If you are looking for MMPC-007 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Business Communication, you have come to the right place. MMPC-007 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in MBA, MBF, MBAFM, MBAHM, MBAMM, MBAOM courses of IGNOU.
MMPC-007 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: MMPC-007/TMA/JULY/2022
Course Code: MMPC-007
Assignment Name: Business communication
Year: 2022
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
1. Explain the two-way process of communication. Illustrate your answer with the help of examples.
Ans) In later conceptualizations of the process, communication is now seen as a two-way process. To complete the communication cycle, the receiver also acts as the sender of feedback to the transmitter (sender). Similar to telemarketing or contact centre communication, there is a reciprocal and reversible function for both the sender and the recipient.
The two-way method is more contemporary. It sees communication as essentially an interactive process that involves message exchange. There is frequently no discernible difference between the two roles because the sender (source) and receiver (receiver) are frequently the same person.
In the preceding linear perspective, the sender is regarded as the one who decides what the communication means. The idea of two-way communication includes the recipient as a key contributor to the formulation and perception of the message. The message is what the intended audience interprets it to be based on their own experiences, viewpoints, and emotions. People who have collaborated and developed shared attitudes and perspectives on the organisation they work for or the society they live in may have similar views on particular situations, concepts, tactics, and events. Two-way communication is also known as transactional communication.
For instance, a coach might have a face-to-face discussion with a struggling athlete. They could suggest ways the athlete can improve while soliciting feedback or whether they might need assistance on the field.
A teacher asking their students questions on a recent book they read and expecting the class to respond in kind constitutes another example of two-way communication. When a teacher engages in conversation with their pupils, it can help the latter learn more efficiently than if a lecture were to serve as the only form of one-way communication. Students can respond further or ask the teacher for clarification by doing so.
2. Discuss the benefits of effective communication at workplace.
Ans) Benefits of effective communication at workplace as follows:
Strong interpersonal skills can be developed among employees through effective workplace communication. They are able to communicate clearly and operate as a team to achieve a common objective.
It aids in creating a positive workplace environment where employees trust one another. They believe in the company's vision, mission, and objectives.
It might encourage a friendly social atmosphere. People work more effectively when they establish social bonds with their co-workers. They can encourage one another.
Having good communication between management and staff promotes a positive working environment. Because of the transparency and simplicity of communication, open lines of contact can raise employee satisfaction.
To maintain a clear and understandable instruction, communication is required. Employees will have little trouble understanding the rules and guidelines for their jobs. This will boost worker satisfaction once more.
Team spirit can be fostered by effective communication. The staff will assist one another in achieving the objectives in addition to working as a team.
Conflict resolution will be made simple. Where individuals come together for a common goal, there will inevitably be conflict. In earlier chapters of this topic.
It will encourage a secure work atmosphere. Employees feel safe and secure while performing their jobs when the organisation effectively communicates that it is concerned about their safety and security at work and is ready for any type of medical or natural emergency. Effective communication of this information will boost staff morale and inspire them to put in extra effort to accomplish the shared objectives.
3. List and explain various steps involved in the preparation of meetings.
Ans) Effective group collaboration and communication are skills. Your ability and readiness to take on responsibility, work in a team, and solve problems are shown by how you behave in meetings. Meetings can be held for a variety of reasons, including to review progress, assign tasks, discuss decisions, etc. The preparation stage plays a significant role in the success of a meeting. Time-wasting meetings may result from inadequate planning and poor administration. Therefore, pre-planning can aid participants in making the greatest use of everyone's time. There are six fundamental tasks that team leaders or meeting chairs are expected to complete before a meeting even though meetings vary depending on the department or unit. Below is a detailed explanation of each:
Clarity of purpose and aims
Every meeting has a reason for being convened. The meeting's important decisions or actions are highlighted by a purpose that is clearly articulated.
Create an agenda
Effective meetings are structured, and a structured meeting requires a well-prepared agenda. It is comparable to a map or blueprint. It aids in concentrating the group's efforts in order to produce desired results by a particular deadline. Good agenda items provide a meeting direction and organisation. Create a committee to assist the chair in selecting the things on the agenda for a well-written one. Prior to the meeting, this can also be accomplished by sending out a request for agenda items.
Schedule the meeting
Making a list of guests is just one step in the meeting planning process. Calendars can easily fill up between approaching participants to ask about their availability and setting up a meeting. Pre-work should be done in order to speed up turnaround. Selecting necessary attendees who must attend is required. Be as specific and direct as you can when requesting a meeting time to avoid any confusion or presumptions. The next step is to either plan the meeting or let them know when and where it will be. Once a suitable day and time have been decided upon, a meeting location can be selected. You can create a grid. Determine the start and finish times of the meeting. Include a quick break every 10-15 minutes if the meetings are lengthy.
Share Agenda
It is easier for participants to prepare questions and opinions when the agenda is distributed in advance. The timely publishing of meeting agendas is also subject to legal requirements. Every agenda should come with a concise cover letter outlining the meeting's goal and anticipated outcomes.
Circulate Additional Information
Before the meeting, provide everyone enough information so that they are generally familiar with the topics that will be covered. If at all possible, sharing URLs will be a good idea. Long and complex content is frequently disregarded by readers. Give a concise outline of the facts.
Make sure the space/location supports the type of meeting setting you like. The setup of a meeting space can have a significant impact on how well or poorly it goes. The ability for participants to see and hear one another is crucial. The sitting arrangement should be such that conversation improves the exchange of ideas and information rather than obstructs it.
4. Elaborate on the need and importance of a business correspondence at workplace.
Ans) Business correspondence means the exchange of information in a written format for the process of business activities. Business correspondence can take place between organizations, within organizations or between the customers and the organization. The correspondence refers to the written communication between persons. Hence oral communication or face to face communication is not a business correspondence.
Need of business correspondence at workplace
Maintaining a proper relationship.
Serves as evidence or as historical record of a business activities.
Create and maintain goodwill.
Inexpensive and convenient.
Formal communication.
Independent of interpersonal skills.[
Importance of Business Correspondence
Numerous factors are significant in business correspondence. The simplicity of accessing and contacting various parties is its key characteristic. Meeting people in person is not always feasible. A business letter can be used to accomplish some organisational objectives. It can be used to accomplish goals. Let's take a closer look at a few of them.
Maintaining a Proper Relationship: Any company or organisation may not always be able to contact a certain person. Any firm will pay for this. Any business will benefit from the commercial correspondence in this situation. It aids in keeping the parties' right relationships intact. Business is strengthened by correspondence. Additionally, it facilitates internal communication. It improves clarity and precision of communication inside the organisation.
Serves as Evidence: Any written communication can be used as proof. A businessperson can keep a record of all the data with the use of business communication. These written documents will be used as proof.
Create and Maintain Goodwill: It aids in establishing and preserving goodwill between a company and a client. Any letter of inquiry, complaint, recommendation, or feedback aids in the development and upkeep of a company's positive reputation.
Inexpensive and Convenient: It is a cheap and convenient form of business communication.
Formal Communication: A business communication serves as a formal communication between two persons. It may be a seller and a buyer. It can be between an employee and the employer. The language used is formal and logical. It helps in removing the ambiguity and the doubts of the person involved in the business. The formal communication in business is followed and acceptable.
Helps in the Expansion of Business: A business correspondence helps a business to achieve the set goal. It also ensures the expansion of a business. With no waste of time and proper utilization of manpower and resources, a business can expand. Any information regarding some resources or any product or market can be easily done. Even the news of the expansion of business can be spread by it.
5. Discuss the Hofstede’s cultural dimension model with respect to cross cultural communication.
Ans) The two most well-known authors who have provided some original ideas on culture in their theories are Geert Hofstede and Edward T. Hall. Edward Hall, an anthropologist and the author of books such as "The Silent Language," "The Hidden Dimension," "Beyond Culture," "Understanding Cultural Differences," etc., has provided a thorough explanation of culture. He contends that culture is a form of communication governed by unspoken rules that includes both speech and actions. He defined culture as a large, uncharted area of human behaviour that lies outside of the conscious understanding of most individuals. The communal training of the mind that separates members of one group or category of people from another is what Hofstede refers to as culture (Hofstede, 2013). Hofstede discovered a total of six factors that may be used to differentiate across different cultures based on research done in more than 50 nations. These are listed below:
Power Distance Index
The level of inequality that is accepted and actual among members of a specific society is determined by this score. High-scoring cultures have an unbalanced division of power among the hierarchies. All actions must be started from the top in nations with high power distance index (PDI) scores, such as Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, etc. Generally speaking, direction, advice, and advise flow from top to bottom. No bottom-up initiation will take place. Additionally, the organization's top level will be where most decisions are made. Complex hierarchies may result in longer business processes. The lesser cadre members obey orders based on respect for status, age, power, and seniority. Instead of taking initiative or making judgments, subordinates wait for commands from their superior. Only when requested will they make advice. Societies in low-PDI scoring nations like Austria and Denmark do not tolerate unequal power allocation.
Individualism versus Collectivism
This parameter attempts to quantify the propensity for crediting successes and creating ties to a certain person or group. Societies with high individualism levels suggest that individuality is valued more highly. For instance, in a culture that places a strong value on individualism, both success and failure are seen as the responsibility of the individual. On the other hand, there are very strong links between society members in a society with a higher collectivism score. High levels of loyalty are shown to the group they represent. They look out for each other's interests, choices, and welfare. Contrary to nations like Guatemala, Ecuador, Panama, etc., where communication benefiting groups would be valued more, nations like the USA, Australia, and the United Kingdom are keen on individualism and as a result communication must focus on the individual rather than the group. Achievements made by an individual are valued highly in individualistic nations.
Masculinity versus Femininity
This characteristic reveals who controls and exerts the most power in society. It contrasts a male workplace role model with a society with little gender discrimination and distinction. Men and women perform different roles in communities that are more patriarchal, with men typically being more authoritative, playing clearly defined roles, and displaying achievement. Japan, Hungary, and Austria are examples of nations that strongly project masculinity. However, countries like Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, etc. score poorly on masculinity. 4) Uncertainty Avoidance Index: A fourth metric that can be used to group nations is the UAI (UAI). This index serves as a gauge for how much ambiguity and uncertainty the society accepts. UAI-low nations are more adaptable and accepting to various viewpoints. This group includes nations like Singapore, Sweden, Hong Kong, Denmark, etc.
Long versus Short Term Orientation
Long Term Orientation, according to Hofstede, is the fifth dimension. This factor indicates how deeply someone is committed to traditional beliefs. Due to their long-term adherence to and respect for traditional values, nations with a high long-term orientation take a long time to change. In nations like China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, this is what is clearly visible. These nations make investments in establishing and upholding long-term connections and commitments. When they interact with their customers, other nations, employees, and all the other stakeholders, this is evident. In Turkey, Venezuela, the United Arab Emirates, and Switzerland, where there is less resistance to change and faster adoption of fresh ideas, this perspective is completely different. They are more open to change and less resistant to it.
Indulgence versus Restraint
According to Hofstede, indulgence is the propensity for unrestrained satisfaction of fundamental needs, enjoyment, and the satisfaction of desires. Social liberation is very high. Venezuelans, Mexicans, Swedes, Puerto Ricans, and others do not follow materialistic motives. They are self-indulgent, not status conscious, and openly satiate their appetites. Social standing is really important. The occupants are drawn to materialistic items and goals.
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