies.

Q6. Name at least five non-projected training aids/media. Discuss them with suitable examples. 10

Ans) The five non-projected training aids/media are as follows:

The Chalkboard

The chalkboard is likely the most affordable and extensively utilised visual aid. A decent chalkboard is at least 4 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 8 feet tall, and is composed of slate or glass. It is grey, black, or green in colour and is mounted on the wall at a height of at least 3 – 4 feet. We now have white boards on which we write using multi-coloured pens. These can be removed using a moist cloth. These boards are composed of wood with an extremely smooth surface. Any colour appears distinct and good against white.

Meta Plan Charts

The meta plan system is a highly useful visual learning aid. It is made up of lightweight pinboards, such as thermocol boards, a brown sheet to cover the boards, thick cards in various shapes and colours, and pins to secure the cards to the boards. Felt tip markers, glue, and extra sheets of chart paper for cutting cards are also required in case the cards run out during the session.

The attendees are asked questions about the session's subjects. On cards, the participants are instructed to write down their thoughts. When it comes to writing, there are some guidelines to follow. The cards are gathered and shuffled to maintain anonymity. The cards are then read aloud and fastened on the boards. As a communal mirror, it aids in quickly gathering the trainees' ideas.

Pinboards are often the same size as blackboards. The number of pin boards needed is determined on the number of trainees, themes, and other factors. Each session or theme usually necessitates two to three boards. You will need nine boards if you have 24 participants divided into three groups and three sessions in which you plan to use the meta plan system. It provides flexibility and room if one side of the board is utilised for one session and then the board is turned and used for the next session.


You've probably seen a few graphs. Are they similar to or different from a poster in terms of message presentation? Relationships and changes are depicted in charts. They are graphical and graphic representations that are used to tabulate a vast amount of data or demonstrate a progression. They are visual symbols that summarise, compare, or perform other useful functions in the explanation of subject matter. Symbolized images is a term used to describe charts.

Charts can be used to explain complex and often boring subject matter in a fun and efficient way. They also make data and statistics more understandable and fascinating. They display or compare changes in part size and positioning. As a result, charts can assist in the development of a concept and the improvement of one's grasp of the subject. They can also be employed for reinforcing and recapitulation.


You're all familiar with the images that are regularly used in training. One of the most diverse and efficient visual aids is pictures. The old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" exemplifies the importance of visuals in education. However, this is only true if the image conveys the message, you want it to - to the individuals you're attempting to reach. There are several types of images, such as black and white, photographic, coloured, hand drawn, printed, and so on.

Printed Material for Training

Participants are given reading material as part of their training. Quizzes, exercises, questionnaires, and other methods can be used to assess their knowledge and attitude. All of these training tools are beneficial because of the following:

  1. They can be used as reference materials; they reinforce learning; quizzes and exercises promote participant engagement; and questionnaires aid in the understanding of participants' prior knowledge and attitudes throughout sessions. In gender sensitization seminars, for example, current women's conditions can be phrased as questions, and participants can be invited to think about and fill in their replies.

Many of these items are already available, such as in libraries, stores, residences, and training centres. The content should be appropriate for the programme. Examine the print quality. Retype the material if the print is faded. If necessary, additional material for the programme can be prepared.

Q7. Explain the use of audio in training. 10

Ans) The audio medium, as a foundational resource, is powerful in and of itself, and can serve as a "lifegiver" for other forms of media. We often take sounds for granted, but the fact is that no matter how complex an image is, it only comes to life when it is accompanied by its auditory component. The following are some of the advantages of audio materials:

  1. Assisting the trainer in incorporating a real-world element into the training setting.

  2. Providing cost-effective, high-quality teaching materials that fit most budgets.

  3. Software and hardware are both readily available. This functionality is especially useful for systems that serve learners in rural locations.

  4. It's simple to duplicate and distribute.

  5. Can be easily corrected, edited, or even wiped.

  6. The complete set-up is portable, and it may also run-on batteries.

  7. It is simple and convenient for the learner to use.

  8. Important teaching/learning points can be recorded for later review.

  9. Audio notebooks and audio tutorials have a lot of potential.

  10. Language learning can be given the best possible support.

Sound recording

You've probably seen a cassette/tape being played on a music machine. The machine is a cassette player, and this is an audio recording. The players can be powered by either electricity or a battery. The transistorised tape player and/or recorder is a low-cost, convenient, and portable device. Whatever type of tape player is used, keep in mind that audio recordings have a lot of educational value. A tape is a little plastic roll that is placed into an audio cassette. Magnetic recording can be used to make recordings on plastic tapes. The plastic tape has a shiny surface on one side. The "Backing" is what it sounds like. The functioning side, on the other hand, is tedious. This is where the recordings are made.

Audio tape and cassette recordings can be used to offer motivation, convey information, evaluate verbal messages, drill, and practise, or teach a skill on their own. Audio recordings can be used as a study aid and source of knowledge when combined with worksheets and other materials. Recordings can also be used in print or projects in conjunction with graphics. The advantages of audio recordings over radio are numerous. These can be started, halted, moved forward, and backward depending on the learner's needs.

It's crucial to listen carefully, but you can learn at your own pace by playing the audio as many times as you want. As a result, if the trainer and the learner want to learn from a recording, they won't be distracted while listening, and the discussion can continue concurrently. However, much as with radio, pre-planning for the topic and a final discussion are required because both provide a direction for listening and help summarise and systematise learning.

Audio Tapes: You can purchase pre-recorded audio tapes on the market, borrow them from libraries, or make your own. Tapes are best developed by a professional in a studio, but if you have the necessary recording equipment (a tape recorder), you may record this essential information on a tape while sitting in a room or even outside in a calm location.

  1. Audio cassettes help to: Increase audience attention and interest in the song's, drama's, or story's message.

  2. Keep the message in your mind for a longer time, especially if it's in the shape of a song (through repeated singing of the song).

Tape/cassette recordings can be:

  1. It can be played over and over again and will endure a long time.

  2. Programmes can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours and can be recorded in any language.

  3. To correct errors or make modifications, the recording was erased and re-recorded.

The potential for using this medium effectively in both formal and non-formal education is immense, yet it is not fully realised.

Q8. Describe how is community campaigns organized? 10

Ans) On the one hand, community campaigns are highly important and significant techniques of launching and inviting people to participate. They are, on the other hand, important in interacting with a big audience in order to begin and sensitise them to change. These are also excellent strategies for organising the entire community, erasing age, gender, class, and caste barriers, as well as educational, political, and religious hurdles to access. We must remember that in order to organise the community for good change, we must remove or reduce barriers to resources and opportunities, as well as negative or hostile attitudes, behaviour, and practises. To be successful in fostering increased access to resources by boys and girls in a family, community members and NGOs must collaborate.

The most significant aspect of the communication inputs is the content. It should be appropriate for the women's socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. In terms of the message, it should be neutral and unbiased; it should promote equity, justice, and positive attitudes, values, and roles without harming anyone's feelings or place in the family or community. This is a delicate process that must be handled with care. It is necessary to make a constructive change without causing noticeable disruption in power structures.

However, effort must be taken to redistribute authority, duty, and accountability in the family and community for the common good. The approval of opinion leaders and those in positions of authority is, of course, required for change to take place. Common concerns and the common good are sparked by a sense of commonality. This needs to be promoted among opinion leaders and community networks so that the process of sensitization and support for bringing about desired changes is already underway.

It's critical to keep in mind that we're dealing with real people, genuine situations, and a long-standing social order. Any change that is promoted will pique the curiosity of someone somewhere. Confrontation should be avoided at all costs. It is vital to make little, modest reforms that do not disrupt big authority structures. We must emphasise authority and responsibility redistribution. In terms of beliefs and attitudes, priorities, role models, and responsibilities, those in positions of authority must be reoriented. To have a beneficial impact on self and others, we must step forward and promote the desired change slowly, steadily, gradually, and subtly into their life. It is critical to reorganise lives and priorities, as well as everyone's roles, beliefs, attitudes toward good behaviour change, and sharing of rights and obligations within families and communities.

Q9. How does one plan training sessions? Discuss with suitable examples. 10

Ans) In planning training sessions we need to consider:

Timing and Duration: When constructing a training programme, the time and duration of the sessions are already set. Anyone who desires to conduct the session should take these factors into account. Are you able to explain why? Yes, you are correct. Knowing the start and end times of your session can help you plan it, prepare support materials, decide how much information to include, what methodology to use to deliver it, and how to assess trainee comprehension. To make your message obvious, you can play a video or just talk a related TV show; use a chart to illustrate things or stick to the chalkboard; send trainees out to the field or use a model.

Another key component in the above-mentioned judgments is the trainees' prior experiences and expertise. When new information is connected to what the trainees already know or have experienced, it becomes far more meaningful. It also assists the learner in recalling new information from the trainees' repertoire (previously learned facts). You'll need to arrange the venue once you've settled on an adequate plan for the session.

Content: The content of a training session is determined by the session's objectives in the context of the overall training programme, as well as the participants' backgrounds.

Preparing and Disseminating Background Materials: Background materials are often printed and distributed to trainees for future reference. As a result, these include basic facts, processes, guidelines/precautions, and so on. The notion is that the trainer has critical information in his or her possession and can refer to it as needed. Do you have any background information on the topic of "Making women's labour visible"? Background materials are sometimes in the form of exercises or games that are practised during training sessions. Participants are asked to list five measures to avoid discrimination against girls, for example. It could also be brief case studies on current issues that are printed on paper and distributed among trainees. They can be asked to read them, reflect on them, and analyse the data in order to develop conclusions. Following that, the application can be discussed.

Identifying Resource Persons: You are aware that the availability of resource persons is critical for any training session. They must be capable of effectively managing the session and achieving the session's and training's objectives. When scheduling sessions with them, make sure the timing and length of the session are appropriate for them. It's also crucial to figure out how they'll get to the place. Materials for the session must be arranged if they are required.

Methods: Before deciding on an appropriate training method, there are numerous aspects to consider. Training objectives, content, trainers, and practical requirements are among them.

Some important points to keep in mind include:

  1. The size of the group will determine which candidates are chosen.

  2. Ascertain that information reaches each learner using the chosen technique.

  3. The mode of communication you choose should be effective in attaining the goals you've established.

  4. Make sure that you, as the trainer or resource person, have sufficient experience with the method you've chosen; for example, if you're doing a demonstration, make sure you've had enough practise with it.

  5. Make sure the strategy encourages learners to participate actively. (Interaction is required.)

  6. Ensure that you have the necessary facilities, arrangements, and resources to effectively employ the approach you've chosen. For example, if you're doing a presentation, you'll need things like a demonstration table, equipment, materials, and so on.

Choosing Training Aids/Equipment: After the content has been consolidated and the approaches have been considered, it's time to choose appropriate training aids and equipment for the training sessions. You've already seen how these can help you better reach out to your target audience and gain a better understanding of them. Any training programme includes both theoretical and practical components to acquire basic understanding and abilities. Theoretical aspects can be addressed through lecture demonstrations, which primarily involve providing information to raise understanding about a problem and its solution. This creates the groundwork for gradually increasing the intensity of the session before moving on to the practical sessions.

Choosing Feedback Collection Methods: It's time to put a training session together after it's been planned and a schedule made up. But how will you know if the session is going according to plan? Is the programme successful in reaching the intended audience? What further can be done to make the programme better and more effective? It's critical to keep an eye on the programme as it's being implemented to look for any deviations and take corrective action. Information feedback is a vital tool for monitoring the program's progress and ensuring that the sessions run smoothly.

Choosing Evaluation Techniques: We perform training in order to transform the learners. We may choose to find out what these changes are on a daily, mid-course, or post-course basis, and whether they satisfy the training objectives. These are referred to as daily evaluations, mid-term evaluations, evaluations immediately following training, and evaluations at predetermined intervals following the training programme. You must understand that the evaluation processes and tools used in any session are determined by a variety of criteria.

Q10. What are the various types of reports? Explain them with suitable examples. 10

Ans) Essentially reports are of three types:

Data-based Reports

This type of report provides the event's what, when, where, and who. This implies it provides a comprehensive summary of the complete training programme. This will primarily cover the training objectives, content, methodology, the number of learners who attended the training programme from which organisation, resource individuals, and follow-up plans. This type of report is typically written for donors and interested readers for administrative objectives. This is frequently used by participants to remind them of the training.

Process-based Reports

The main focus of this report is a thorough continuous flow of the procedures as they unfolded during the training. The focus is on the training itself, how the content develops in connection to the training approach, participants, responses, interactions, and outcomes, among other things. The narrative report explains the principles on which the training was based, the sequence of contents covered on each day of the training programme, the issues that arose from each content area, the methods used for each session, the detailed processes that were generated, trainee responses, and the changes made to the design and why they were made, among other things. This type of report is most valuable for learners who want to reflect and learn, as well as trainers who run comparable training programmes in the field. Such reports are frequently written in the language of the training field, and they can serve as useful case study material for others.

Analytical Reports

An analytical report essentially shows the why and how of the training — it is evaluative in nature and pools analytical data to create connections, focus on issues and patterns, and highlight what worked, what didn't work, and what the likely reasons for the same are. The report is presented in an action-reflection format. It is beneficial not only for the trainers who are providing the training to learn what they have learned, but also for action-researchers in the field of training, as well as other trainers, to learn about new thinking and experiments and apply it to their own work.

It is critical that you understand which type of training report is appropriate for a specific training programme. Reports frequently combine the various forms indicated above, depending on who is writing them, for whom they are being written, and for what goals they are being produced. There is no way for a single report to accurately capture the full training process. A report's major focus can be on the process. The report's first section might be data-driven, with analytical input provided throughout. Attempt to improve your skills to write a unified report. This is always beneficial in terms of assimilation and is helpful for future reference, both by you and others.

What would you do if you were preparing a report for ladies who were illiterate? In such instance, keep track of all the sketches and models you utilised during each session. Make great use of these illustrations in your report. As a result, anytime the ladies view the report, they may relate what they've learned.

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