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MES-045: School Education

MES-045: School Education

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2021-22

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Assignment Solution

Assignment Code: MES-045/TMA/2021-22

Course Code: MES-045

Assignment Name: School Education

Year: 2021-2022

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

Q1) Explain the need for having clear mission and vision statement for schools.

Ans) Schools are complex environments in which the most difficult and tough aspect is teaching. Teachers lose motivation and improvement initiatives fail in many schools that lack a clear and shared sense of purpose centred on student learning. This occurs as a result of a lack of understanding of the importance of labour and responsibilities. Planning and decision-making about programmes, curricula, and instruction can become disorganised without a clear sense of direction. In an effective school, all students from all walks of life are expected to gain at least the fundamental knowledge, concepts, and abilities required to be successful in their lives.

Furthermore, it has been discovered that when school development strategies based on successful school research are followed, the percentage of children who attain academic excellence either improves or stays the same. An effective school has a well-articulated school vision, which ensures that all members of the staff are aware of and committed to educational goals, priorities, assessment methods, and accountability. Staff accepts accountability for pupils' achievement of the school's core curriculum objectives. Everyone knows where they're going and why they're going. The emphasis is on establishing a common vision, and everyone understands their role in achieving it. The focus and vision are derived from shared views and values, resulting in a clear path for all parties involved.

The involvement of school leaders (principals) becomes critical in this situation; he or she must collaborate with the school to produce a clear, educationally oriented vision and a well-defined mission statement. Let us attempt to comprehend the meanings of these phrases. Two great leadership writers, Bennis and Nanus, discuss how vision works: A leader must first construct a mental vision of a conceivable and desired future condition of the organisation before deciding on a course. This image, referred to as a vision, might be as broad as a dream or as specific as a goal or mission statement. The crucial issue is that a vision expresses a vision of a realistic, credible, and appealing future for the organisation, one that is superior to what exists now in some important aspects.

When we talk about a school's vision, we're referring to a picture of what the school can and should become. It is strongly rooted in ideals, aspirations, and fantasies. You may claim that the school's mission statement is derived from the broad educational objectives. The mission statement is more explicit, and it frequently states what the institution is attempting to achieve and for whom. It can be derived directly from the vision. Most school managers must realise that a vision statement is nothing more than a collection of words that improves trust, strengthens teacher dedication, human capital, and social capital, and has an impact on student learning. As a result, it's critical to improve the processes (teaching and learning) that led to these vision and purpose statements. Effective principals realise that in order to do this, they must give opportunities for teachers to be empowered, to communicate and understand teacher values and motivation, and to build trust and social capital.

Characteristics of a Vision

The school vision statements, as previously stated, are precise statements that will have a direct impact on the teaching learning process. Several characteristics of the vision statement are listed below:

  1. A compelling picture or image of what the school can become in the future.

  2. Feasible and attainable.

  3. Connected to and articulates deeper values and hopes for the future.

  4. Can be translated into actions and plans that are implementable.

  5. Can be easily regularly communicated.

While developing a mission statement, leaders need to:

  1. Understand the culture of the School.

  2. Value their teachers and promote their Professional Growth.

  3. Extend and express what you value.

  4. Promote collaboration: Not competition.

  5. Use bureaucratic means to facilitate, not to constrain.

  6. Connect with the wider environment.

Q2) Discuss the functions of State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) in improving the quality of school education.

Ans) Following are the main functions of the SCERT, in improving the quality of school education:

Training and Orientation Program

One of the key functions of SCERT is teacher and other functionary training. Throughout the year, the institute hosts orientation and training programmes, seminars, workshops, and other similar events for state Senior Education Officers who are responsible for educational planning and administration. It also arranges a number of training programmes for major educational functionaries and faculty members of the state's S.T. Schools, DIETs, Training Colleges, CTEs, and IASEs.

Training programmes are created with the training needs of various client groups in mind (in mind) as a result of new advancements in the fields of primary education and teacher education. The Institute's regular features include the preparation of training material, such as training modules for various levels, handouts, brochures, and other related learning material, as well as their dissemination. Every training programme has a component of evaluation. The training programmes are thoroughly reviewed, and the participant feedback is used as a primary resource (boost) in re-designing future training programmes.

The following are the primary topics addressed in training:

  1. Minimum Levels of Learning;

  2. Environment Education;

  3. Rights of Child arid Human Rights Education;

  4. Value Education;

  5. Activity-based Interactive Classroom Processes;

  6. Learner Evaluation;

  7. Education of Children with Special Needs;

  8. School-based Management;

  9. Child-friendly School Programmes;

  10. Education for Sustainable Development;

  11. Total Quality Management in Education;

  12. Institutional Management;

  13. Population and Development Education;

  14. Action Research;

  15. Women Empowerment;

  16. Multi-grade Teaching;

  17. Disaster Management and Preparedness;

  18. Content Enrichment Programme in different school subjects;

  19. New C.T. Syllabus - Contents and Process.

Research and Innovations

Conducting educational research, action research, and evaluation studies has been one of the DTE and SCERT's main activities / functions since its beginnings. Apart from institutional programmes, efforts are being made to promote short- and long-term research activities among DIETs, CTEs, and IASEs faculties in order to improve the quality of the basic education system.

The following are the primary goals of the DTE and SCERT's research and evaluation activities:

  1. Providing quantitative and qualitative data as well as insights for plan design.

  2. Providing a framework for planners, policymakers, and administrators to more effectively arry out their duties.

  3. Identifying the educational program's shortcomings, faults, and flaws.

  4. Providing feedback based on empirical data in order to keep the programme going.

  5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of all educational interventions.

Dissemination of Innovative Practices

One of the notable projects undertaken by the Directorate of Teacher Education and SCERT is the dissemination of fresh ideas, methodologies, and curricular and assessment procedures among faculty members of Teacher Education Institutions. Practicing teachers and faculty members often discuss research findings and excellent classroom methods. In the conference of teachers and practitioners, success stories relating to novel teaching methods and successful use of teaching learning resources are also discussed. Improved monitoring, supervision, assessment, and other approaches are also critically reviewed for use by Inspectors of Schools and supervisions.

Extension Services

Other institutions and organisations, NGOs, and state government departments engaged in the qualitative development of elementary education benefit from the institute's academic competence and services. The Institute also provides guidance to non-profit groups that have an educational component. The Institute also oversees the education of children with learning difficulties and street children in learning centres sponsored by non-governmental organisations. The Institute also provides academic monitoring and counselling to elementary and upper primary schools as part of its extension services.

It collaborates with the RIB, the NCERT, the TBPM, and the SIET to improve school education quality. District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) are proposed to be established in phases as part of efforts to expand the technical support system for teacher training. Pre-service and in-service training for elementary school teachers and instructors of non-formal and adult education centres would be provided by the DIETs, as well as planning and management support for schools and school complexes, academic and other resource support for elementary schools for qualitative improvement, and evaluation and monitoring of educational programmes.

The following are the primary purposes of DIETs:

  1. Teachers receive both pre-service and in-service training.

  2. Support with resources (extension/guidance/development of materials, aids, and evaluation tools, for example).

  3. Extension operations include connection with the field, as well as academic and resource support to the elementary and adult education systems in the district

  4. Development of regionally relevant resources, instructional aids, and evaluation methods, as well as serving as an elementary school evaluation centre. Action research and experimentation to address the district's specific issues in meeting its goals in the fields of elementary and adult education.

Q3) As a school principal, elaborate with suitable examples the steps you would adopt to manage total quality in your school.

Ans) TQM in education is primarily focused on a Systems Approach, which emphasises the 'whole' institutional programme rather than individual components of an institution or its programmes. The process of TQM in education is depicted in the flowchart below.

The following are some of the actions that are included in these steps:

  1. Creating a profile of students and the immediate community in terms of their needs, economic, cultural, social, and political conditions, technological advances, age groups, life styles, migration patterns, educational demand, and educational level of community members.

  2. Students' intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and moral development is documented.

  3. Creating a mission and values statement for the institution.

  4. Identifying desired student outcomes in the cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor domains

  5. Analysing the current state of student development and performance.

  6. Examining curricular and extracurricular activities.

  7. Creating plans for institutional improvement and development.

  8. Putting improvement and development plans in place, monitoring them, and evaluating them.

STQM programmes that are successful require consent for change from the institution, parents, teachers, and the community. This agreement should cover the institution's beliefs and goals, as well as its programmes, policies, and procedures, as well as expected outcomes and change initiatives. Continuous efforts to improve quality should be based on data gathered from a variety of sources and obtained using a variety of tools and processes. Quality is a management system and a systematic process targeted at excellence, not just another process. The goal of education quality is to close the gap between current and desired educational outcomes. People are frequently found to be hesitant to accept the concepts of quality and customers at first.

This could be avoided by first conducting a poll to determine staff attitudes toward quality improvement programmes and innovations. If the workforce is persuaded logically and politely that the principles of quality and customers are applicable to the educational system, they will progressively accept these concepts. This is sometimes followed by a sense of unease among the employees, who strive to develop their own method of working in order to maintain control over their surroundings. People will progressively learn to accept quality improvement programmes wholeheartedly and participate in them if the group's leader is able to leverage on individual attitudes and increase information about quality and customer orientation.

Team-building becomes easier after a commitment to quality improvement has been established, which in turn facilitates quality transformation. However, the group's leader must guarantee that the process of quality improvement does not become reliant on any one person or group of people. To ensure their long-term viability, such programmes should be the responsibility of the entire institution as well as other stakeholders. This necessitates the creation of a high-quality culture. Furthermore, rather than focusing on flaws, the focus should be on finding solutions; the emphasis should be on quality rather than quantity; and the focus should be on proactively preventing drop-outs and stagnation rather than reacting after the institution's outcomes have deteriorated. The institution's management should also be aware of the issues that employees and students confront and provide financial, material, academic, and emotional support as needed.

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