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BLI-225: Communication Skills

BLI-225: Communication Skills

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2023-24

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Assignment Solution

Assignment Code: BLI-225/AST-1/TMA/ Jul.23- Jan.24

Course Code: BLI-225

Assignment Name: Communication Skills

Year: 2023-2024

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

I) Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each.


Q1) What is communication skill? Explain the role of communication skills in library services.

Ans) Communication skills encompass the ability to convey and receive information effectively through various channels, including verbal, written, and non-verbal means. These skills are essential in fostering clear understanding, building relationships, and facilitating efficient collaboration.

In the library service literacy and ion skills play a pivotal role in delivering quality service, promoting information literacy, and creating a conducive environment for patrons.


Verbal Communication: Librarians and library staff engage in verbal communication with patrons through interactions such as reference interviews, assistance at service desks, and conducting instructional sessions.

Verbal communication skills involve articulation, active listening, and the ability to explain complex concepts in a way that is easily understandable. Clear and concise verbal communication is crucial for providing accurate information, answering queries, and offering guidance on library resources.


Written Communication: Written communication skills are vital for drafting clear and informative written materials, including emails, library guides, manuals, and promotional materials. Librarians often communicate through written channels to provide instructions, announce library events, and share important information with patrons. The ability to convey ideas accurately and coherently in writing enhances the overall effectiveness of library services.


Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal communication, which includes body language, facial expressions, and gestures, is integral in creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere within the library. Librarians and staff use non-verbal cues to convey approachability, attentiveness, and professionalism. Non-verbal communication also plays a role in understanding patrons' needs and adapting service delivery accordingly.


Interpersonal Communication: Interpersonal communication skills are essential for building rapport with library patrons and colleagues. Librarians need to be approachable, empathetic, and responsive to the diverse needs of library users. Effective interpersonal communication fosters a positive relationship between library staff and patrons, contributing to a supportive and user-friendly library environment.


Instructional Communication: Librarians often engage in instructional communication when conducting workshops, library orientations, or information literacy sessions. Effective instructional communication involves the ability to present information clearly, engage learners, and adapt teaching methods to diverse learning styles. Librarians with strong instructional communication skills contribute significantly to patrons' information literacy development.


Digital Communication: In today's digital age, librarians communicate through various online platforms, including email, social media, and virtual reference services. Digital communication skills encompass the ability to navigate digital tools, respond promptly to online queries, and use technology to enhance library services. Librarians proficient in digital communication contribute to the library's online presence and accessibility.


Role of Communication Skills in Library Services:

a)     Reference Services: Effective communication skills are essential for providing reference services. Librarians need to understand patrons' queries, ask clarifying questions, and convey information in a way that is comprehensible to the user.

b)     User Education: Communication skills are crucial for conducting user education programs, workshops, and instructional sessions. Librarians need to communicate complex concepts, research methodologies, and database usage effectively to enhance patrons' information literacy skills.

c)     Customer Service: Libraries thrive on positive interactions with patrons. Strong communication skills contribute to excellent customer service, fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for library users.

d)     Conflict Resolution: Libraries may encounter conflicts or challenges. Effective communication skills enable librarians to address concerns, resolve conflicts, and maintain positive relationships with patrons and colleagues.

e)     Promotion and Advocacy: Librarians need to promote library resources and services. Communication skills are crucial for creating promotional materials, delivering persuasive messages, and advocating for the value of libraries in the community.

f)      Team Collaboration: Within the library setting, effective communication is essential for collaborative projects, teamwork, and coordination among library staff. Clear communication ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding library initiatives and goals.


Q2) What are the barriers to listening? Explain how to overcome the different barriers to listening.

Ans) Listening is a crucial component of effective communication, but several barriers can impede one's ability to listen actively and attentively. Understanding and overcoming these barriers is essential for improving communication skills.

a)    Physical Barriers:

Solution: Minimize physical distractions by choosing a quiet environment for communication. Ensure that both the speaker and listener are comfortable and eliminate external disturbances.


b)   Noise and Environmental Distractions:

Solution: Choose a quiet setting, close doors, or windows to minimize external noise, and turn off electronic devices. Active listening requires a focused environment.


c)    Preoccupation or Mental Distractions:

Solution: Practice mindfulness and be fully present in the moment. Avoid multitasking and set aside time for focused listening. Acknowledge and set aside personal concerns during the conversation.


d)   Biases and Stereotypes:

Solution: Be aware of personal biases and consciously strive to overcome them. Approach each conversation with an open mind, free from preconceived notions. Actively challenge stereotypes to foster unbiased listening.


e)    Lack of Interest:

Solution: Cultivate genuine interest in the speaker's message. Remind oneself of the importance of the information being conveyed and its relevance to the conversation. Show curiosity and ask questions to deepen engagement.


f)     Emotional Barriers:

Solution: Manage personal emotions to avoid emotional interference with listening. Acknowledge emotions, but do not them overshadow the speaker's message. Develop emotional intelligence to navigate conversations effectively.


g)   Cultural and Language Differences:

Solution: Be attentive to cultural nuances and language variations. Ask for clarification when needed and strive to bridge cultural gaps through respectful communication. Learn about different communication styles.


h)    Assumptions and Jumping to Conclusions:

Solution: Suspend assumptions and avoid prematurely forming conclusions. Listen actively to the entire message before responding. Seek clarification to ensure accurate understanding.


i)     Judgmental Attitude:

Solution: Cultivate a non-judgmental mindset. Recognize that everyone has a unique perspective and experience. Approach conversations with empathy and an open heart, avoiding premature judgment.


j)     Overemphasis on Detail:

Solution: While details are essential, avoid becoming overly fixated on minor points. Focus on the main message and key ideas. Summarize periodically to ensure alignment in understanding.


k)    Information Overload:

Solution: Prioritize information and focus on the most critical points. Take breaks if needed and practice active listening techniques, such as summarizing, to enhance comprehension.


Overcoming Barriers to Listening:

a)     Active Listening Skills: Develop active listening skills, including paraphrasing, summarizing, and asking clarifying questions. Demonstrate engagement through verbal and non-verbal cues.

b)     Empathy: Cultivate empathy to understand the speaker's emotions and perspective. Reflecting empathy creates a supportive environment that encourages open communication.

c)     Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to stay fully present during conversations. Minimize mental distractions and focus on the speaker's words and intentions.

d)     Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to the speaker, confirming understanding and addressing any misunderstandings. This promotes a two-way communication flow.

e)     Cultural Competence: Develop cultural competence by learning about different cultures and communication styles. Respect diversity and adapt communication strategies accordingly.

f)      Remove Physical Barriers: Choose quiet environments for communication, free from physical distractions. Create a conducive setting for focused listening.

g)     Avoid Interrupting: Refrain from interrupting the speaker. Allow them to express their thoughts fully before responding. This demonstrates respect and attentiveness.

h)     Clarification: Seek clarification when in doubt. Ask questions to ensure a clear understanding of the message. This prevents misunderstandings.

i)       Open-Mindedness: Approach conversations with an open mind. Be willing to consider different perspectives and ideas without immediately dismissing them.

j)       Training and Development: Invest in training programs that enhance listening skills. Workshops and courses can provide tools and techniques to overcome listening barriers.

k)     Reflection: Reflect on personal listening habits and identify areas for improvement. Regular self-assessment contributes to ongoing growth as an effective listener.


Q3) Explain interpersonal skills. Justify why interpersonal skills are important in life?

Ans) Interpersonal skills refer to the ability to interact and communicate effectively with others. These skills are crucial for building positive relationships, fostering teamwork, and navigating various social situations. Interpersonal skills encompass a broad range of capabilities, including communication, empathy, active listening, conflict resolution, and collaboration.



a)     Verbal Communication: The ability to express ideas and information clearly through spoken words.

b)     Non-Verbal Communication: Understanding and using body language, facial expressions, and gestures to convey messages.

c)     Active Listening: The skill of fully concentrating, understanding, and responding to a speaker. It involves providing feedback and asking relevant questions.

d)     Empathy: The capacity to understand and share the feelings of another person. Empathy fosters deeper connections and mutual understanding.

e)     Conflict Resolution: Effectively addressing and resolving conflicts or disagreements in a constructive manner. It involves negotiation, compromise, and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

f)      Collaboration: Working cooperatively with others to achieve common goals. Collaboration involves valuing diverse perspectives and contributing to group success.

g)     Emotional Intelligence: Recognizing, understanding, and managing one's own emotions, as well as being attuned to the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence contributes to effective interpersonal relationships.

h)     Problem Solving: Analysing challenges and developing solutions in a collaborative manner. Problem-solving skills are essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving shared objectives.

i)       Adaptability: The ability to adjust to new situations, people, and environments. Being adaptable contributes to ease in social interactions and navigating changes.

j)       Assertiveness: Expressing one's thoughts, needs, and feelings openly and respectfully. Assertiveness is crucial for effective communication and setting boundaries.


Importance of Interpersonal Skills:

a)     Effective Communication: Interpersonal skills are fundamental for clear and effective communication. Strong communication skills enable individuals to convey ideas, share information, and express themselves coherently, fostering understanding among people.

b)     Building Positive Relationships: Interpersonal skills form the foundation for building positive and meaningful relationships. The ability to connect with others, show empathy, and establish rapport contributes to harmonious interactions.

c)     Teamwork and Collaboration: In both personal and professional settings, collaboration is essential. Interpersonal skills facilitate effective teamwork by promoting open communication, trust, and a collective focus on goals.

d)     Conflict Resolution: Conflicts are inevitable, but interpersonal skills empower individuals to handle conflicts constructively. By understanding diverse perspectives and using effective communication, conflicts can be resolved amicably.

e)     Leadership: Leadership requires strong interpersonal skills. Effective leaders inspire, motivate, and communicate with their teams. They also exhibit empathy, active listening, and the ability to build consensus.

f)      Career Advancement: In the workplace, individuals with strong interpersonal skills often advance in their careers. Employers value employees who can collaborate, communicate, and navigate professional relationships effectively.

g)     Customer Service: In customer-facing roles, interpersonal skills are paramount. The ability to understand customer needs, address concerns, and communicate effectively contributes to exceptional customer service.

h)     Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence, a component of interpersonal skills, is linked to personal and professional success. Individuals with high emotional intelligence can navigate social complexities, manage stress, and build positive relationships.

i)       Enhanced Self-Awareness: Developing interpersonal skills involves self-reflection and awareness. As individuals enhance their understanding of themselves and others, they contribute to a more harmonious and interconnected community.

j)       Personal Well-being: Interpersonal skills contribute to personal well-being by fostering positive relationships and reducing social isolation. Strong social connections are linked to improved mental and emotional health.


Q4)“Social skills learning improves students; communication with peers and adults, improves cooperative teamwork, and helps them become effective, caring, concerned members of their communities.” Justify the statement.

Ans) Social skills learning plays a pivotal role in the holistic development of students, fostering improvements in their communication with peers and adults, enhancing cooperative teamwork, and shaping them into effective, caring, and concerned members of their communities. This statement holds merit through various educational, psychological, and societal perspectives.


Enhanced Communication Skills: Social skills learning encompasses verbal and non-verbal communication, equipping students with the ability to express themselves clearly and empathetically. When students develop effective communication skills, they can articulate their thoughts, share ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations with both peers and adults. This enhanced communication fosters a positive and inclusive social environment within educational institutions.


Improved Peer Relationships: Social skills learning facilitates the development of interpersonal skills such as active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution. These skills are instrumental in building positive and supportive relationships with peers. Students who can understand and connect with their classmates are more likely to form lasting friendships, experience a sense of belonging, and contribute to a healthy social atmosphere in schools.


Cooperative Teamwork: Social skills learning emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration. As students acquire skills like cooperation, compromise, and effective problem-solving, they become valuable team members. This is particularly crucial in academic settings where collaborative projects and group activities are prevalent. Students who have honed their social skills contribute positively to group dynamics, ensuring the success of collective endeavours.


Development of Empathy: Cultivating empathy is a fundamental aspect of social skills learning. Students who can understand and share the feelings of others are more likely to engage in prosocial behaviour. Empathetic individuals are not only supportive friends but are also attuned to the needs of their community. This heightened sense of empathy contributes to the creation of a compassionate and caring school environment.


Effective Conflict Resolution: Social skills learning equips students with conflict resolution strategies. In any community, conflicts are inevitable, but individuals with strong social skills can navigate disagreements peacefully. By fostering a culture of understanding and compromise, students contribute to a harmonious environment where conflicts are addressed constructively, minimizing disruptions.


Responsible Community Members: Beyond the school environment, social skills learning installs a sense of responsibility and concern for the broader community. Students develop an understanding of their role as citizens and recognize the impact of their actions on society. Socially skilled individuals are more likely to engage in community service, volunteerism, and civic activities, demonstrating their commitment to the well-being of the community.


Academic Success and Career Readiness: Effective communication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills are not only essential in school but are also critical for success in future careers. Employers value individuals who can collaborate, communicate ideas, and work effectively in diverse teams. Socially adept students are better prepared for the challenges of the professional world.


Positive Behavioural Outcomes: Social skills learning is associated with positive behavioural outcomes. Students who possess strong social skills are less prone to behavioural issues such as aggression or social withdrawal. They contribute positively to the overall school culture, creating an environment conducive to learning and personal growth.


Building a Culture of Inclusivity: Social skills learning promotes inclusivity by fostering an environment where diversity is valued. Students learn to appreciate differences, recognize individual strengths, and collaborate with peers from various backgrounds. This inclusive culture contributes to a sense of unity within the school community.


II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each.


Q1) Explain the importance of verbal communication skills.

Ans) Verbal communication skills play a crucial role in interpersonal interactions, professional success, and overall personal development. The importance of these skills cannot be overstated, as effective verbal communication goes beyond mere conversation and influences various aspects of life.

a)     Clarity of Expression: Verbal communication allows individuals to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and feelings with clarity. A person with strong verbal communication skills can convey complex concepts in a straightforward and understandable manner, avoiding misunderstandings and confusion.

b)     Effective Interpersonal Relationships: Building and maintaining positive interpersonal relationships hinges on effective verbal communication. The ability to express oneself clearly, actively listen, and respond appropriately fosters understanding and connection with others. This is fundamental in personal relationships, friendships, and professional collaborations.

c)     Career Advancement: In the professional realm, verbal communication skills are highly valued. Clear and persuasive communication is essential in job interviews, presentations, team meetings, and negotiations. Individuals who can articulate their ideas convincingly are more likely to advance in their careers and take on leadership roles.

d)     Conflict Resolution: Verbal communication is a key tool in resolving conflicts. The ability to express concerns, actively listen to others' perspectives, and negotiate solutions contributes to a harmonious and productive work or personal environment. Effective communication can prevent misunderstandings from escalating into serious disputes.

e)     Enhanced Public Speaking: Public speaking is a valuable skill in various fields. Whether giving a presentation, participating in a debate, or leading a discussion, strong verbal communication skills are essential. Confidence and clarity in public speaking contribute to a persuasive and influential presence.

f)      Educational Success: In academic settings, verbal communication is integral to the learning process. Students who can articulate their thoughts and engage in discussions demonstrate understanding and critical thinking. Effective verbal communication also facilitates positive interactions with teachers and peers.

g)     Expressing Emotions: Verbal communication allows individuals to express their emotions and feelings. This is crucial in personal relationships, where the ability to communicate one’s, emotions foster empathy and connection. Expressing oneself verbally can contribute to emotional well-being.

h)     Negotiation and Persuasion: Verbal communication is a powerful tool in negotiation and persuasion. Whether closing a business deal, convincing others of a particular viewpoint, or seeking compromise, the ability to articulate ideas persuasively is a valuable skill.


Q2) Explain what the important points are to be kept in mind while preparing a resume.

Ans) When preparing a resume, it is crucial to create a document that effectively highlights the qualifications and experiences.

Clarity and Conciseness: Ensure that resume is clear, concise, and easy to read. Use bullet points to highlight key achievements and responsibilities.

Contact Information: Include latest and updated contact information, including a professional email address and a phone number.


Consider adding a brief objective or summary that highlights career goals and qualifications.

a)     Relevant Skills: List relevant skills that align with the job anyone is applying for. This can include both technical and soft skills.

b)     Work Experience: Detail work experience in reverse chronological order. Focus on achievements and quantify the impact where possible.

c)     Education: Highlight the educational background, including degrees, institutions, and graduation dates.

d)     Achievements and Accomplishments: Display specific achievements and accomplishments rather than just listing duties. Use metrics to quantify the impact.

e)     Keywords: Incorporate keywords from the job description to pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and enhance visibility.

f)      Tailor for Each Job: Customize the  resume for each job application by emphasizing the most relevant experiences and skills.

g)     Formatting: Choose a clean and professional format. Use a consistent font and maintain a balance of white space for readability.

h)     No Personal Information: Exclude personal information such as age, marital status, or social security number to prevent potential bias.

i)       Proofread: Eliminate grammatical errors and typos by thoroughly proofreading the resume. Consider seeking feedback from others.

j)       Appropriate Length: Keeping the resume length appropriate. For most professionals, one to two pages is sufficient.

k)     Use Action Verbs: Start each bullet point with a strong action verb to convey a sense of accomplishment and impact.

l)       Include a Professional Summary: For mid-career or senior professionals, consider including a professional summary that provides a snapshot of career’s highlights.


Q3) Explain the importance of presentation skills.

Ans) Presentation skills play a crucial role in effectively communicating ideas, information, or messages to an audience. The importance of presentation skills extends across various domains, including professional, educational, and personal settings.


a)     Clarity and Understanding: Presentation skills help ensure that information is conveyed clearly and comprehensibly. A well-structured presentation enhances audience understanding of the subject matter.

b)     Engagement and Retention: Engaging presentation skills captivate the audience's attention, fostering better retention of the content. Visual aids, effective storytelling, and interactive elements enhance engagement.

c)     Professional Image: Strong presentation skills contribute to a positive professional image. Confidence, articulate expression, and a polished delivery create a favourable impression on colleagues, clients, or stakeholders.

d)     Career Advancement: In professional settings, individuals with strong presentation skills are often viewed as effective leaders. This can lead to career advancement opportunities, as the ability to present ideas persuasively is highly valued.

e)     Effective Communication: Presentation skills go beyond verbal communication; they encompass non-verbal cues, body language, and visual aids. Mastering these aspects enhances the effectiveness of communication.

f)      Influence and Persuasion: Effective presenters can influence and persuade their audience. Whether in sales, marketing, or leadership, the ability to articulate ideas convincingly can lead to successful outcomes.

g)     Educational Impact: In educational settings, presentation skills are vital for teachers and students alike. Teachers can deliver engaging lessons, while students can effectively present their research or projects.

h)     Confidence Building: Developing presentation skills contributes to increased self-confidence. The ability to address an audience confidently and handle questions boosts self-esteem.

i)       Time Management: Effective presentations require good time management. Presenters must convey key points within a specified time limit, teaching the importance of concise communication.

j)       Global Communication: In a globalized world, presentation skills become essential for professionals working across diverse cultures and languages. Clarity and adaptability are crucial in international communication.


Q4) What are the ‘Don’ts’ in body language communication?

Ans) Effective body language is crucial in communication, as it can convey messages, emotions, and intentions. Knowing the 'Don'ts' in body language is as important as understanding positive gestures.

a)     Avoiding Eye Contact: Lack of eye contact may convey disinterest or dishonesty. However, staring intensely can make others uncomfortable. Maintain natural and occasional eye contact.

b)     Crossing Arms: Crossing arms may be perceived as defensive or closed-off. It can create a barrier between anyone and others. Keep arms relaxed and open.

c)     Fidgeting: Excessive fidgeting, such as tapping fingers or constantly shifting weight, can signal nervousness or impatience. It distracts from the message anyone is trying to convey.

d)     Checking the Time: Constantly checking the watch or the clock can imply boredom or impatience. It is better to be fully present in the moment.

e)     Ignoring Personal Space: Invading someone's personal space can make them uncomfortable. Be mindful of cultural differences and respect others' boundaries.

f)      Slouching or Poor Posture: Slouching suggests a lack of confidence or laziness. Good posture conveys attentiveness and confidence.

g)     Fake Smiles: Genuine smiles involve the eyes, not just the mouth. A forced or insincere smile can come across as disingenuous.

h)     Excessive Nodding: While nodding shows agreement or understanding, excessive nodding may convey impatience or a desire to end the conversation.

i)       Closed-Off Gestures: Crossing legs away from others, turning the body away, or creating physical barriers with objects can signal disinterest or a desire to end the interaction.

j)       Inconsistent Gestures: Inconsistency between verbal and non-verbal communication can create confusion. Ensure that gestures align with the spoken words.


Q5) Explain the different styles of communication.

Ans)Communication styles refer to the way individuals express themselves, both verbally and non-verbally. Different styles of communication can impact how messages are perceived.


a)    Assertive Communication:

Description: Assertive communicators express their thoughts, needs, and feelings confidently and respectfully.

Characteristics: Clear expression, active listening, respect for others, direct but not aggressive.

Effect: Promotes healthy dialogue and understanding.


b)   Passive Communication:

Description: Passive communicators tend to avoid expressing their thoughts or needs, often giving in to others.

Characteristics: Avoidance of conflict, difficulty saying no, often feels unheard.

Effect: May lead to unmet needs, potential misunderstandings.


c)    Aggressive Communication:

Description: Aggressive communicators express their thoughts and needs forcefully, often at the expense of others.

Characteristics: Domineering, disrespectful, unwilling to listen, may use intimidation.

Effect: Creates tension, potential conflicts, and resentment.


d)   Passive-Aggressive Communication:

Description: Passive-aggressive communicators express their displeasure indirectly, often through sarcasm, backhanded compliments, or subtle sabotage.

Characteristics: Concealed hostility, avoidance of direct confrontation.

Effect: Creates confusion, undermines trust, may escalate conflicts.


e)    Manipulative Communication:

Description: Manipulative communicators use tactics to control or influence others, often for personal gain.

Characteristics: Deceptive, uses charm or guilt, may play mind games.

Effect: Erodes trust, damages relationships.


f)     Analytical Communication:

Description: Analytical communicators focus on facts, data, and logic in their communication.

Characteristics: Meticulous, precise, may lack emphasis on emotions.

Effect: Clear communication in professional or technical settings.


g)   Intuitive Communication:

Description: Intuitive communicators rely on feelings, intuition, and emotional cues.

Characteristics: Emotionally expressive, values intuition, may prioritize interpersonal connections.

Effect: Fosters emotional connections, may excel in interpersonal relationships.


h)    Dynamic Communication:

Description: Dynamic communicators are energetic, persuasive, and often excel in public speaking.

Characteristics: Charismatic, expressive, may prioritize inspiration.

Effect: Captivates and motivates audiences, effective in leadership roles.


Q6) Explain methods of writing.

Ans) Writing is a versatile skill, and various methods or approaches exist to cater to different purposes and audiences.


a)    Descriptive Writing:

Purpose: To vividly describe a person, place, object, or event.

Characteristics: Detailed imagery, sensory language, and figurative expressions.


b)   Narrative Writing:

Purpose: To tell a story or recount an event.

Characteristics: Plot, characters, setting, conflict, and resolution.


c)    Expository Writing:

Purpose: To inform, explain, or describe a topic.

Characteristics: Clarity, facts, logical organization, and unbiased presentation.


d)   Persuasive Writing:

Purpose: To convince the reader of a particular viewpoint or persuade them to act.

Characteristics: Strong arguments, supporting evidence, counterarguments, and appeals to emotions.


e)    Analytical Writing:

Purpose: To analyse and evaluate a subject or topic.

Characteristics: Critical examination, interpretation, and evidence-based conclusions.


f)     Argumentative Writing:

Purpose: To present a well-reasoned argument on a specific issue.

Characteristics: Clear thesis statement, supporting evidence, counterarguments, and logical structure.


g)   Technical Writing:

Purpose: To convey complex technical information in a clear and concise manner.

Characteristics: Use of specialized terminology, clarity, and focus on precision.


h)    Creative Writing:

Purpose: To express one's imagination, creativity, and emotions.

Characteristics: Artistic expression, literary devices, and unique voice.


i)     Journalistic Writing:

Purpose: To report news and information in a factual and objective manner.

Characteristics: Inverted pyramid structure, clarity, and adherence to journalistic principles.


j)     Academic Writing:

Purpose: To communicate research findings, analyses, or scholarly ideas.

Characteristics: Formal tone, citation of sources, adherence to academic conventions.

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