If you are looking for ASP-01 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Secretarial Practice, you have come to the right place. ASP-01 solution on this page applies to 2021-22 session students studying in BDP, BTS courses of IGNOU.
ASP-01 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: ASP-01/TMA/2021-22
Course Code: ASP-01
Assignment Name: Secretarial Practice
Year: 2021 – 2022
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions:
Q1. A private secretary is expected, if necessary, to sacrifice his personal interest for his employer.” Elaborate. (20)
Ans) “A private secretary is expected, if necessary, to sacrifice his personal interest for his employer.”
The position of private secretary is a high-ranking position in a corporation or public organisation, usually in the form of a managerial post or above. In the United States, this position is referred to as a corporate secretary. Specifically, the Private Secretary is responsible for the efficient administration of a firm, notably in terms of maintaining compliance with legal and regulatory standards and ensuring that decisions made by the Board of Directors are carried out. However, despite the title, the position is not one of clerical or secretarial work in the traditional sense.
Typically, a private secretary is hired by a notable citizen or government official in a high-ranking position, and he is expected to put his personal interests aside and even bear responsibility for his employer's mistakes with dignity. He must "thoroughly understand his employer and be familiar with his likes and dislikes, habits, tastes, hobbies, topics of interest and all other details concerning his life and background." Because he is employed for personal work, he must first "understand and become acquainted with his employer." When a person decides to hire a private secretary, he or she is looking for someone to whom he or she can delegate some of his or her own routine duties, who can take care of his or her own responsibilities whenever he or she is required to do so in his or her absence, to whom he or she can confide private and confidential matters, and who will be sufficiently tactful so as to maintain cordial relations with everyone with whom he or she will come into contact. When an individual hires Although the work of a private secretary is varied and intriguing, it is also frequently difficult and time-consuming at times. Most of the time, there are no set duty hours, and he or she must deal with the constantly fluctuating mood and temperament of the workplace.
The private secretary is responsible for ensuring that an organisation complies with all applicable legislation and regulations, as well as informing board members of their legal responsibilities. When a corporation's name is listed as a representative on legal papers, private secretaries are responsible for ensuring that the company and its directors comply with all applicable laws. It is also their obligation to register and communicate with shareholders, to guarantee that dividends are paid, and to preserve corporate documents, such as director and shareholder lists, annual financial statements, and other financial records related to the firm.
In many countries, private firms have traditionally been required by law to nominate one individual to the position of private secretary, who is also typically a senior member of the company's board.
Q2. What do you mean by a meeting? What are the requisites for conducting a valid meeting? Also explain the importance of the agenda of a meeting. (5, 10, 5)
Ans) A meeting can be defined as a gathering of two or more people for the purpose of mutual interaction, debate, legislation, or other similar activities. The objective of a meeting may be the sharing of ideas or the debate of a common problem, the decision on a course of action or the creation of policies that are acceptable to the majority, the framing of rules or the passage of legislation and the lie. The term "meeting" can be defined as the gathering or assembly or getting together of two or more people for the purpose of transacting any legitimate business of common interest in a specific sense.
Requisites of a Valid Meeting
Organizational meetings are held to debate and transact key items pertaining to the organization's goals. Meetings are held in order to accomplish these goals. In order to provide legal hacking and credibility to the choices made during meetings, several key characteristics of a valid meeting have emerged throughout time. These needs include:
The following are the requirements that must be met:
The meeting must be lawfully convened by a person or authority who has been duly authorised to do so.
A formal notice should be issued, in accordance with the bylaws, to all individuals who are authorised to attend and/or vote at the meeting; otherwise, the meeting's proceedings will be void. Public meetings are called by placing advertisements in newspapers, posters, or notifications in conspicuous locations. Individual notice is neither essential nor possible in such instances.
The gathering must be legal. It must take place in a legitimate location, that is, one that is not forbidden by law, for a lawful purpose, that is, one that is not contrary to public policy or interest, and it must not disrupt public peace and order.
According to the meeting's rules and regulations, a quorum must be present. For a lawful transaction of business, a quorum is defined as the presence of a minimum number of approved participants. Where a quorum is not specified, at least two people must be present. The quorum must be present not just at the start of the meeting, but also during the duration of it. Quorum, on the other hand, is not required for any public meeting.
A chairman must always preside over the gathering. In the case of a public meeting, the conveners or people in attendance pick the chairman. In the case of registered bodies, the chairman is appointed in accordance with the norms and regulations of the organisation.
The meeting's proceedings must be governed by the law that governs the particular meeting.
It is necessary to keep a proper record of the meeting's proceedings. The minutes of the sessions should be properly drafted, signed, and confirmed according to the rules.
Importance of an Agenda
The agenda's goal is to provide members with information about the topics that will be covered at the meeting. In this way, members have the opportunity to think ahead about the business that will be transacted as well as to prepare themselves with all important information in order to participate in a productive discussion. It makes it easier for the chainman to recognise the significance of maws and to determine how much time he should dedicate to each item. Finally, the items on the agenda serve as the basis for the creation of the minutes of the meeting's activities.
The agenda for the meeting is an important aspect of the notice and is typically included with it. Instead, the words "agenda will follow" may be placed in the notice, and later on, a comprehensive agenda as well as any supporting materials (if any) may be sent sufficiently before the meeting is held.
Q3. (a) Explain the arrangement of a business letter. (10, 10)
Ans) Business letter is one which appears well, is written well and communicated well. It includes several parts, and the parts are arranged in sequence to make it meaningful. Arranging various parts in proper sequence in letter is called structure of business letter. The structure is heading, opening, body and closing:
The purpose of the heading is to convey a positive image of the firm. Because it contains the company's address, phone number, and, in many cases, email address. That information does not need to be repeated in the body of the message. If the action statement requires direct communication, the writer may offer a direct phone number or personal email address.
Inside Address
The entire name and business address of the person to whom the letter is addressed are two spaces below the date. If the letter is being sent to a group of people, all of their names and addresses should be included. The address on the letter and the address on the envelope should match. Inaccuracies might have legal ramifications, much as the date. The address on the letter is assumed to be the address to which it will be delivered. A recipient can argue that the letter was also mailed to the wrong address if it is incomplete or inaccurate.
The letter must mention the full date. Any agreement can be obtained as to the date. Because the letter is a formal document that is frequently utilised in contract situations, the date is crucial. Although the letter is normally dated the same day it is mailed, any agreements mentioned in it are regarded effective as of the date of the letter.
The opening
The formal greeting always begins with "Dear," then the person's title and last name, followed by a colon. This necessitates determining if the receiver should be addressed as Mr., Ms., or Dr. Attempts to avoid the problem (e.g., replacing the title with the recipient's first name, using impersonal phrases like "Mr. Or Ms." or "To Whom It May Concern," or omitting the salutation entirely) show that the writer doesn't know the recipient at all, resulting in a "form" letter, a much less formal document.
Context Paragraph
The context of the letter will be established in the opening paragraph, which will include a clear declaration of the letter's topic and goal. Avoid using flowery language to begin a letter that does not communicate what the message is about. Beginning a letter with an inquiry about the family or a statement on current weather or world events is appropriate in social letters or letters designed for businesses.
Content Paragraphs
The information pertinent to the letter's goal is usually included in one to three paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a particular subject or idea. To provide clarity, it is appropriate to separate the content into parts using internal headers or bullets in the case of a long letter that spans numerous pages.
Action Paragraph
The letter's closing paragraph contains a clear, unambiguous description of the action that the writer will do, whether asked by the reader or expected by a third party.
A conventional closing line, usually "sincerely" or "respectfully," finishes the letter two spaces below the final paragraph. "Cordially," "best wishes," or "regards" could be used as a closure if the situation calls for it.
A four-line space below the close allows for a written signature, followed by the sender's complete name and the full business title on the next line. A business letter's signature indicates that the writer accepts responsibility for keeping any promises made. Even when the sender and recipient are well acquainted, a full signature is required.
When writing on behalf of a team or department, type the group's actual name right above the team's representative's typed signature.
Q3. (b) Write a letter to the supplier complaining about the supply of defective goods.
The Manager Sales,
Expo Machinery Limited,
8, R. K. Puram,
New Delhi-110008.
December 20, 2021
Sub: Supply of Defective Refrigerator
Three months ago, I purchased a 165-litre Kelvinator refrigerator from your Delhi Branch, which is located at 302, Deep Sikha, 8, R. K. Puram, New Delhi, and has chassis number 1212 M-10128859. I received the refrigerator in good condition. I'm sorry to have to call your attention to the fact that the refrigerator in question has a problem and is therefore not functioning properly.
The most serious flaw is that it does not cool down adequately. It's possible that its compressor has developed a flaw or that it has a fundamental manufacturing defect. Furthermore, cockroaches, ants, and other pests gain access to it through its gaskets and contaminate the food that is kept inside. As a result, I'd like to suggest that you dispatch one of your mechanics to inspect the refrigerator in question as soon as possible. If there is a significant manufacturing flaw, I would propose that the entire piece be replaced, or at the absolute least that the compressor be changed and the other defects fixed.
I am looking forward to having your mechanic come out as soon as possible and replacing the refrigerator.
Thanking you,
Sincerely Yours,
Shyam Tandon
Q4. Distinguish between the following: (4X5)
Q4. (a) Motion and Resolution
Ans) In the meetings of an organization's board of directors, the words "move" and "resolution" are frequently used and heard. These are annual gatherings that are used to propose initiatives and make decisions. The truth is that these two words are diametrically opposed and should not be substituted for one another.
Simply explained, motions are requests for the members of the meeting to debate on the topic at hand. Directors make motions that, more often than not, require a "seconder" before the board may debate the topic and vote on a resolution. Furthermore, it is not necessary to submit a motion in writing; it can be done verbally.
A resolution, on the other hand, is a motion passed by the members of the board of directors at a meeting. A resolution is created when a motion is passed by a majority of the members present and voting. It is a formal act that is carried out and is binding on the members of the board of directors.
A motion is a suggestion made by a meeting participant, whereas a resolution reflects the board's collective opinion.
In general, not all motions can lead to resolutions, but all motions lead to resolutions.
In general, a motion can be made orally, whereas a resolution must be written down and documented.
Q4. (b) Attendance and Quorum
Ans) The presence of quorum is the most critical criterion for the conduct of my meeting after convening it through adequate notification. Quorum refers to the number of members who must be present at a meeting in order for the company's business to be transacted. There can be no meeting if there isn't a quorum. Any resolution passed in the absence of a quorum is null and void.
For a lawful transaction of business, a quorum is defined as the presence of a minimum number of approved participants. Where a quorum is not specified, at least two people must be present (as it is impossible for one person to constitute a meeting). The quorum must be present not just at the start of the meeting, but also during the duration of it. Quorum, on the other hand, is not required for any public meeting.
Q4. (c) Report and Precis
Ans) The difference between report and precis as nouns is that report refers to a report in all senses, whereas precis refers to a short or abridged statement or point of view.
A report is a type of writing that is organised around identifying and examining issues, events, or results that have occurred in the physical world, such as occurrences within an organisation or findings from a research inquiry.
These occurrences can also be related to events or situations that have been identified in a body of literature. A report tells the reader about all pertinent topics in a straightforward and objective manner. At its most fundamental level, report writing has three characteristics: a pre-defined framework, independent parts, and achieving unbiased conclusions.
A summary is what Precis Writing is. It is a compression exercise. A precis is a brief summary of a passage written in as few words as feasible. A precis should include all key facts from the original paragraph so that anyone reading it may understand the original passage's main concept. In precis writing, one must be objective and maintain the passage's thesis without omitting vital details.
Q4. (d) Money Order and Postal Order
Ans) Money Order
A money order is an order from one post office to another to pay a specific amount of money to the person mentioned on the order. The’ remitter' is the individual who sends the money, while the 'payee' is the person who receives it.
The remitter purchases a money order farm from the post office and presents it to the post office window along with the money to be transferred and the remittance fee. The remitter receives a receipt from the post office. After collecting the addressee's signature in acknowledgment of the cash, postal authorities pay it to him. The sender receives the signed receipt. The sender can also write short messages in the space provided for this purpose on the money order form.
Postal Order
Postal orders are a different way to send money. They're a type of bank draught in which one post office instructs another to pay the value of a postal order to a certain person. People regularly utilise postal orders, sometimes known as postal money orders, to send money inside envelopes. When crossed, they resemble cheques, but when uncrossed, they are as good as cash. This is due to the fact that a crossed postal order must be put into the recipient's bank account, whereas an uncrossed postal order can be cashed by anyone.
Q5. Write short notes on the following: (4X5)
Q5. (a) Amendment
Ans) An amendment is a change to a motion's terms that is proposed. Before the motion is submitted to a vote, any member can suggest changes to the original motion, such as adding, removing, or substituting words, figures, names, or other terms. An amendment is not meant to be a replacement for the original motion, but rather to improve it. Furthermore, an amendment to a motion should not be mistaken with an amendment to a statute or a current resolution.
A formal or official change to a statute, contract, constitution, or other legal instrument is known as an amendment. It is derived from the verb amend, which meaning to improve. Parts of these agreements can be added, removed, or updated through amendments. They are frequently used when it is preferable to alter an existing document rather than writing a new one. The amending process is limited to the legislative branch.
Q5. (b) Company meetings
Ans) A company meeting, like any other gathering of people, entails the gathering of two or more people to do any authorised business. Directors and shareholders should meet as often as necessary for the appropriate operation of a Meetings company's business and take decisions on pertinent subjects after thorough discussion. In summary, a business must hold meetings in order to run properly, and meetings are critical in the decision-making process. The shareholders, who are the company's owners, must have the opportunity to debate the company's affairs and exercise their rights over the company's current activities and future.
Q5. (c) Public relations in a company
Ans) Publicity is communication directed towards the general public in order to create a favourable impression and improve public relations. Management's tools for promoting corporate activity include publicity and public relations. These are intertwined and interdependent in many ways. Effective publicity leads to improved public relations, which in turn leads to more useful publicity for the organisation and its activity. As a result, these instruments must be utilised with caution because there is a risk that they can backfire, for example, poor publicity can sabotage public relations and vice versa.
Q5. (d) Postal services
Ans) A postal service is a method of transporting mail (letters and packages) from one location to another. The Post Office's primary role is to deliver mail and other postal services. In most cases, mail is sent in envelopes or via inland letters and post cards. Rates for these services are adjusted on a regular basis. If a letter is sent unpaid or insufficiently paid, it will be returned to the sender.
At the moment of delivery, penal fees are collected from the addressee.
Postal services all across the world work together to allow mail to flow between countries. Letter carriers deliver the mail to each address at the destination. Many letter carriers walk or use small mail trucks to deliver their mail.
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