If you are looking for BPCC-110 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Applied Social Psychology, you have come to the right place. BPCC-110 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in BAPCH courses of IGNOU.
BPCC-110 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: BPCC-110/Asst /TMA /July 2022- January 2023
Course Code: BPCC-110
Assignment Name: Applied Social Psychology
Year: 2022-2023
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
Assignment One
Answer the following questions in about 500 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. 2 x 20 = 40
1. Describe the methods of data collection in qualitative research.
Ans) Exploratory and inductive methods are also used in qualitative research. The following is a description of qualitative research's methods:
In-depth Interview
When we described the methods of data collecting in unit 2, we briefly touched on interviews. Here, we'll talk about in-depth interviews as a qualitative research technique. Asking questions is a key component of an in-depth interview, and these inquiries are open-ended rather than closed-ended. Interviews are frequently conducted face-to-face between a single interviewer and a single interviewee. The fact that this method involves face-to-face interviews allows the interviewer to watch the interview process is one of its key benefits.
Narrative Interviews
One of the main methodologies in qualitative research can be said to be this. It can be characterised as a technique for gathering narrative data, according to Schütze. In narratives, the initial indication of how the entire scenario began is followed by the selection of the pertinent events from the storey, their presentation in chronological order, and a description of the outcome. The difference between "research on narratives" and "research with narratives" is an intriguing one. Research on narratives indicates that narratives are the subject of the research. Here, tales are examined in order to comprehend how they are put together and function.
Focus Group
A group of participants in this type of qualitative study debate particular concerns or problems. Focus groups may be structured or unstructured, and they may be composed of a diverse or homogeneous group of people. Experts who debate various pressing issues may be involved, as well as people from the community or the surrounding area. The size of the group will be determined by the study's goal, and participants may or may not be acquainted. The fact that a lot of data is acquired using this strategy is one of its key benefits.
Participant Observation
In participant observation, as the name implies, the observer takes part in the events, activities, or phenomena being investigated alongside other participants in order to obtain first-hand knowledge and interpret it correctly. As a result, the researcher actively participates in the activities that the participants carry out. Social anthropologists frequently employ this kind of observation, which can be used to examine tribal groups. As an illustration, the researcher might participate in the festival rituals and practises of a particular group if they are being studied.
This method mostly focuses on researching a certain community. It aims to examine a sociocultural phenomenon and is more of a form of intimate field observation. This approach mostly entails observing participants in a naturalistic setting. In ethnography, observation is frequently used and has less of a set format. Participant observation is frequently used, and the researcher also actively participates in the study. In addition to observation, other techniques such as interviewing and using written sources are also used in ethnography.
Grounded Theory
Glaser and Strauss introduced grounded theory in 1967. This qualitative approach examines the interplay between an empirical research and theory with a focus on "discovering." As a result, gathering data is done with the intention of encouraging theory development using the data. A continuous cycle of data collection, coding, analysis, writing, design, theoretical categorization, and data gathering is one of the main aspects of grounded theory.
Case Study
With the use of this methodology, people, groups, events, institutions, and so forth can be studied. Case studies can be thought of as a method that aids in learning about the unit from several angles. Thus, a case study aids in learning in-depth details about the course. Case studies can be used to investigate not only people but also groups, institutions, activities, and other things.
2. Explain the application of social psychology to legal system.
Ans) The political, social, and economic development of any nation includes its legal systems. The laws of the land are always updated to reflect significant social changes. We can comprehend the connection between social psychology and law better if we think of it as a "coded set of rules that regulate human behaviour and relationships." The control of behaviour by established laws aids in resolving disputes and establishing acceptable behaviour. Human behaviour and thought patterns are deeply correlated with how the legal system operates.
Social Psychology and Crime
The primary legal issue that requires attention is crime and criminal behaviour. Crime is a social problem that has a number of connections to other social concerns and difficulties, such as poverty, discrimination, socioeconomic standing, and so forth. Therefore, it is crucial to see crime through the lens of social psychology in order to comprehend it and recommend effective intervention measures to address it.
Deindividuation: Deindividuation can be one of these factors in this situation. Deindividuation needs to be appropriately addressed because it can encourage criminal behaviour in addition to having detrimental effects on the community, as was previously discussed. Deindividuation is the idea that many people appear to lose their sense of identity or individuality when they are put into groups or surrounded by a crowd, which leads to a loss of self-control or moral restrictions.
Social facilitation: Social facilitation is yet another idea that can be discussed in relation to social psychology and crime or criminal behaviour.
Antisocial patterns of attitudes: An important endeavour in social psychology is the investigation of attitudes, including antisocial attitudes, and their relationship to behaviour. In general, attitudes are viewed as evaluative conclusions that a person draws about a problem, an object, an occasion, or a person.
Social Psychology and Law
When discussing legal psychology, it can be defined as the legal system's use of psychology and its tenets. Thus, social psychology can be employed in the judicial system to analyse how the jury, attorneys, eyewitnesses, defendants, and accused behave. Additionally, it can be used in the process of arrest, questioning, and prosecution.
Police investigation: Understanding the way that police conduct their investigations can benefit from the study of social psychology. The primary task of an investigation is the cautious and methodical gathering of data.
Eyewitness testimony: Eyewitness testimony, especially the capacity to identify the culprit, can be used to debate the application of social psychology. This could be wrong, and the accuracy of the identification will vary depending on the situation.
Jury: A jury is a group of individuals who have been sworn in and have been called together to decide a case or to determine a punishment or judgement. The judge is considered as having the exclusive obligation of interpreting the pertinent law and directing the jury accordingly, whereas the jury is seen as serving as a fact-finder.
Prison climate: In addition to the aforementioned, the principles of social psychology can be used to comprehend and enhance the environment or structure of prisons. The jail has a lot of objectives. It may be used as a form of punishment or as a way to remove the person from society for the protection of others. It may also involve rendering the offender incapable, rehabilitation, and/or denunciation to convey the message that the behaviour being demonstrated by the offender will not be accepted.
Assignment Two
Answer the following questions in about 100 words each. Each question carries 5 marks. 6 x 5 = 30
3. Explain the concept of research in applied social psychology.
Ans) Simply put, research is the process of adding to the body of existing knowledge. The word "research" comes from "recherche," which means to travel through or survey in French. Research can be characterised as a complex and critical investigation. Another way to define research is as an objective, methodical analysis and documentation of controlled observation. Additionally, this examination and documentation can lead to generalisations as well as the creation of theories. "Systematic and objective study and recording of controlled observation that may lead to the creation of generalisation, principles, or theories, leading in prediction and possibly ultimate control of events" is how Best and Khan define research.
4. Describe various approaches to social problem.
Ans) According to Etzioni, there are four primary strategies that can be explained in terms of social issues. The following are:
The Consensus and structural-functional approach: This approach views society as an interconnected system with various components that interact with one another and work together to keep things in balance.
The conflict or alienation approach: This strategy places a lot of emphasis on potential tensions and inconsistencies between social classes that hold positions of power and those that do not.
Symbolic interactionism: This theory contends that social problems develop as a result of challenges or difficulties in interpersonal interactions.
The neo-conservative approach: This strategy focuses on the limited supply of resources, which creates a form of split between those who are lucky and others who are less fortunate because they do not receive enough resources.
5. Elucidate social design with a focus on its main goals.
Ans) The phrase social design The fundamental focus of social design is on how environments can be created in a way that helps individuals achieve their goals and needs. Technical design, or the engineering-related features of a building, is distinct from social design. The social design approach is "small scale, human focused, low cost, inclusive, democratic, inclined to appropriate technology, and concerned with meaning and context, the occupier or paying client, and a local focus," according to Guilford.
The main objectives of social design are:
Satisfying or corresponding to the needs of the residents.
Ensuring the fulfilment of the building's patrons.
Changing a person's behaviour.
Assistance with social support.
Improving control
Imageability is used
As a result, social designs can be used in both enclosed and public spaces, and the aforementioned objectives are also applicable to public spaces.
6. Explain various factors influencing consumer behaviour.
Ans) As customers, we choose things based on a variety of factors, including our requirements and preferences. Here is an outline of them
Cultural factors: Consumer priorities and preferences are influenced by cultural variables. A system of social standards, beliefs, rituals, and symbols that are passed down the generations via language and symbols is referred to as culture.
Social factors: The decision and purchase of a consumer are also significantly influenced by social variables. Family, friends, classmates, and a person's reference group can all have a significant impact.
Personal factors: Compared to cultural and societal elements, personal factors are more unique. These include demographic data that affects our decisions about brands and products. Age, gender, marital status, and other factors determine what products a person may and may not purchase.
Psychological factors: The most ephemeral aspects impacting consumer decision-making are psychological ones. Personal desires, reasons, requirements, and priorities have an indirect impact on purchasing decisions. Our intents and decisions to make purchases are frequently influenced by our opinions of ourselves, the world around us, the things that are offered, the businesses that manufacture them, etc.
7. Discuss group dynamics at workplace with a focus on the relevant concepts in group dynamics.
Ans) Group dynamics describes how group members interact with one another and respond to that interaction based on how they perceive it. It is a universal truth that every employee in a given industry belongs to a group, and that each group has its own dynamics. Individual employees behave substantially differently in groups than they do alone.
Power dynamics also have a significant influence in determining individual behaviour in structured groups, such as an industry. Numerous formal and informal groups are formed at assignment 20t work site in reference to the organisational structure, such as groups of directors, managers, supervisors, and workers. These groups then divide into smaller groups, such as one group of a manager, supervisor, and workers for one work station, and another group of this nature for a different work station. It is crucial that goals are tackled and attained as a group in order for an organisation to function as a complete.
Relevant Concepts in Group Dynamics
Establishment of groups.
Group thought
Division inside a group.
Decision-making by a group.
Group unity.
8. Explain the meaning, types and usage of social media.
Ans) Social media is a type of computer-based technology that offers a forum for people to express their ideas, opinions, and other types of information. It is based on the internet and may be used to transmit stuff such as documents, movies, photos, information, and so forth. It can also be defined as a general phrase for the software programmes and websites that make it easier to communicate, engage, share material, and so forth. Social media has applications in business in addition to being used by family and friends to stay in touch and communicate with one another.
Types of Social Media
Social networks
Media networks
Review networks
Blogging and publishing networks
Usage of Social Media
Social media allows individuals to keep in touch with friends and extended family. Some people will use various social media applications to network and find career opportunities, connect with people across the globe with like-minded interests, and share their own thoughts, feelings, and insights online.
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