If you are looking for MCFTE-002 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Child and Adolescent Counselling and Family Therapy, you have come to the right place. MCFTE-002 solution on this page applies to 2021-22 session students studying in MSCCFT courses of IGNOU.
MCFTE-002 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: MCFTE-002/TMA-8(2)/ASST-8(2)/2021-22
Course Code: MCFTE-002
Assignment Name: Child and Adolescent Counselling and Family Therapy
Year: 2021-2022
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
Maximum Marks: 50
(i) Answer all the questions in both sections.
(ii) Answers to questions of Section “A” should not exceed 300 words each.
Section A - Descriptive Questions
(10x3=30 marks)
Q1. Highlight five points which make family a premier social system. (10)
Ans) The role and importance of family - mother, father, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins - is undeniable, as the title suggests and as we all know. A child does not and cannot develop in a vacuum. Everyone has a family. The biological family, adoptive family, foster family, or some people we are close to and are influenced by could all be considered family. The following are few characteristics that distinguish family as a superior social system:
Warmth, attachment, expressions of affection, and caring shown by the parents/family towards each other and the growing child are all examples of the family's emotional tone.
Family interaction is the verbal and nonverbal communication that occurs inside the family.
Expectations: Beginning in early childhood, parents set clear expectations for their children in terms of what they should do, how they should do it, and how they should express emotion in front of others, including elders. These expectations shift with time, but they are always present.
Disciplining and child rearing: Every family has a set of disciplinary methods and child rearing strategies that they use with their children. Parents in India are demanding, and a happy event in India is for the entire family, with each family member attempting to educate the child specific social conventions.
Family dynamics include which part of the region, religion, and culture the family belongs to, and how children are valued based on their sex, birth order, age, gender roles defined in that society, and parents' behavior and attitude toward existing social norms; all of these factors play a major role in influencing children and adolescents.
Parental traits include how parents relate to their own parents, as well as the types of relationships, feelings, and obligations they have toward their own parents.
Acceptance and respect in the family: Whether we realize it or not, we all strive for social acceptance and respect. From a young age, a child's acceptance of his or her family is crucial. Even while the teenager still wants to be accepted and loved by the family, acceptance of the peer group takes priority as the child matures.
Q2. Discuss role of internet in child’s development. (10)
Ans) Computers can also be used to communicate information in both visual and audio formats. In school and at home, children spend a lot of time playing computer games or surfing the internet. Computer games can be used to improve attention and problem-solving skills, but some games may contain aggressive or sexual content, which can have a negative impact on a child or adolescent. The internet is a vast source of information, some of which, if not regulated, can negatively impact the minds of children and adolescents, causing physical harm such as poor vision and obesity, as well as psychological issues such as aggression. However, having access to the internet allows the child to contact with individuals all over the world as well as stay up to date on a number of issues.
Children and teens enjoy reading blogs and communicating on the internet. Blogs enable young people to express themselves in the cyberspace and to share the perspectives of others on a variety of issues. Chatting allows kids and teenagers to connect with family, friends, and individuals all over the world. It aids in the formation of cross-cultural connections and the exchange of viewpoints. Children and adolescents spend a lot of time online chatting, which can take away time that could be spent on academics, physical activity, or spending time with family. Other computer tools can help a youngster or adolescent improve their presentation abilities as well as their creativity.
Q3. What are the different types of core life skills? (10)
Ans) The different types of core life skills are:
Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyse information and experiences.
Creative thinking is a skill that allows us to go beyond our immediate experience and approach problems from a different angle than what is evident or expected. It gives variety and adaptability to our everyday situations. It helps us solve problems and make decisions by allowing us to consider several options and the many ramifications of our actions or inactions.
Decision-Making: The process of assessing an issue by evaluating all possible/available options as well as the consequences of such decisions.
Problem solving entails making decisions about each of the options, selecting the one that is best suited, and repeating the process until a positive solution to the problem is found.
Interpersonal Relationship: This is a skill that allows us to understand our relationships with people and relate to them in a positive and reciprocal way. It enables us to retain ties with friends and family members while also allowing us to end them in a positive manner.
Effective communication is the ability to communicate ourselves appropriately both verbally and nonverbally. This entails being able to voice one's desires, thoughts, and anxieties, as well as seek help and guidance when necessary.
Coping with Emotions is a skill that entails identifying emotions in others and ourselves, understanding how emotions influence behavior, and being able to respond appropriately to emotions.
Coping with Stress is the ability to understand the source of stress in our lives, its impact on us, and take steps to reduce our stress levels. This may entail making changes to one's physical environment, lifestyle, or learning to relax, among other things.
Section B - Short Answer/Objective Type Questions
(5x4= 20 marks)
Q1. Write short notes (in 100-150 words each) on the following:
i) Cooperative learning
Ans) For many children in their formative years, school is a critical microsystem. The school is a place where students can learn and gain knowledge and experience. We'll go over the impact of the school environment and other factors on children's school accomplishment in the sections below. Cooperative learning is a method of learning in which children from the same age group or class collaborate to complete assignments, learn, or participate in any group activity. Peer tutoring (older children tutoring younger children); cooperative learning (a small group of students studying together to master skills, as in group activities); textbooks, computers, laboratories, field visits, and other teaching methods and techniques provide children and adolescents with educational learning experiences while also teaching them social values.
ii) Body image concerns
Ans) It relates to how children and teenagers view themselves in terms of their physical appearance. Children and teenagers succumb to the pressure to look beautiful and desirable to others by purchasing branded clothing, using make-up at a young age, and going to extremes with food and exercise in order to emulate models with ideal bodies. This causes inferiority complexes in children and teenagers, as well as the risk of developing body image distortions and disorders. Body dysmorphic disorder, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa are disorders associated with negative body image. Aside from physical beauty, the media also focuses on adolescent sexuality, such as the appearance of particular physical characteristics that make a person attractive.
iii) Thinking skills
Ans) These are practical skills that come in handy in a variety of situations. Education and experience can help you develop these skills.
Solving Issues: Problem solving is a skill that teaches someone how to come up with appropriate solutions and strategies to achieve a specific goal.
Setting Objectives: Adolescence is a time when people form plans for their future lives. As a result, it is critical that they learn to identify their motives and goals at this stage in order to move steadily in a direction that will allow them to take a positive step toward achieving their goals.
Making a Decision: The study of discovering and selecting alternatives based on the decision maker's values and preferences is known as decision making. Individuals with this skill can weigh the benefits and drawbacks of various options and choose the best option available while accepting responsibility for the decision's consequences.
Organizing your Time: Time management is a valuable skill that is useful at all stages of life, including adolescence, early adulthood, and late adulthood. Managing our time effectively allows us to fit in more activities in a single day than we previously thought possible, as well as reduces the stress and anxiety that comes with a backlog of work.
iv) Problem solving
Ans) A problem is a circumstance in which a person is motivated to achieve a goal but is prevented from doing so due to some stumbling hurdle. As a result, problem solving is a talent that teaches someone how to come up with appropriate solutions and strategies for achieving a specific goal. Problem solving is divided into three categories:
It has a specific objective in mind.
It necessitates the use of cognitive rather than autonomic processes (thinking, reasoning, and memory) (reflex, insight).
When the solver lacks the necessary information or skills to produce an immediate answer, problems develop.
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