If you are looking for BPAC-134 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Administrative system at State and District Levels, you have come to the right place. BPAC-134 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in BAG courses of IGNOU.
BPAC-134 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: BPAC-134/ASST /TMA / July 2022 & January 2023
Course Code: BPAC-134
Assignment Name: Administrative System at State and District Levels
Year: 2022-2023
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
Assignment A
Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.
1. Examine the role of State Planning Board.
Ans) We shall study the structure, composition, functions, and role of the Kerala State Planning Board in order to comprehend the role and activities of SPB (KSPB).
Kerala State Planning Board
The KSPB was established to provide the State Government with the tools necessary to create development plans that were based on a scientific evaluation of the resources available and the growth priorities. It should be mentioned that the Board was also given the responsibility of yearly producing a thorough economic evaluation report of the state. The KSPB has a five-year tenure. It is important to note that the Sabhas have undergone fifteen reconstitutions since 1967. Thus, the Planning Board enables better planning and implementation of development schemes and projects through its expertise.
The State Planning Board is composed of the following members: The Chairman and a part-time non-official Vice-Chairman of the SPB are the Chief Minister of State. The KSPB, which was reconstituted in 2016, has the following organisation and membership:
Chairman’ - Chief Minister
Vice Chairman
a) Minister for Revenue & Housing
b) Minister for Water Resources
c) Minister for Transport
d) Minister for Ports, Museum, Archaeology & Archives
e) Minister for Finance
Non- Ministerial Members(seven experts):
Member Secretary
Permanent Invitees
a) Chief Secretary, Government of Kerala
b) Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department, Government of Kerala.
Kerala State Planning Board : The following departments are part of the administrative framework:
Technical Divisions;
Administrative Wing;
District Planning Offices; and
Additionally, the Planning Board's administrative framework includes the Project Financing Cell. Through its Technical Divisions, the SPB performs its duties.
Developmental difficulties are a specialty of the Chief of Division. The Chief is assisted in each Division by Joint Directors, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors, Research Officers, and Research Assistants. However, an Administrative Officer supports the Member Secretary in administrative affairs.
Kerala State Planning Board: Major Functions
Formulation of plans for the state's overall economic development in accordance with the goals of the plan and the nation's priorities, after consulting with the subject divisions.
Help the topic area create numerous committees.
Whenever the Planning Board requests it in relation to the creation of the State's development plans, call a meeting of the relevant Secretaries and Department Heads.
Organize the processes involved in creating the annual and five-year plans.
Organize board meetings and provide meeting background materials.
Consolidated Budget documents created by topic divisions that relate to the Plan's programmes.
Plan the activities necessary to publish the Economic Review and deliver it to the State Legislature as part of the budgeting process.
The Government of India, NITI Aayog, Finance Commission, and Inter-State Council should be informed about State Plans.
Maintaining the concurrent Plan monitoring system online known as "PLAN SPACE."
Recording the distribution of Plan Funds across the State by district.
A lecture series in which renowned academics on development issues are invited from both inside and beyond the nation.
Publication of the State Planning Board's newsletter.
2. Describe the organisational structure, powers and functions of the Lokayukta.
Ans) The Lokayukta's organisational structure, authority, and duties are as follows:
Organisational Structure
Administrative and Enquiry Section: The section is led by the Secretary, a senior IAS official who also serves as the department's leader for the entire company. One Deputy Secretary, an Undersecretary, an Accounts Officer, Section Officers, and support staff work with him or her.
Legal Section: Officers with the rank of District Judge are posted as Legal Advisors, and an officer with the rank of Chief Judicial Magistrate is posted as Dy. Legal Advisor, to aid the Lokayukta and the Up-Lokayukta in handling legal issues and conducting investigations. They are on the High Court's deputation.
Special Police Establishment: The SPE was established to look into certain offences that have an impact on public administration and those covered under the Central Act's anti-corruption measures. The Director General, who has the position of Additional Director General or Director General of Police in Madhya Pradesh, is in charge of it.
The Inspector General of Police, Deputy Inspector Generals of Police, Superintendents of Police, Deputy Superintendents of Police, Inspectors, and members of other levels provide assistance to the officer. It should be emphasised that the Lokayukta has the authority to oversee investigations conducted by the Madhya Pradesh SPE.
Technical Cell: Technical-related questions are handled by the Technical Cell. The Chief Engineer is in charge of it, and Executive Engineers, Assistant Engineers, and Technical Assistants report to him or her.
Powers and Functions of Lokayukta
The Laetitia institution is regarded as an anti-corruption agency that is tasked with resolving citizen complaints against corruption, nepotism, and favouritism that result from poor management. The Lomayakte in this instance was:
Powers of supervision, often known as the ability to direct and supervise the investigation or preliminary inquiry of topics.
Ability to search and seize.
Civil courts have certain powers.
Ability to use state government officers' services.
Ability to temporarily attach assets.
Authority over the confirmation of asset attachment.
Having the authority to seize assets, revenues, receipts, and benefits obtained via corruption in specific situations.
Authority to suggest a public official be transferred or suspended because to a corruption allegation.
The authority to issue instructions to stop record deletion during an initial investigation.
Power to assign. In this situation, the lokayukta has the authority to order that any administrative or financial authority granted to it be used or discharged by an officer.
Based on the aforementioned authority, the Lokayukta performs the following duties to raise the bar for public administration:
accepts any citizen's complaint against the administration.
After properly alerting the complainant, the Lokayukta accepts complaints against the accused individual or group of individuals and gives the complainant the opportunity to present a defence.
With the aid of specialised investigative organisations, the Lokayukta conduct thorough, unbiased inquiries based on evidence against the accused.
If the Lokayukta determines that the complaint is legitimate, s/he may recommend her/his plan by sending a written request to the appropriate authorities.
Assignment B
Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.
3. Highlight the position and functions of the Chief Secretary.
Ans) There is a Chief Secretary for each state. This employee is the State Secretariat's supremo, in charge of all the secretariat departments.
Position of Chief Secretary
He or she is the head of the Secretaries, not just first among equals. The various tasks that the Chief Secretary fills within the state administrative structure are a clear reflection of his or her dominant position.
The Chief Secretary serves as the Chief Minister's top advisor and the State Cabinet's secretary. He or she is in charge of the General Administration division, whose chief political officer is the Chief Minister. The Chief Secretary also serves as the State's head of the civil service. He or she serves as the primary conduit for information between the State Government, the Central Government, and other State Governments. The Chief Secretary serves as the State Government's chief spokesperson and public relations officer and is expected to guide the administrative structure of the state.
The office of the Chief Secretary is a state-specific organisation that has no equivalent in the nation's administrative structure. For instance, there is no equivalent position in the Central Government for the Chief Secretary's office. The fact that the Chief Secretary's office is not included in the tenure system's operation is yet another key indicator of the office's position.
Chief Secretary’s Functions
As the Chief Minister's main advisor, he or she organises the suggestions made by the Minister into a coherent action plan and determines the specific administrative ramifications of those proposals.
The Secretary to the Cabinet is the Chief Secretary. He or she plans and organises Cabinet meetings, keeps track of their proceedings, ensures that decisions made at these sessions are carried out, and supports the Cabinet Committees.
The Head of the State's Civil Services is the Chief Secretary. In that role, s/he selects civil servant assignments and transfers.
The Chief Secretary chairs numerous committees and serves on numerous others in his capacity as the Chief of the Secretaries. Additionally, s/he handles any issues that are outside the purview of other Secretaries. The Chief Secretary is a residual legatee in this regard.
4. What are the various ways through which the Legislature exercises its control over administration?
Ans) In addition to giving the executive branch the support it needs on legislative matters; the Legislature also serves as a tool for citizen oversight of government. This control is exercised in a parliamentarian democracy like ours in the following ways:
Questions from the Assembly: The Assembly has the authority to ask the government questions. Additionally, they are free to ask inquiries. The government is kept alert by this equipment. Every time a flaw is found, the government is required to make promises and act to fix it.
Conversations: In addition to asking questions, members may request discussions on significant issues. On significant public issues, they may also submit Call Attention Motions and Adjournment Motions. Even if such motions are denied, the government must provide a lot of material, and there is still discussion. Again, the government is kept under check and is required to respond to the elected officials.
Financial Control through Budget: Without a legislative vote, no funds may be raised or expenses incurred. The Legislature has the power to veto spending, which allows it to oversee government policies and initiatives. It is true that the government may finally obtain the funds it desires due to its majority in the Legislature, but a lot of discussion occurs along the way.
Post-expenditure Control: Using the tool of audit, the State Legislature also carefully examines the expenses incurred by the government. A system of integrated accounts and audits is provided for in our constitution. The state government's accounts are audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, who then sends a report to the Assembly via the Governor.
Control by Legislative Committees: In addition to the previously stated Public Accounts Committee, there are a number of other committees, including the Estimates Committee, Committee on Public Undertakings, Committee on Government Assurances, etc. These committees look into all facets of how the government operates and offer helpful recommendations.
Ministerial Responsibility: The Legislature's ability to enforce ministerial responsibility is its greatest strength. The political executive is a part of the Legislature under a parliamentary system of government and is always answerable to it.
5. Discuss the powers and functions of Panchayati Raj Institutions.
Ans) Every State now has a three-tier Panchayati Raj system at the village, block, and district levels as a result of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment.
Gram Sabha
Gram Sabha is a significant aspect of the village-level panchayat structure (GS). It is the only PRI with legal standing, serving as the supreme village assembly. It is made up of all of the adults who are listed as voters on a village's electoral roll that falls under the jurisdiction of the Gram Panchayat. The Gram Sabha must have two to four general meetings every year as a requirement. A Gram Sabha may exercise its authority and carry out its duties in accordance with any bylaws passed by the state legislature.
Gram Panchayat
The Panchayati Raj system is based on the local panchayat, which is the fundamental unit across the nation. Nearly all states have acknowledged the significance of Village Panchayats because they have been in the nation since ancient times. Panchayats are thought to ensure more direct participation of the populace in the execution of development programmes because they are closer to the community.
Panchayat Samiti
The next significant entity in the Panchayati Raj framework is Panchayat Samiti (PS). Samitis are given a significant role in practically all states. In a Samiti, the local residents choose in a direct election who would represent them. The Chairperson of the Village Panchayats, MPs, MLAs, and MLCs may be represented by the State. As a result, each State has a different Panchayat Samitis structure. However, certain castes, tribes, and women are given priority in seating arrangements.
Zila Parishad
At the district level, Zila Parishad has been constituted as the third tier in all the states. The Panchayat Samiti and the Zila Parishad both follow the same structural design. Representatives are chosen by the people who make up their constituency. Additionally, certain seats have been set aside for women, scheduled tribes, and castes.
Reservation for Women in Panchayati Raj
Schools in Andhra Pradesh There is a 50% reservation for women in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Rajasthan, among other states.
Assignment C
Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.
6. Write a note on the trends of urbanisation in India.
Ans) The urban population increased from around 3% at the beginning of the 19th century to about 10% at the start of the 20th. Urban population increased extremely slowly between 1901 and 1921, going from 25.6 million to 27.6 million, and then rapidly between 1921 and 1941, reaching 43.5 million. However, after 1941, the growth rate accelerated and the number of urban residents increased. The number of people living in cities has dramatically increased across the nation since 1961.
The urban population in India was 77.5 million in 1961, and by 1981 it had more than doubled to 109.6 million, or about 23.7% of the country's total population. According to census calculations, India's urban population has been constantly growing. India had 109.11 million urban residents in 1971; this number increased to 159.46 million in 1981; and to 218 million in 1991. India's urban population grew by about 5 million people annually between 1971 and 1981, with an average annual growth rate of 3.87 percent compared to 1.78 percent for the rural population. According to the 1991 census, there were 217.18 million urban residents overall in the nation, with an average annual growth rate of 3.09% between 1981 and 1991
7. What do you mean by the status-quo approach?
Ans) The Status-quo Approach supports the conventional split system and maintains that the Directorates and Secretariat each have clearly defined responsibilities within our administrative structure. The strategy is built on the conventional idea of a staff-line dichotomy, in which the Attached Office serves as the Line Agency and the Secretariat as the Staff Agency. The traditional distinction between administration and policy is likewise accepted by the Status-quo Approach.
The supporters of this strategy think that the following guiding principles ought to govern interactions between the Secretariat and Directorates:
The Secretariat should be in charge of formulating policies, and the Directorates should be in charge of carrying them out.
The Head of Department should have complete authority over the employees who report to him, subject to the rules controlling the terms of service.
In regard to the Directorate(s) attached to it, the Secretariat Department shall perform domestic housekeeping and provide common services.
8. Highlight the power of State Election Commission as a Civil Court.
Ans) In the following instances, the Election Commission has the same investigative authority as a Civil Court:
Invites anyone to appear and requires their presence while administering an oath to be examined.
Include the search for and production of documents or other tangible items that can be used as evidence.
Requests for copies of public records from any court or office.
Obtains testimony based on affidavits.
Issues directives for the investigation of witnesses or records.
Additionally, the SEC has the authority to ask anyone who may claim a privilege to provide information on any points or matters that, in its judgement, may be relevant to the investigation's topic. Since the SEC is regarded as a civil court, it forwards the recorded facts that constitute any such offence when it is committed in the Commission's view or presence.
9. Describe the significance of State Finance Commission.
Ans) Local governments, whether urban and rural, are recognised for playing a significant role in the social, economic, and political development. However, the local governments have faced significant financial challenges for a number of reasons, including fast population expansion, urbanisation, poverty, and an inadequate devolution of financial resources. In terms of grants, local entities rely significantly on state governments. The local bodies' designated sources of income in this situation are typically insufficient.
Several recommendations have been made by various commissions and committees in an effort to address these deficiencies and control the financial imbalance. One of the key recommendations was to create a Central Finance Commission-style finance commission for each state. It was proposed that a State Finance Commission appointment mechanism be established based on a national model, with the commission charged with recommending a scheme for the division of revenue sources between the state government and local entities.
"In many States, local bodies have become weak and ineffective on account of a variety of reasons, including the failure to hold regular elections, prolonged supersession, and inadequate devolution of powers and functions," the Seventy-Fourth Constitutional Amendment Act observed in the statement of goals.
10. Discuss the powers and functions of the Gram Panchayat.
Ans) As per the Indian Constitution, The Gram Sabha exercises its functions and has powers as decided and Provided by the legislature of that state.
The various powers and functions of the Gram Sabha are as follows:
Implementation of the development schemes and programs of the village panchayat.
It also identifies the beneficiaries of the various programs and schemes. If they fail to do so, then this task is done by the Gram Panchayat.
It requests support from the people of the village in various welfare schemes and programs in the form of cash or kind or both.
It supports the various mass education and family welfare programs and schemes.
It considers matters relating to levy of taxes or charges, etc., or any other matter referred by the Gram Panchayat.
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