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MES-082: Human Development during Early Childhood

MES-082: Human Development during Early Childhood

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2022-23

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Assignment Solution

Assignment Code: MES-082/TMA/2022-23

Course Code: MES-082

Assignment Name: Human Development During Early Childhood

Year: 2022-2023

Verification Status: Verified by Professor


Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.


Q1. What do you understand by Emotional maturity’? Why is it essential for a teacher to understand these principles?

Ans) Having the self-discipline to control your emotions and make an effort to comprehend them is a sign of emotional maturity. You don't see emotions as a weakness because you're an emotionally strong person. Instead of trying to conceal them, you value them. When kids start preschool, they start to identify their own emotions and rely on family conversations about emotions to help them comprehend the fundamental emotions. Young children first learn to discriminate between positive and negative emotions before starting to separate unpleasant emotions like grief, rage, and fear. As kids enter middle childhood, they start to understand the situational determinants of emotions and start to recognise these emotions in facial expressions. Children learn that what makes one child joyful may not make another child feel the same way, which helps them to acquire a knowledge of emotional subjectivity.


Early childhood is a crucial time for the development of emotional self-regulation since it takes place within the framework of connections with family and peers. Effective emotional self-regulation is facilitated by parents' willingness to express their children's good emotions and by their pleasant, encouraging interactions with them. The experience of stressful and dysregulated emotions, however, which can result in psychopathology, is increased by the frequent expression of negative emotions in the family and harsh, punitive disciplinary measures. Early children emotional regulation skills are also developed through appropriate peer relationships that include shared play activities. Through well-controlled emotional interactions with peers, children develop their emotional literacy as well as their potential for empathy and helpful behaviour.


A sense of composure in a chaotic circumstance is a sign of emotional maturity. It aids individuals in maintaining mental tranquilly, which is crucial for both physical and mental health. A person who is emotionally mature will be able to comprehend the current circumstance. People that are emotionally mature are seen as having the best guidance and sound advice for others.


It is your duty as a teacher to help kids cultivate their emotional and mental intelligence. You might have to deal with demanding and difficult conditions in your role as a teacher. The importance of emotional intelligence in teachers cannot be overstated because it affects students as well.



One of the essential components of emotional development is empathy. Students who are angry or unhappy might learn to control their emotions by emulating empathy. A youngster feels more at ease sharing their thoughts and feelings with you rather than keeping them to themselves when they know that you are aware of how they are feeling on the inside.


Healthy coping skills

Teaching students effective coping strategies is another way to help them become emotionally mature. Students are aware of their emotions but lack the skills to manage them effectively. When circumstances grow challenging, it is frequently difficult to remain calm. The pupils can therefore maintain a healthy balance of mental intelligence by learning appropriate coping techniques.


Problem-solving skills

Another tip for teachers is to have problem-solving skills that can help students understand the situation better. Students often tend to get confused between the questions. So, it is essential to develop the problem-solving skills in students to help them understand the questions better to seek solutions.


Emotional Intelligence

Teachers must instruct their students on emotional intelligence. Regardless of how emotionally knowledgeable a youngster may seem, there is always potential for development. In life, a child will experience many emotional phases that either strengthen or weaken their self-assurance and conviction. Children need to maintain a healthy emotional balance.


Q2. Explain the various social as well as unsocial behavioural patterns of children. Highlight the role of a teacher in molding social behaviour of children.


Social Patterns in Childhood



Role play is the act of picturing oneself as another person and behaving in that person's place. Psychologists believe that role play is crucial to the socialisation process. This mechanism aids in the development of numerous behaviours and ideals.



It is a technique used to temporarily believe oneself to be someone else. According to psychoanalysts, the mechanism of identification is essential for healthy social development. Sigmund Freud, a renowned psychoanalyst, is credited with creating and refining the idea of identification. The idea of identification has been used by social learning theorists to investigate the socialisation process.


Four-year-olds have a strong desire to achieve better than their peers. As they connect with kids outside of their family, this starts to take shape at home.



The youngster engages in cooperative play more frequently and for longer periods of time when they participate in group activities with other kids.


Unsocial Behaviour Patterns in Children



At this age, children frequently challenge adult authority verbally and physically. Around three years old is when this behaviour peaks, after which it begins to wane.



Between the ages of two and four, aggression manifests in both physical and verbal forms before progressively fading.



Another characteristic of a child in their early years is ego-centricity. An egocentric youngster has no regard for others and is incapable of understanding that others may hold different opinions or beliefs than their own. As the youngster grows, so does his or her interest in and care for other people. Additionally, how many social connections the child has affects this.



Temper tantrums are one of the immature behaviour patterns that define childhood. When a child loses control, they often destroy anything and everything that is in their immediate area. The degree of rage is inversely correlated with the degree of destruction.


Teachers step in to replace parents at school, helping students develop their personalities and character. They have an impact on the students' formative years. A competent teacher encourages and supports a pupil in understanding his or her strengths and developing into a better person. Teachers have the chance to instil knowledge and shape the next generation of leaders in their students. The teaching profession is open to anyone with the right vision, experience, and educational credentials. It is a huge duty to teach. It affects the development and prosperity of the country. An ideal teacher should always be polite, objective, and disciplined. A teacher influences how young minds learn. Children should look to their teachers as mentors, guides, motivators, and sources of inspiration.


Through all levels of education, a teacher has a special manner of assisting pupils with their intellectual and social development. A welcoming, secure, and safe learning environment is created through the relationship that develops between the teacher and student. The following roles that teachers play in influencing students' futures: Teachers support pupils' self-esteem by encouraging it. A student's self-perception is crucial. Teachers serve as guardians by fostering pupils' self-assurance. Teachers aid in fostering self-determination since confident pupils are more likely to achieve in life and reach their goals. When a teacher is personable, well-focused, and attentive to students' needs, pupils tend to perform exceptionally well and can participate freely in exchanges. Teachers cultivate positivism in students. Teachers engage pupils in academic learning, which aids in the improvement of academic performance. Teachers give pupils difficult homework, exams, and evaluations that call for introspection. Learning institutions provide welcoming and instructive curricula for students. Teachers design curricula that support students' development.


Q3. Discuss the importance of creative activities for pre - school children. Suggest the ways to enhance creativity among children.

Ans) Every youngster has a fundamental need to study, to acquire knowledge, and to seek knowledge. Realizing that he knows gives him a tremendous sense of intellectual comfort. He must also inform others of his knowledge, which is as crucial. He desires to communicate and share his expertise. Children frequently say things like "I can do" and "I know how to" throughout childhood. Small children's psychological processes are different from adults. A toddler needs concrete objects to learn from. To ensure that the outcomes are consistent after each run of practical tasks, he has to touch, see, group, divide, and compare objects in addition to repeating the same behaviours. According to research, by presenting children with the right obstacles in their environment, intellectual development can be significantly accelerated. Children will become active learners if they are exposed to a variety of materials that offer a diversity of sensory experiences, according to Piaget. For learning to take place, the youngster must participate actively.


Opportunities exist for physical development, exercise, and coordination of the eyes and hands. Youngsters who use their fingers to paint or draw with crayons and to manipulate clay learn the muscle control that will be needed later when writing by hand; children who choose forms, colours, and sizes develop visual discernment. As a youngster manipulates materials, he or she takes ownership of selecting and forming them, exercises judgement and control, and acquires experiences that help build a sense of one's own value. The therapeutic benefits of creativity can include acting as an emotional release. A youngster can express feelings through art supplies that are otherwise inappropriate and can learn how to manage these feelings in a proper way.


As a teacher, it is your responsibility to provide a learning environment that meets the physical, emotional, and intellectual needs of the developing student. You would probably agree that children learn from their surroundings, hence the classroom and outdoor spaces play a significant role in the early childhood curriculum. This emphasises how crucial it is to carefully organise both the indoor and outdoor spaces. While indoor activities must promote small muscle coordination, outdoor events should promote large muscle coordination. Outdoor experience must involve activities that require using big muscles, such as climbing, crawling, jumping, swinging, running, throwing, and pulling. Adventure play should be possible, but the surroundings should be secure yet stimulating, and they should occasionally be refreshed.


There should also be provided indoor activities that promote coordination of little muscles. Utilizing basic tools like scissors, a needle, and construction tools, experimentation with a variety of materials including clay, paint, and sand, and manipulation experience are all essential. Useful Children must have room to roam about and to work independently or in small groups at tables or on the floor.


The most crucial element in encouraging creativity in a young child is a teacher. Each child is creative, thus no child should be compared to another and everyone should be embraced, valued, and supported. You should provide them opportunity to engage in all activities. The teacher's approach to creativity should encourage spontaneity, variety, and different ways of looking at the same issue. In addition to the standard preschool curricula, several pre-school activities need to be strengthened in order to foster spontaneity, curiosity, and the natural.

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