If you are looking for MSW-001 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Origin and Development of Social Work, you have come to the right place. MSW-001 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in MSW, MSWC, PGDCOUN courses of IGNOU.
MSW-001 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: MSW-001/TMA/2022-23
Course Code: MSW-001
Assignment Name: Origin and Development of Social Work
Year: 2022-2023
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
Answer all the five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Answers to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each.
Q1) Trace the development of social work practice in Middle East Countries.
Ans) Where Africa, Asia, and Europe converge is in the Middle East. The Middle Eastern nations are all a part of Asia. In this area, the spread of social work as a profession contrasted with the fight for independence and the abolition of colonialism. Both the incorporation of Northern texts, theories, and methods into the social work training, as well as the influence of professionals who studied in the North and returned to work as practitioners and educators, contributed to the influence of the Northern social work model in the Middle Eastern countries.
In these nations, discussions about indigenizing social work and reorienting social work toward Islam have taken place over the past few decades, and numerous initiatives have been taken to make those discussions a reality. The imperative is to localise social work within Muslim communities, integrate Islamic theology, and combine worldviews relevant to empirically proven social work knowledge. Anyway, in order to comprehend the development of the social work discipline and to get a true sense of the situation, we will now concentrate on some of the Middle Eastern nations.
Turkey: On October 29, 1923, a portion of the Ottoman Empire which had just collapsed as a result of World War I, became the modern Republic of Turkey. In 1928, it became a secular state; in 1934, women were granted the right to vote; and in 1946, a multi-party system was put into place. In 2001, the population of Turkey was estimated to be 66,493,970, with the majority of Muslims being Sunni. Less than 0.1% of people worldwide identify as Christians. Turkish is the official language of Turkey. In 2001, 96.7% of adults in the population were literate. 47 infant deaths per 1,000 live births is the infant mortality rate. For men and women, respectively, the life expectancy at birth in 2001 was 68.9 and 73.7 years.
Social services have a long history in Turkey. Some professional groups and the Ottomans' religious foundations took an active part in this area. The state institutions have assumed control of the social services concerns since independence in 1923. With its provisional directorates spread across 80 provinces, the General Directorate of Social Services and Child Protection Agency is currently Turkey's largest social assistance provider. Through various types of houses, day-care facilities, adoption hubs, and other facilities, it offers assistance to kids, teenagers, elderly people, people with disabilities, and families.
The United Nations was successful in expanding social services in developing countries as a result of World War II. In order to conduct a meeting with the representatives of the pertinent ministries, governmental, private, and non-profit organisations, United Nations Social Welfare Consultants travelled to Turkey in 1957. The need for educating social workers to conduct a wide range of social welfare tasks was discussed during the meeting. The "Dutch Technical Aid Commission" and the "Fulbright Commission" sent consultants and teachers to the academy. The initial group of students finished the programme in 1965.
In 1983, the Social Service Academy merged with Hacettepe University, earning the title "School of Social Work." The students then had the opportunity to pursue social work master's and doctoral degrees for the first time in Turkey. Since 2001, a year of English training has been added, making the four-year undergraduate programme a five-year programme. In 2002, the Baskent University in Ankara, a for-profit institution, established a Department of Social Work within the Faculty of Health Sciences. The five-year course was continued. To meet the demand for social workers in the nation, a lot more colleges and universities need to establish departments of social work.
There is some discussion as to whether social work in Turkey requires specialisation. The strategy that is most appropriate for the nation is the generalist one. It adopts a comprehensive, systematic approach to solving social and human problems and, in actuality, concentrates on the trouble spots. Both Hacettepe University and Baskent University's social work programmes are solely focused on the generalist method.
Q2) Define Community Work. Explain how community work is relevant to social work with relevant examples.
Ans) Between community organisation and community development, there is a shared conceptual underpinning. Both endeavour to make it possible for individuals to lead happy, fulfilling lives. Both share a fundamental belief in the ordinary man and his ability to exercise his right to self-determination within the confines of society. Both place equal emphasis on encouraging people to take care of themselves and find solutions to their own difficulties. To accomplish these objectives, community development professionals and community organisers both act as agents.
Despite these similarities, community organisation and development should not be viewed as interchangeable terms. They do cross over. While community organisation is concerned with adjusting social welfare needs and resources in cities, states, and countries as well as in villages, community development is thought of as the promotion of all aspects of life, including social, economic, and cultural, in rural as well as urban places.
Importance of Community Work
Community development could benefit from the unique knowledge and abilities that social work has acquired to deal with people, groups, and the community. In his essay "Community Development: A Challenge to the Social Worker," Charles I. Scotland underlined the special contribution that social workers may make to the process of community development. He underlines how social workers' interest for individuals differs significantly from that of all other professions.
A social worker's concern is based on knowledge of the dynamics of human behaviour. The social worker goes to great lengths to pinpoint the root of the problem. They also have exceptional talent for inspiring others to use their abilities to strive toward objectives they have set for themselves. His expertise in working with both individuals and groups is greatly influenced by his knowledge and expertise, particularly in the community organisation process. He has created a method for addressing the many needs and issues that affect an individual by giving them the ability to make the best use of their own resources as well as those of the community.
Social work abilities crucial for teamwork and recreation can significantly contribute to community development. These abilities would make it easier to gain the support of young people and women and help them discover satisfaction in group activities as a first step toward taking on some communal responsibility. Administration is a further area where community organisations might contribute. The goal of community development can be attained through the administration of programmes and the establishment of a sound organisational structure.
Social welfare administrators who have received training in community organising will be able to establish community development programmes using democratic principles. It appears that community growth and community organisation are strongly associated in social work. The creation of social programmes, information gathering, community surveys, analysis, planning conference techniques, community operation, consultation, and negotiation, organisation, interpretation, project administration, and recording are all aspects of community organisation and community development that are universal.
Q3) Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each:
a) Write about the social work intervention in the Southeast Asia with special reference to Malaysia.
Ans) In the nations of this region, the social work profession addresses the major problems. The primary issues with social welfare in Indonesia are disasters and poverty. Numerous other issues exist in addition to these, including juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, violence, broken homes, street children, child abuse, neglected children, elderly people, the handicapped, slum regions, etc.
Nongovernmental groups and other resources are frequently invited by the government to assist those in need or during emergencies.
In Malaysia, kids are given a lot of attention. The theory is predicated on the conviction that the progress made by the current generation will usher in a generation that is self-assured, accountable, and caring. In addition to children's difficulties, sex education for teenagers in schools is another area of assistance. The Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Women and Family Development are focused on sex education in schools due to a rise in unmarried teen pregnancies, baby dumping, and the number of people afflicted with sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
In the Philippines, families in need, abandoned children, battered women, needy adults, out-of-school kids, people with disabilities, and the elderly are just a few of the key concerns that need to be focused on or addressed. Already, the nation has a number of intervention programmes in place, including Community Based Integrated Programmes with a national scope, Protective Services for Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Groups, Disaster Management, and a few Piolet Projects.
One of the developed nations in Asia is Singapore. The social work profession has succeeded in providing several solutions and overcoming many challenges in the areas of housing, health care, education, family, and community life. The social workers' primary areas of attention should be on the family, schools, workplace, community, as well as the health, industrial, and rehabilitation fields, in order to improve quality of life.
Over the past few decades, Thailand's development has been unbalanced. Poverty and public corruption are the key problems that social work intervention focuses on. Vietnamese society is socialist. Several current and past socialist nations are introducing social work as a career today. Being an American perspective, however, it is more difficult to integrate social work into the changing social framework of these socialist nations.
b) What are the advantages of offering social work through the Distance Mode.
Ans) Understanding the benefits of remote learning can help teachers and educational institutions conduct more effective remote learning experiences and persuade students to take part in these activities. Of course, this does not negate the fact that there are benefits to face-to-face instruction as well. The degree of flexibility offered to students by distant learning is perhaps its most immediately apparent benefit. Remote learning typically necessitates more independent study, and since most contemporary distance learning is online-based, students have more discretion over when and where they study.
Modern education technology, or EdTech, gives academic institutions and teachers the option to deliver classes using synchronous or asynchronous techniques. While asynchronous methods enable the establishment of a learning resource centre, synchronous approaches include things like video conferencing and digital whiteboarding.
The elimination of the natural geographic barriers associated with in-person teaching techniques is another of distance education's major benefits. Academic institutions can now offer instructional services to practically everyone with a dependable internet connection, regardless of location, when outfitted with the most recent EdTech. They have the ability to create a wider, more varied learning community as a result.
The removal of these geographic restrictions provides pupils with more chances for learning. For instance, students can now enrol in remote learning courses offered by prestigious academic institutions abroad. Because classes may be scaled up and down more simply and because they can be presented once, recorded, and reused, distance learning programmes typically cost academic institutions less. Since these savings are frequently distributed to the students, online courses are frequently more economical than traditional ones.
Q4) Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each: 5x4
a) Briefly write about social work in a 'Postmodern Society'.
Ans) There has been an increase in uncertainty as we move past the disputes and disillusionment that marked the end of the "modern" age. Understanding that no nation can act in isolation and that the framework of social welfare and social services must be established properly has become increasingly evident as a result of globalisation. Globalization has been perceived by many nations outside of Europe and North America as a form of colonisation of their native cultures and traditions, a "Westernization" or even an "Americanization".
Although the issues are undeniable, Pugh and Gould believe that the causes are not always obvious. The discussion centres on how much societies are convergent or similar to one another. Globalization is the expansion of relationships across social, political, cultural, and economic boundaries to the point where national identity and even geography are less important in deciding how a given society functions. Both advantages and disadvantages of this homogenization exist.
Pugh and Gould identify numerous recurrent themes among individuals who have a more circumspect and unfavourable perspective on how globalisation affects the planning, financing, and legitimacy of welfare programmes, including the following:
Power of the world's forces.
Uniqueness in history of globalisation.
Reduction in national-state powerd
Old arrangements that have been broken up.
Negative effects on economic security and living standards in general.
There is pressure to cut welfare spending in order to compete.
b) Discuss the challenges in the development of the Global Standards in Social Work Education.
Ans) The growth of the social sciences in academia, expanded responsibilities for women outside the house and in charity organisations in particular, and the requirement that such organisations have a trained workforce were the driving forces behind the establishment of social work education in the U.S. Since the 1970s, the Council on Social Work Education, which was established in 1952, has developed standards for accrediting bachelor's and master's level social work programmes. Although schools of social work frequently offer courses or specialisations in meso and macro level social work like community development, administration, and policy and planning, the majority of students indicate an interest in direct mental health, child welfare, family services, and school social work.
The balance between universal and culturally specific principles had to be carefully and respectfully considered while developing international standards for social work education and training. The process of indigenization is incorporated when these recommendations are tailored to certain nations. Professional social work educators and practitioners must think about how culturally sensitive evaluations will improve instructional methods and content to best suit their circumstances as they reflect on the reality and requirements of their own countries.
c) While conducting social work research what are the ethical safeguards that needs to be considered?
Ans) The following ethical guidelines must be taken into account when doing social work research:
Confidentiality: Protecting the privacy of all research participants by preserving their anonymity is one of the researcher's main responsibilities. All of the participants' names are known to the researcher, who makes a vow not to share them with anybody outside the research team. Researchers frequently give their responders new names to keep their identities a secret.
Informed Consent: Prior to the research process, the research participants are asked for their informed consent. The informed consent form should primarily address the following topics: the general purpose of the study; the researcher's qualifications and organisational affiliation; the research participant's expectations; assurances of confidentiality; and identification of any potential adverse effects the study may have on the participants.
The researcher's top priority is to protect the respondents during the entire research process. These worries are numerous and intensified if any of the individuals are weak or could suffer emotional or physical injury.
By including them in some or all of the study's subsequent steps, researchers can strengthen the protection of their subjects in novel ways. To do this, use participatory action research. While designing the study, some researchers even consult the potential participants.
Regarding the study's report, there are critical considerations. Investigations must be conducted into any misrepresentation of the study's conclusions and any actions that jeopardise its objectivity.
d) List the essential components of Social Action. Explain anyone.
Ans) The essential components of Social Action are as follows:
Although one or more people may take the initiative to start an activity, group action is necessary for it to be successful, which starts with raising awareness.
It is necessary to structure the action and give it a movement's form. To achieve this, it is necessary to organise, prepare, and share analysis with the people.
Participants' motivation should come from their faith in societal change.
Actions should follow recognised democratic norms and respect each citizen's constitutional rights.
The group's authority derives from the members' assent.
Social action is motivated by group compulsion.
All social action must start with social justice. Social action should be motivated by the idea that social justice demands it and that the particular circumstance calling for change is one that cannot be left to the gradual process of gradualism or voluntary acceptance.
Q5) Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Any two difference between social welfare and social work.
Ans) Although social work and social welfare are two distinct ideas, the phrases are occasionally used synonymously and interchangeably due to some confusion surrounding their goals and methods. Devine did not differentiate between social work and social welfare when he wrote about social work in 1922. There are clear differences between the two, which can be summed up in the following ways:
The practise of social work is one that requires professional training, and social workers are highly skilled professionals. Employees engaged in welfare activities are not always trained in welfare provision, and social welfare is a programme rather than a professional activity.
The field of social work is evolving and becoming more formalised. in which social welfare is still an unofficial practise.
b) Any two common features of social work discipline in the Pacific Countries.
Ans) Numerous social workers or organisations launched various types of schemes or initiatives in various nations. Numerous initiatives to raise the level of living were launched in the Asia-Pacific region. International programmes and projects were launched on a worldwide scale to help developing nations. The same things also started in Australia. In social work, Australia is also becoming more powerful. They developed a variety of programmes to improve everyone's standard of living and education.
c) Importance of Human Relationships as a value of social work
Ans) Social workers are aware that interpersonal relationships are a crucial means of bringing about change. Social workers involve people in the helping process as partners. In a deliberate endeavour to promote, restore, preserve, and enhance the wellbeing of individuals, families, social groups, organisations, and communities, social workers work to develop interpersonal relationships. In social work, human relationships are crucial. This is because we collaborate closely with members of the community and experts from diverse fields. Even though it sometimes goes unrecognised, human relationships are the foundation of the social work profession and our capacity to have an influence.
d) Objectives of Social Work
Ans) The social work objectives are listed here:
To aid in the integration of social work theory and practise into students' learning.
To help students establish their professional social work principles and values.
For students to experience using systems principles at both the micro and macro scales.
For pupils to exhibit positive critical thinking abilities.
To give students the chance to show that they comprehend social work ideas and the modified procedure that is based on systems theory.
Give students the chance to volunteer in social work settings.
For students to become proficient in professional, effective oral and writing communication.
To help students create their professional identities and careers.
e) Advantages of Group Work
Ans) The benefits of groups are numerous. They encourage membership-based members to communicate and mix with one another. Sharing experiences and considering them in groups is a great way to learn new things. Members gain leadership, tolerance, and the ability to share, adapt, and cooperate through group experiences. A lot of change results from this kind of group facilitation of learning. Members can practise new behaviours in their groups and eventually learn to employ them on their own. Collective action is encouraged by the nature of group work, and the group is where members learn to organise, comprehend, and start it.
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