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MANI-001: Anthropology and Methods of Research

MANI-001: Anthropology and Methods of Research

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Assignment Code: MANI-001/ASST/TMA/2023-2024

Course Code: MANI–001

Assignment Name: Anthropology and Methods of Research

Year: 2023-2024

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

Note: Attempt a total of five questions. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks question is 500 words and for 10 marks question it is 250 words. Attempt at least two questions from each section.




Q1) Define anthropology? Briefly discuss the main branches of anthropology.

Ans) Anthropology is a holistic and interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to understand the diversity of human cultures and societies, past and present. Derived from the Greek words "Anthropos" (human) and "logos" (study), anthropology encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from the study of human evolution and prehistory to the examination of contemporary cultures and societies. The discipline employs a comparative and cross-cultural approach to unravel the complexities of human existence.


Anthropology is typically divided into four main branches, each focusing on distinct aspects of the human experience:


Cultural Anthropology: Cultural anthropology is concerned with the study of contemporary human cultures. Anthropologists in this branch immerse themselves in local communities, observing and participating in daily life to understand the intricacies of cultural practices, beliefs, social structures, and customs. Ethnography, a qualitative research method involving long-term fieldwork, is a hallmark of cultural anthropology.

Example: A cultural anthropologist might live among an indigenous community to document their rituals, traditions, and social organization, aiming to provide an in-depth analysis of their way of life.


Physical Anthropology (Biological Anthropology):Physical anthropology investigates the biological aspects of humanity, encompassing the study of human evolution, primatology, human variation, and forensic anthropology. Researchers in this branch explore human biology, genetics, and skeletal remains to trace the evolutionary development of Homo sapiens and understand the biological diversity within our species.

Example: Physical anthropologists may examine fossilized remains to reconstruct the evolutionary history of hominins or study the genetic diversity among different human populations.


Linguistic Anthropology: Linguistic anthropology examines the role of language in human societies. This branch investigates the structure, evolution, and cultural significance of languages. Linguistic anthropologists explore how language shapes social interactions, identity, and communication within different cultural contexts.

Example: Researchers in linguistic anthropology might analyse how language influences social hierarchies or study the preservation of endangered languages within specific communities.


Archaeological Anthropology: Archaeological anthropology focuses on the material remains of past human societies to reconstruct their cultures, behaviours, and lifestyles. Archaeologists excavate and analyse artifacts, structures, and landscapes to piece together the historical narrative of ancient civilizations. Example: Archaeological anthropologists may excavate a prehistoric settlement to uncover artifacts, pottery, and architectural features, providing insights into the daily lives of the people who once inhabited the site. These four branches often overlap, creating a holistic approach to understanding humanity. Anthropologists may engage in interdisciplinary research, drawing on insights from cultural, physical, and linguistic anthropology, as well as archaeology, to gain a comprehensive understanding of human societies.


Applied Anthropology: Additionally, applied anthropology represents a practical and problem-solving dimension of the discipline. Applied anthropologists use anthropological methods and theories to address contemporary issues, working in areas such as public health, development, education, and environmental sustainability.



Q2) Discuss fieldwork tradition in anthropology.

Ans) Fieldwork is a distinctive and significant tradition in the field of anthropology. It is a way to understanding human cultures that is both immersive and gives the researcher firsthand experience. This tradition, which has its origins in the devotion of the field to participant observation and holistic knowledge, has been of great assistance in deciphering the complexity of other societies.


Origins and Foundations:

The origins of the fieldwork tradition can be traced back to the early days of anthropology, when researchers first made the realisation that armchair thinking had its limitations. A number of anthropologists, such as Franz Boas and Bronisław Malinowski, called for direct involvement with communities in order to get an understanding of their traditions, beliefs, and social systems. This signified a transition away from theoretical techniques and towards empirical inquiries that were founded on experiences from the real world.


Participant Observation:

Central to the fieldwork tradition is the practice of participant observation. Anthropologists embed themselves within the communities they study, actively participating in daily activities, rituals, and events. This hands-on approach allows researchers to gain insider perspectives, fostering trust and rapport with community members. Through participant observation, anthropologists can grasp the nuances of social interactions, cultural norms, and the symbolic meanings embedded in everyday practices. Example: A cultural anthropologist studying a tribal community may live with the members, partake in their ceremonies, and engage in conversations to understand the cultural context shaping their lives.


Ethnographic Methodology:

Fieldwork is synonymous with ethnographic methodology, which is a method in which researchers perform extended and immersive investigations in particular cultural situations. Ethnographies, which are written accounts of these experiences, provide narratives of cultural occurrences that are described in greater detail. Ethnographic research is a method that combines participant observation, interviews, and archival research in order to provide a thorough and contextualised understanding of the society that is being studied.


Example: An ethnographer studying urban youth culture might spend months observing social gatherings, interviewing participants, and examining cultural artifacts to document the nuances of their shared experiences.


Reflexivity and Positionality:

Reflexivity is emphasised during fieldwork, which acknowledges the subjective influence that the researcher has on the study to be conducted. The discipline of engaging in reflexive practises allows anthropologists to understand their own biases, cultural origins, and prejudices. This helps them reduce the amount of undue effect that they have on the interpretation of data. When researchers acknowledge positionality, they are able to manage the complexity of cultural encounters in a manner that is both more ethical and also more comprehensive.


Changes and Challenges:

While the core principles of fieldwork remain steadfast, the tradition has adapted to contemporary challenges. Globalization, technological advancements, and ethical considerations have influenced how fieldwork is conducted. Virtual ethnography, for example, leverages digital tools to study online communities, expanding the scope of anthropological inquiry.


Applied Anthropology and Collaborative Fieldwork:

Applied anthropologists often engage in collaborative fieldwork, working closely with communities to address real-world challenges. This participatory approach fosters partnerships between researchers and community members, ensuring that the insights gained from fieldwork contribute to culturally sensitive and sustainable solutions.


Q3) Attempt any two of the following:


Q3a) Gazette

Ans) A gazette is an official public record or newspaper where government notices, announcements, and official information are published. It serves as a means of communicating important information to the public, businesses, and government agencies. Gazettes play a crucial role in disseminating legal, administrative, and regulatory information, ensuring transparency and accountability in governance.


a)     Legal Notices: Gazettes publish legal notices such as new laws, regulations, and amendments. This ensures that citizens are informed about changes in the legal landscape, allowing them to comply with and benefit from the latest legal provisions.

b)     Government Appointments: Appointments to key government positions, promotions, and transfers are often announced in gazettes. This promotes transparency in the civil service and other government agencies.

c)     Public Announcements: Government departments use gazettes to make public announcements related to public interest, such as land acquisitions, public hearings, and development projects. This information is crucial for citizens to participate in decision-making processes.

d)     Tender Notices: Business opportunities and government contracts are advertised in gazettes, providing businesses with information on potential projects and ensuring a fair and competitive procurement process.

e)     Official Notifications: Any official communication from the government, including declarations of states of emergency, public health advisories, and other critical information, is conveyed through gazettes.

f)      Historical Records: When it comes to the evolution of laws, regulations, and acts taken by the government over time, gazettes function as historical records that document this evolution. In order to have a better understanding of the past, historians and researchers frequently use gazettes.



Q3b) Genealogy

Ans) Genealogy is the study and tracing of family lineages and history. It involves researching and documenting the relationships between individuals across generations, creating family trees, and uncovering ancestral origins. The practice of genealogy is driven by the desire to understand one's familial roots, preserve family history, and establish connections with relatives.


a)     Research Methods: Genealogists employ various research methods, including interviews with family members, examination of historical records, exploration of archives, and utilization of online databases. This comprehensive approach helps piece together the puzzle of family connections.

b)     Family Trees: The primary output of genealogical research is the creation of family trees. These visual representations illustrate the relationships between ancestors and descendants, providing a clear overview of familial lineages.

c)     Ancestral Origins: Genealogy often extends beyond immediate family members to explore ancestral origins. This can involve tracing migration patterns, understanding cultural heritage, and identifying the geographic roots of a family.

d)     DNA Testing: Advances in technology, particularly DNA testing, have revolutionized genealogy. DNA tests can reveal information about ethnic origins, migration routes, and distant relatives, supplementing traditional genealogical research.

e)     Preservation of Heritage: Genealogy is a means of preserving family heritage. By documenting stories, traditions, and historical events, genealogists contribute to the collective memory of a family, ensuring that future generations have a tangible connection to their past.

f)       Connection with Living Relatives: Genealogy often leads to the discovery of living relatives previously unknown to the researcher. This fosters connections among family members, creating opportunities for reunions and shared exploration of heritage.

g)     Historical Context: Genealogical research provides a broader understanding of historical events and social contexts that shaped the lives of ancestors. It places individual family narratives within the larger framework of historical timelines.




Q9) Discuss interview method and its types.

Ans) There are many different fields that make extensive use of the interview method, which is a qualitative research approach. Some of these fields include sociology, psychology, anthropology, and journalism. Interviewing is a method of gathering information, thoughts, and viewpoints on a certain topic by including direct conversation between the researcher (interviewer) and the participant (interviewee). It is possible to conduct interviews in a variety of formats, each of which serves a distinct research purpose. In this section, we will discuss the interview approach and the different sorts of interviews.


One definition of an interview is a discourse between an interviewer and an interviewee, which can be either structured or unstructured. A comprehensive collection of facts, opinions, experiences, or ideas from the participant is the objective of this endeavour. Through the use of interviews, researchers are afforded the ability to investigate intricate matters, gain an understanding of many points of view, and collect subtle data.


Types of Interviews:


Structured Interviews:

a)     Characteristics: In structured interviews, the researcher follows a predetermined set of questions. The questions are standardized and asked in a fixed order to all participants.

b)     Purpose: This type is suitable for quantitative research, allowing for easy comparison of responses. It ensures consistency across interviews.

c)     Example: Job interviews where candidates are asked a set list of questions.


Unstructured Interviews:

a)     Characteristics: Unstructured interviews are more conversational and flexible. The researcher has a general topic or theme, but the specific questions evolve organically during the interview.

b)     Purpose: This type is exploratory, aiming to delve deep into the participant's experiences and perspectives. It is common in qualitative research.

c)     Example: Ethnographic interviews in anthropology where the focus is on understanding cultural practices.


Semi-Structured Interviews:

a)     Characteristics: Semi-structured interviews combine elements of both structured and unstructured approaches. The researcher has a set of core questions but can also explore new avenues based on the participant's responses.

b)     Purpose: This type provides a balance between standardized data collection and flexibility. It is often used in social sciences research.

c)     Example: Research on public opinions where key questions is asked, but respondents can elaborate on their answers.


Group Interviews (Focus Groups):

a)     Characteristics: Group interviews involve multiple participants who discuss a specific topic under the guidance of a facilitator. The dynamics involve interaction among participants.

b)     Purpose: Group interviews are valuable for exploring group dynamics, collective opinions, and generating diverse perspectives.

c)     Example: Market research to understand consumer preferences where participants discuss product features.


In-Depth Interviews:

a)     Characteristics: In-depth interviews aim for a comprehensive understanding of an individual's experiences, beliefs, or behaviours. They are typically one-on-one and can be structured or unstructured.

b)     Purpose: This type is suitable for detailed exploration, often used in case studies or when studying complex phenomena.

c)     Example: Research on the experiences of individuals living with a specific medical condition.


Telephone or Remote Interviews:

a)     Characteristics: With advancements in technology, interviews can be conducted over the phone or through video calls. This allows for remote data collection.

b)     Purpose: Remote interviews offer flexibility and accessibility, making it easier to reach participants who may be geographically dispersed.

c)     Example: Research on the impact of telemedicine through phone interviews with patients.



Q10) Attempt any two of the following:


Q10a) Ethnography

Ans) Ethnography is a qualitative research method employed in social sciences, particularly anthropology, to study and understand people and cultures. Rooted in the discipline of anthropology, ethnography involves the immersive study of a specific group, community, or culture through participant observation, interviews, and detailed fieldwork. The goal is to provide an in-depth, holistic understanding of the social practices, beliefs, rituals, and everyday life of the studied group.


Participant Observation: In order to conduct their research, ethnographers immerse themselves in the community they are examining and take part in the activities that people do on a daily basis. This makes it possible to gain a more genuine insight of the culture as well as firsthand experience of the culture.


Holistic Approach: A culture's social structure, rituals, language, conventions, and interpersonal interactions are some of the characteristics that are taken into consideration throughout the ethnographic process, which aims to depict the culture in its totality.


Long-Term Engagement: Extensive amounts of time spent in the field are frequently required for ethnographic study. The researchers are able to create trust with the community and get deeper insights into the culture as a result of this extended interaction.


Cultural Relativism: Ethnographers approach their study with cultural relativism, meaning they aim to understand cultural practices from the perspective of the people being studied, without imposing external judgments.


Thick Description: Ethnographers provide rich and detailed descriptions of cultural phenomena. This "thick description" goes beyond surface-level observations to capture the meanings and contexts of behaviours and practices.



Q10b) Ethics in research

Ans) Ethics in research is a critical aspect that governs the conduct of researchers and ensures the responsible and respectful treatment of subjects, data, and the research process itself. Adhering to ethical principles is essential for maintaining the integrity and credibility of research endeavours.


Informed Consent: Researchers must obtain voluntary and informed consent from participants before involving them in a study. This involves clearly communicating the purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits of the research, allowing participants to make an informed decision about their involvement.


Confidentiality: Researchers must protect the confidentiality of participants by ensuring that individual information is not disclosed without consent. This helps build trust and encourages honest and open participation.


Respect for Participants: Ethical research involves treating participants with respect and dignity. Researchers should be mindful of cultural sensitivities, power dynamics, and potential vulnerabilities that participants may have.


Integrity in Reporting: Researchers should report their findings truthfully and accurately, avoiding manipulation or distortion of data. Transparency in reporting allows for the replication of studies and contributes to the advancement of knowledge.


Avoidance of Harm: Researchers have a responsibility to minimize potential harm to participants. This includes physical, psychological, or social harm. Safeguards should be in place to protect vulnerable populations, and studies should be designed to prioritize the well-being of participants.


Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Researchers should disclose any conflicts of interest that could influence the research process or findings. This ensures transparency and helps readers and reviewers assess the credibility of the research.


Responsible Authorship: Authorship credit should be based on substantial contributions to the research. All those who have contributed significantly should be acknowledged, and issues of plagiarism or unauthorized use of others' work should be avoided.


Responsible Data Management: Researchers must responsibly manage and store research data, ensuring its security and privacy. Data should be made available for scrutiny and replication when appropriate.


Compliance with Regulations: Researchers should comply with relevant laws, regulations, and institutional guidelines governing research. This includes obtaining necessary approvals from ethics review boards.

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