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MJM-026: Print Media

MJM-026: Print Media

IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution for 2023-24

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Assignment Solution

Assignment Code: MJM-026 /ASST/Jul23

Course Code: MJM-026

Assignment Name: Print Media

Year: 2023

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

Q1) Explain the Functions of the Press Advisory Committee.

Ans) The Press Advisory Committee (PAC) serves a vital role in the realm of media and governance, acting as an intermediary body between the government and the press. Its functions revolve around facilitating communication, addressing concerns, and fostering collaboration between the government and the media industry.

Here are the primary functions of the Press Advisory Committee:

a) Facilitating Communication:

1) Dialogue Platform: The PAC serves as a platform for open dialogue between government representatives and media stakeholders. It facilitates discussions on pertinent issues affecting the media landscape, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.

2) Information Exchange: It enables the exchange of information, policies, and government initiatives with media professionals. This exchange helps journalists access accurate and timely information to better inform the public.

b) Addressing Media Concerns:

1) Handling Press-related Issues: The committee addresses concerns or grievances raised by journalists, media organizations, or associations. It acts as a channel for resolving conflicts or issues pertaining to media freedoms, censorship, access to information, or press regulations.

2) Policy Recommendations: PAC may suggest policy changes or reforms to improve media-government relations or address challenges faced by the media industry, ensuring a conducive environment for journalistic endeavours.

c) Promoting Ethical Practices:

1) Ethical Guidelines: The committee may contribute to the formulation or revision of ethical guidelines and standards for media practitioners. It plays a role in promoting responsible journalism and upholding ethical practices.

2) Training and Education: PAC initiatives might include organizing workshops, seminars, or training sessions aimed at enhancing the skills and ethical awareness of journalists and media professionals.

d) Monitoring Media-Government Interactions:

1) Oversight Function: PAC monitors the interactions between the media and government bodies, ensuring that both parties adhere to established protocols, laws, and ethical standards.

2) Mediation and Conflict Resolution: It serves as a mediator in disputes arising between the media and government entities, working towards amicable solutions, and preventing escalation of conflicts.

e) Advising Government on Media Matters:

1) Policy Advice: The committee advises the government on matters related to media policy formulation, regulatory frameworks, or proposed legislation affecting the media industry.

2) Public Communication Strategies: PAC may offer insights and suggestions on effective public communication strategies, ensuring transparency and clarity in government communications.

f) Advocating Press Freedom:

1) Safeguarding Press Freedom: It advocates for the protection of press freedom, highlighting its significance in a democratic society and safeguarding journalists' rights to report without undue censorship or constraints.

g) Enhancing Public Understanding:

1) Public Engagement: The committee might engage in initiatives to enhance public understanding of the media's role, importance, and challenges, promoting a more informed citizenry.

The Press Advisory Committee plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between the government and the media. Its functions encompass facilitating communication, addressing concerns, promoting ethical practices, monitoring interactions, advising on media matters, advocating for press freedom, and enhancing public understanding of the media landscape. By fostering collaboration and dialogue, the PAC contributes to a more transparent, accountable, and conducive environment for responsible journalism and effective governance.

Q2) Tips for Good Environmental Reporting. Explain.

Ans) Good environmental reporting is crucial for raising awareness, fostering informed decision-making, and promoting positive change regarding environmental issues. Effective environmental reporting requires a combination of journalistic skills, scientific understanding, and ethical considerations. Here are some tips for achieving impactful and responsible environmental reporting:

a) Understand the Science:

1) Scientific Literacy:

Familiarize Yourself: Develop a basic understanding of environmental science concepts and terminology to accurately interpret scientific studies and data.

2) Fact-Checking:

Verify Information: Ensure accuracy by fact-checking information with credible scientific sources or experts, avoiding misinformation or misinterpretation.

b) Contextualize the Issues:

1) Root Causes and Impacts:

Provide Context: Explain the root causes and broader implications of environmental issues, linking them to societal, economic, and policy factors.

2) Local and Global Relevance:

Highlight Local Impact: Emphasize how global environmental issues affect local communities and ecosystems, making the story relatable and relevant to your audience.

c) Diverse Perspectives and Stakeholders:

1) Multi-Stakeholder Approach:

Include Voices: Seek perspectives from scientists, policymakers, activists, affected communities, and industry representatives to present a comprehensive view of the issue.

2) Indigenous Knowledge:

Respect Indigenous Wisdom: Acknowledge and incorporate indigenous knowledge and perspectives on environmental issues, respecting their relationship with the environment.

d) Human Stories and Impact:

1) Personal Narratives:

Humanize the Story: Include personal stories or profiles of individuals impacted by environmental challenges, adding an emotional connection to the issue.

2) Solutions-Oriented Reporting:

Highlight Solutions: Showcase innovative solutions, successful initiatives, or community efforts addressing environmental problems, inspiring action, and hope.

e) Visual Storytelling:

1) Compelling Visuals:

Use Multimedia: Incorporate visually engaging elements such as images, infographics, videos, or interactive content to complement your narrative and enhance audience engagement.

2) Field Reporting:

On-Site Reporting: Whenever possible, conduct field reporting to witness firsthand the environmental impacts and gather authentic experiences and visuals.

f) Transparency and Accuracy:

1) Source Verification:

Reliable Sources: Attribute information to credible sources, ensuring accuracy and transparency in reporting to maintain journalistic integrity.

2) Data Transparency:

Explain Data Sources: Clearly explain the sources and methodologies behind environmental data used in reporting, ensuring transparency and credibility.

g) Ethical Considerations:

1) Sensitivity and Empathy:

Respect and Empathy: Report on environmental tragedies or sensitive issues with empathy, avoiding sensationalism and respecting the dignity of affected individuals.

2) Environmental Justice:

Highlight Equity: Address environmental justice concerns, examining how environmental issues disproportionately affect marginalized communities.

h) Follow-Up and Long-Term Coverage:

1) Continuous Reporting:

Follow-Up Stories: Provide continuous coverage and follow-up stories on environmental issues to track progress, setbacks, or evolving developments.

2) Long-Term Investigations:

Investigative Reporting: Conduct in-depth investigations to uncover underlying causes or hidden aspects of environmental issues, revealing systemic problems.

Good environmental reporting requires a balance between scientific accuracy, compelling storytelling, ethical considerations, and a solutions-oriented approach. By contextualizing issues, incorporating diverse perspectives, using visual elements, maintaining transparency, and advocating for environmental justice, journalists can create impactful stories that inform, inspire action, and drive positive change toward a more sustainable future.

Q3) Discuss the Role of Mass Media in Governance.

Ans) The mass media plays a significant role in governance by acting as a bridge between the government and the public, fostering transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making. Its functions encompass informing the public, shaping public opinion, scrutinizing government actions, and facilitating democratic processes.

Here's an in-depth look at the role of mass media in governance:

a) Informing the Public:

1) Dissemination of Information:

i) Timely Reporting: Mass media delivers news and information on government policies, actions, and developments, keeping the public informed about societal issues and government decisions.

ii) Access to Information: It ensures the accessibility of information, enabling citizens to understand the implications of government policies and actions on their lives.

2) Education and Awareness:

i) Public Understanding: Media educates the public on governance structures, procedures, and civic responsibilities, enhancing awareness and participation in democratic processes.

b) Accountability and Scrutiny:

1) Holding Power Accountable:

i) Scrutiny of Government Actions: Mass media scrutinizes government activities, policies, and decisions, holding elected officials and institutions accountable for their actions.

ii) Investigative Journalism: It conducts investigative reporting to uncover corruption, inefficiency, or abuses of power, ensuring transparency and accountability.

2) Public Discourse:

i) Debate and Discussion: Media platforms facilitate public debates and discussions on governance issues, fostering a diverse range of opinions and perspectives.

c) Shaping Public Opinion:

1) Agenda-Setting:

i) Setting Public Agenda: Mass media influences public perception and priorities by highlighting specific issues, shaping what the public considers important in governance.

ii) Framing of Issues: Media frames issues through various lenses, impacting how audiences perceive and interpret government policies or events.

2) Opinion Formation:

i) Opinion Leadership: Media outlets and influencers can influence public opinion on governance matters, shaping attitudes and opinions toward government policies or leaders.

d) Facilitating Democratic Processes:

1) Election Coverage:

i) Informing Voters: Media covers election campaigns, candidates, and political platforms, enabling voters to make informed decisions during elections.

ii) Monitoring Elections: It monitors and reports on electoral processes, ensuring transparency and fairness in democratic elections.

2) Feedback Mechanism:

i) Public Feedback: Mass media serves as a feedback mechanism, allowing citizens to express their concerns, opinions, and grievances regarding governance issues.

e) Advocacy and Civic Engagement:

1) Public Advocacy:

i) Advocating for Change: Media platforms can advocate for policy changes or societal reforms by highlighting pressing issues and mobilizing public support.

2) Civic Participation:

i) Encouraging Engagement: Mass media encourages civic participation by informing citizens about opportunities for engagement, such as public consultations or activism.

f) Monitoring Institutional Performance:

1) Oversight Role:

i) Monitoring Institutions: Media acts as a watchdog, monitoring the performance and conduct of government institutions, ensuring transparency and efficiency.

2) Checks and Balances:

i) Balancing Power: By questioning and critiquing government decisions, the media plays a role in balancing power and preventing the abuse of authority.

The mass media's role in governance is pivotal, serving as a vital link between the government and the public. By informing, scrutinizing, shaping public opinion, facilitating democratic processes, advocating for change, and monitoring institutional performance, the media contributes to an informed citizenry, accountable governance, and a vibrant democratic society. Its functions are essential for ensuring transparency, fostering public participation, and holding those in power accountable to serve the public interest.

Q4) Difference between column and Special Article. Explain.

Ans) Comparison between column and Special Article are as follows:

Q5) Write any two Short notes. (250 words each)

Q5a) Types of Editorials

Ans) Editorials serve as a platform for publications to express their stance or opinion on various subjects, influencing public discourse and shaping opinions.

There are several types of editorials:

a)     Explanatory Editorials: These aim to clarify complex issues or policies for readers. They break down intricate topics, providing context and analysis to enhance understanding.

b)     Persuasive or Advocacy Editorials: These seek to persuade readers to adopt a particular viewpoint or course of action. They often advocate for specific policies, reforms, or societal changes.

c)     Critical Editorials: These focus on criticizing government actions, policies, or societal norms. They highlight shortcomings, inconsistencies, or failures, aiming to prompt improvements or change.

d)     Endorsement Editorials: Typically seen during elections, these endorse specific candidates, parties, or initiatives, providing reasons for their support based on analysis and assessment.

e)     Local Impact Editorials: These focus on issues relevant to the local community, addressing concerns that directly affect the region or city. They often advocate for local solutions or policies.

f)      Obituary Editorials: These honour notable figures who have passed away, highlighting their contributions, legacy, and impact on society.


Each type of editorial serves a distinct purpose, whether it's to inform, persuade, critique, or memorialize, contributing to the diverse array of opinions and discussions within publications.


Q5b) Print Production Techniques

Ans) Print production techniques encompass various methods used in the creation and reproduction of printed materials, aiming to achieve high-quality, visually appealing, and informative publications.

Some key techniques include:

a)     Offset Printing: This widely used technique involves transferring ink from a plate to a rubber blanket before applying it to the printing surface. It offers high-quality and cost-effective reproduction, suitable for large print runs.

b)     Digital Printing: Utilizing digital files directly, this method prints images or text onto various surfaces without the need for plates. It enables quick turnaround times, variable data printing, and cost-effective short runs.

c)     Gravure Printing: Commonly used for high-volume print jobs like magazines and packaging, gravure uses engraved cylinders to transfer ink onto the substrate. It excels in producing high-quality, detailed images but is costlier and slower for smaller print runs.

d)     Flexography: Employed for packaging, labels, and newspapers, flexography uses flexible relief plates to print on various substrates. It's known for its speed, versatility, and ability to print on non-porous materials.

e)     Screen Printing: Ideal for textiles, signage, and specialty applications, screen printing involves transferring ink through a mesh screen onto the printing surface. It allows for vibrant colors and can be used on diverse substrates.

f)      Letterpress Printing: Once dominant, this method involves pressing inked raised surfaces against the paper. While less common now, it's appreciated for its tactile feel and is used for specialty printing like invitations and business cards.

g)     Binding Techniques: Various binding methods, such as perfect binding (common for books), saddle stitching (for magazines), and spiral binding, are used to assemble and secure printed materials into finished products.


These techniques offer a spectrum of options for publishers, designers, and printers to create visually appealing and functional printed materials tailored to specific needs, quantities, and budgets. Choosing the right technique depends on factors like print run size, substrate, desired quality, and project timelines.

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