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MES-132: Computer in Education

MES-132: Computer in Education

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2023

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Assignment Solution

Assignment Code: MES-132/TMA/2023

Course Code: MES-132

Assignment Name: Computer in Education

Year: 2023

Verification Status: Verified by Professor


Answer the following questions in about 500 words each:


a) What is ‘Troubleshooting’? Discuss some of the common problems that we can face in a computer.

Ans) Troubleshooting refers to the process of identifying, analysing, and resolving problems or issues that arise in computer systems or other electronic devices. It is a crucial skill for anyone working with computers or other electronic devices, as problems can occur at any time and affect the performance of the system or device. The common problems that we can face in a computer and the troubleshooting steps that can be taken to resolve them are:

  1. Slow Computer Performance: A common problem faced by computer users is slow performance. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including malware, insufficient RAM, or a fragmented hard drive. Troubleshooting steps may include running a virus scan to detect and remove malware, increasing the RAM or upgrading the hard drive, or defragmenting the hard drive to improve performance.

  2. Computer Not Booting: Another common problem is when the computer does not start or boot up. This can be caused by a faulty power supply, a damaged motherboard, or a corrupted operating system. Troubleshooting steps may include checking the power supply, testing the motherboard, or performing a system restore to recover the operating system.

  3. Blue Screen of Death (BSOD): The Blue Screen of Death is a critical error that occurs when the operating system encounters a problem that it cannot recover from. This can be caused by hardware or software issues, such as a faulty driver or a defective RAM. Troubleshooting steps may include testing the RAM, updating drivers, or performing a clean install of the operating system.

  4. Internet Connectivity Issues: Internet connectivity issues are a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a faulty modem or router, incorrect network settings, or a weak Wi-Fi signal. Troubleshooting steps may include resetting the modem or router, checking network settings, or using a Wi-Fi extender to boost the signal.

  5. Printer Not Working: Printer issues are a common problem, with the printer not responding, printing blank pages, or displaying error messages. Troubleshooting steps may include checking the printer connections, updating drivers, or clearing the print queue.

  6. Software Crashes: Software crashes are a common problem, with the application freezing, crashing, or not responding. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a corrupt file or insufficient memory. Troubleshooting steps may include updating the software, running a virus scan, or increasing the available memory.

  7. Data Loss: Data loss can occur due to a variety of factors, such as accidental deletion, hardware failure, or malware. Troubleshooting steps may include using data recovery software, checking backups, or seeking professional data recovery services.


In conclusion, troubleshooting is an essential skill for anyone working with computers or other electronic devices.


b) Discuss different ways to connect to the Internet provided there is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) at the place.

Ans) The Internet has become an integral part of our lives, providing us with access to a wealth of information, communication, and entertainment options. The different ways to connect to the Internet provided there is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) at the place are:

  1. Wired Internet: Wired Internet connections use cables, such as coaxial or Ethernet cables, to connect to the Internet. This is one of the most common ways to connect to the Internet, with the cables connecting the computer or device to a modem, which in turn connects to the ISP's network. Wired connections offer fast and reliable speeds and are ideal for tasks that require high-speed Internet, such as gaming or streaming.

  2. Wireless Internet: Wireless Internet connections use Wi-Fi technology to connect to the Internet. This is one of the most convenient ways to connect to the Internet, as it eliminates the need for cables and allows devices to connect to the Internet without being physically connected to the network. Wireless connections are ideal for mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets, as well as smart home devices such as smart TVs and home assistants.

  3. Broadband Internet: Broadband Internet is a type of high-speed Internet connection that uses a variety of technologies, such as DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and cable modem, to connect to the Internet. Broadband connections offer faster speeds than traditional dial-up connections and are ideal for tasks that require high-speed Internet, such as streaming video or online gaming.

  4. Satellite Internet: Satellite Internet is a type of Internet connection that uses a satellite dish to transmit and receive data. This is a popular option for people who live in remote or rural areas where traditional Internet connections are not available. Satellite Internet can be slower than other types of Internet connections, but it offers reliable service and is ideal for tasks such as browsing the web and checking email.

  5. Fiber Optic Internet: Fiber Optic Internet is a type of high-speed Internet connection that uses fiber optic cables to transmit data. Fiber Optic Internet offers the fastest speeds of any Internet connection, making it ideal for tasks that require high-speed Internet, such as streaming video or online gaming. Fiber Optic Internet is available in select areas and can be more expensive than other types of Internet connections.

  6. Mobile Internet: Mobile Internet is a type of wireless Internet connection that allows you to connect to the Internet using your mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. Mobile Internet is typically provided by cellular service providers and uses cellular networks to connect to the Internet. Mobile Internet is ideal for people who are on the go and need access to the Internet while away from home or the office.

In conclusion, there are several ways to connect to the Internet provided there is an ISP at the place, including wired Internet, wireless Internet, broadband Internet, satellite Internet, fiber optic Internet, and mobile Internet.


c) You are appointed as a teacher in a secondary school. Choose a topic from your subject and write how you will plan and transact a lesson keeping in mind the Universal Design Learning (UDL) principles. Give suitable examples.

Ans) Lesson Topic: Basic Computer Skills



  1. Students will be able to use a computer to accomplish basic tasks, such as opening and closing applications, saving and opening files, and using basic keyboard shortcuts.

  2. Students will be able to identify and explain the purpose of basic computer hardware components, such as the keyboard, mouse, monitor, and CPU.

  3. Students will be able to practice safe and responsible computer use, including password protection and virus prevention.



  1. Interactive whiteboard

  2. Laptop or computer for demonstration

  3. Printed handouts with keyboard shortcuts and basic computer vocabulary

  4. Hands-on activity materials: blank flashcards, markers, laptop or computer with internet access


UDL Principles

  1. Multiple Means of Representation: Provide information in multiple ways to address the diverse needs of students.

  2. Multiple Means of Expression: Allow students to demonstrate their understanding in multiple ways, using a variety of modes of expression.

  3. Multiple Means of Engagement: Provide activities that are engaging and accessible to all learners, offering multiple ways for students to interact with the material.


Lesson Plan


a) Introduction (10 minutes)

1) Ask students to brainstorm what they already know about computers and share their ideas with the class.

2) Show a short video clip or animation on basic computer skills to provide a visual representation of the material.


b) Multiple Means of Representation

1) Present the key concepts of basic computer skills using a computer demonstration, including examples of basic tasks and computer hardware components.

2) Provide printed handouts with keyboard shortcuts and basic computer vocabulary to support understanding.

3) Use a variety of teaching methods, such as lecture, group discussion, and interactive activities to accommodate different learning styles.


c) Body (40 minutes)

1) Divide students into small groups and distribute blank flashcards and markers. Each group will be assigned a topic related to basic computer skills, such as keyboard shortcuts, computer hardware, or virus prevention. Students will work together to create flashcards with definitions and examples related to their assigned topic.

2) After the hands-on activity, students will share their flashcards with the class, providing an opportunity for peer learning and review.

3) Use a think-pair-share strategy to encourage student discussion and interaction.


d)  Multiple Means of Expression

1) Allow students to demonstrate their understanding of basic computer skills in multiple ways, such as creating a poster, recording a video tutorial, or writing a short essay.

2) Provide accommodations for students who may have difficulty expressing themselves through writing, such as allowing them to use a speech-to-text tool or providing a visual aid to support their explanation.


e) Conclusion (10 minutes)

1) Recap the key concepts of basic computer skills and emphasize the importance of safe and responsible computer use.

2) Provide an opportunity for students to ask questions and clarify any misunderstandings.


Multiple Means of Engagement

1)  Offer opportunities for student choice and autonomy, such as allowing them to choose the format in which they present their understanding of basic computer skills.

2)  Use a variety of activities that are engaging and accessible to all learners, such as hands-on exercises, interactive discussions, and visual aids.


In conclusion, incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles in lesson planning can create an inclusive and engaging learning environment for all students. By providing multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement, teachers can meet the diverse needs of their students and facilitate deeper understanding and retention of the material.

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