If you are looking for BPCS-183 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Emotional Intelligence, you have come to the right place. BPCS-183 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in BSCG, BAVTM, BAG, BAECH, BAHIH, BAPSH, BAPCH, BAPAH, BASOH, BSCANH, BAEGH, BAGS courses of IGNOU.
BPCS-183 Solved Assignment Solution by Gyaniversity
Assignment Code: BPCS-183/Asst/TMA/2022-23
Course Code: BPCS-183
Assignment Name: Emotional Intelligence
Year: 2022-2023
Verification Status: Verified by Professor
Note: All questions are compulsory.
Assignment One
Answer the following descriptive category questions in about 500 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. 3 x 20 = 60
Q1) Differentiate between emotions, feelings and mood.
Ans) The differences between emotions, feelings and mood are as follows:
Q2) Define emotional intelligence in terms of what it is and what it is not.
Ans) Emotional intelligence (EI) is a collection of social and emotional abilities that affect how we perceive and communicate with others, establish and sustain social connections, overcome obstacles, and use emotional data in productive and meaningful ways.
“Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.”
The definition above emphasises how understanding emotions can help us make sense of our internal and social surroundings and make appropriate decisions.
Emotional quotient, also known as EQ, is a measure of emotional intelligence similar to how intelligence is quantified and measured through IQ. EI is the "missing piece," according to Bradberry & Greaves (2009), in the conceptualization of a full, whole person, with personality and IQ making up the other two essential elements. It has been determined through decades of research that EI is a unique talent that does not share traits with either personality or intelligence. One's emotional intelligence does not inherently correlate with specific personality qualities.
For instance, just because introverts prefer solitude and extroverts enjoy social interaction does not necessarily mean that extroverts are more emotionally knowledgeable than introverts. Similar to this, one's IQ or capacity for cognitive processing does not necessarily reflect their level of emotional intelligence. Additionally, whereas IQ and personality tend to remain fairly constant and resistant to change after the ages of 18 to 20, EI has a dynamic component that has the capacity to develop and advance through time as well as in response to focused interventions.
Emotional intelligence must be examined alongside personality and IQ in order to consider "the whole person."
What emotional intelligence ‘is’:
Being conscious of oneself
Being able to control one's feelings.
Being socially conscious
The capacity to control emotions in order to manage relationships with others.
A subject of research in science.
What emotional intelligence is ‘not’:
Denying or repressing feelings.
Letting feelings rule one's judgement and thinking.
An enduring quality.
A sign of academic and cognitive intelligence.
Ability or interest of a person.
Conflict avoidance.
Most accurate indicator of life success.
As a result, emotional intelligence refers to a person's non-cognitive skills, which include the capacity to recognise and control one's own and others' emotions. It might be interpreted to mean "street smarts" or "common sense" in everyday language. Even if the knowledge gained from the academic arena is only ordinary, one needs to have practical knowledge to be productive in any field. According to Aristotle, "Anyone may become angry - that is simple, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right moment and for the right cause and in the right way – that is not within everyone's ability and is not simple." Therefore, developing emotional awareness and learning appropriate emotional expression techniques are essential for success in life.
Q3) Explain the GENOS model of emotional intelligence.
Ans) EI was first conceived of by Ben Palmer and Con Stough at Swinburne University in response to a perceived need for a model that would meet the distinct and particular needs of business leaders, human resource specialists, and occupational psychologists to identify employees for learning and development at the workplace Palmer, Stough, Harmer & Gignac.
The following list of the model's six core emotional intelligence competencies:
Following are some examples of how emotional intelligence skills can lead to either productive or unproductive states:
Emotional self-awareness is the ability to recognise one's feelings and the influence they may have on actions, decisions, and performance.
Emotional awareness of others is the ability to see, comprehend, and acknowledge the emotions of others in order to show empathy.
Authenticity means expressing oneself honestly, freely, and effectively. It also means being trustworthy and honouring commitments.
Emotional reasoning involves using facts and technical knowledge along with your own and others' feelings while making decisions. It also involves explaining this process to others.
Self-management is the ability to control one's own thoughts, feelings, actions, and schedule, especially in situations that are stressful and demanding.
Positive influence: fostering a happy and productive workplace by having an impact on others' emotions through problem-solving, criticism, and support.
In contrast to unproductive being states like being detached, insensitive, untrustworthy, limited, temperamental, and apathetic, these essential abilities enable people to display productive being states like being present, sympathetic, authentic, expansive, resilient, and empowering. The resulting profile includes "opportunities for improvement" as well as "areas of strength." Every participant receives a development report that includes recommendations for future development so that outcomes can be used to enhance performance.
Assessment Tools based on the Genos Model of EI
The main instrument for measuring emotional intelligence within the Genos paradigm is the Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory. The Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test was first released, and the present version was later updated. It is specifically created for working settings to simplify human resource tasks like finding areas for learning and growth, hiring employees, and spotting excellence potential.
It's interesting to note that Palmer, Stough, Harmer, and Gignac claim that Genos EI is not a measure of emotional intelligence "per-se" but rather a measure of how well people exhibit emotionally intelligent behaviour, which is therefore believed to be a measure of emotional intelligence. The instrument is a behavior-based assessment with 70 items that gathers ratings on workplace behaviour from reporters who have the chance to frequently observe a person. As a result, the assessment might be provided by multiple raters. There are three formats for the tool: self, 180 degree, and 260 degree. It simply takes a few minutes to finish and is appropriate for those between the ages of 17 and 75.
On a five-point rating scale from 1 (nearly never) to 5, participants or other raters involved in the evaluation of an individual are asked to identify how frequently an individual's behaviour is displayed (almost always). The items cover a wide spectrum of feelings, from good ones like satisfaction, enthusiasm, optimism, excitement, engagement, and motivation to some negative ones like stress, anxiety, wrath, irritation, disappointment, upset, and impatience.
Assignment Two
Answer the following short category questions in about 100 words each. Each question carries 5 marks. 8 x 5 = 40
Q4) Describe the functions of emotions.
Ans) The functions of emotions are as follows:
Emotions' roles within people are referred to as their "intrapersonal functions" in this sector. They support decision-making and behaviour guidance so that we can both survive and fulfil our human potential. For example, they advise us on whether to defend ourselves and when to flee a risky situation. Respect for oneself inspires self-care and self-preservation.
Interpersonal functions: Emotions between people carry out these functions. When one expresses feelings, it gives others a hint as to how they may feel about them or the connection, what their intentions may be, and what they may need. Therefore, emotional expression is a crucial tool for managing relationships and communication.
Social and cultural functions: This aspect focuses on the role that emotions play in the creation and preservation of societies and civilizations. Trust is one emotion that frequently serves as the social glue that binds communities together. In turn, cohesive groupings create civilizations and develop their own unique cultures. Cultural codes, on the other hand, instruct people and organisations about the specific display guidelines that apply to the manifestation of emotions.
Q5) Describe the five components of emotions.
Ans) The five components of emotions are as follows:
A conscious, individual feeling is sometimes referred to as being affective. People keep an eye on their internal, felt moods and are aware of their emotions.
Cognitive: entails describing or giving the emotion a meaning. Thus, imagining an emotion is extremely dissimilar from experiencing it. People try to comprehend why something is happening and attempt to assess how an occurrence might affect them.
Physiologic: physical responses to stress, such as sweating palms.
Motivating: Moving toward or away from a situation, object, or individual. This element is also known as "action inclinations," which describes particular, voluntary or involuntary behaviours that the person takes.
Expression of emotions to others by body language, such as tossing a vase when angered, or facial expressions like laughing, crying, or frowning.
Q6) Describe the historical development of emotional intelligence.
Ans) The historical development of emotional intelligence is as follows:
Thorndike postulated three distinct realms or classifications of intelligence in 1920.
Verbal, analytical, or abstract.
Visuospatial, mechanical, and performance.
Social or useful.
Thorndike added to the conventional understanding of "intelligence" as being solely cognitive by identifying a number of additional types of intelligence.
According to Howard Gardner, certain facets of emotional intelligence are connected to the intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences.
Sternberg discussed three different types of intelligence, including creative, analytical, and practical intelligence. We can see that the foundational elements of emotional intelligence can reflect emotional intelligence skills in all of these ideas of intelligence.
It is commonly acknowledged that Salovey & Mayer coined the phrase "emotional intelligence" in 1990. They do admit that the phrase was first used in passing in the 1960s in literary criticism and psychology, and it was subsequently used in a dissertation by Payne in 1986.
Q7) Write down the benefits of emotional intelligence.
Ans) The benefits of emotional intelligence are as follows:
Allows people to use their emotional talents and knowledge in addition to their thinking abilities.
Contrasts traditional ideas that encourage excluding emotions from particular contexts and harmful suppression with a realistic and useful perspective on emotions.
Promotes understanding of oneself and others that goes beyond surface knowledge.
Promotes and facilitates empathy in order to raise the standard of interpersonal interactions.
Gives individuals the opportunity to achieve excellence and success utilising a variety of intelligences, adding competitive advantage beyond only cognitive intelligence and technical abilities.
Gives people more freedom and control to choose which emotions they want to feel more of and which ones they would prefer to avoid in a certain circumstance. As a result, the advantages of emotional intelligence have effects on a variety of areas of our lives, including interpersonal relationships and professional situations and settings.
Q8) What is self-regulation? Describe the sub-components of it.
Ans) Self-regulation refers to the capacity to control and manage one's emotional experience as well as expression in order to preserve and improve one's functionality and effectiveness in interpersonal interactions or at work. Self-regulation is a critical skill for effective performance at work as well as for maintaining smooth social interaction.
Q9) Describe the meaning and importance of self-control.
Ans) The meaning and importance of self-control are as follows:
Being in control of oneself is referred to as self-control. This essentially involves being able to manage one's emotions at the time. It involves being conscious of one's emotions and controlling them so that one does not act out of emotion instead of being able to analyse the circumstance and the people around one before making a decision.
We can remain calm, comprehend our feelings, and avoid acting impulsively when we have self-control. In addition to instances involving anger or aggression, situations involving tremendous joy, pleasure, or excitement also call for self-control. In the second instance as well, we occasionally become so enthused that our words and deeds may have a detrimental impact on others, such as when we spout off some stupid remarks about someone. Therefore, maintaining self-control is crucial in both cases, whether we are feeling pleasant or negative emotions.
Q10) Describe the strategies to develop assertiveness.
Ans) The strategies to develop assertiveness is as follows:
The first step in acquiring assertiveness is becoming aware of one's emotions.
The next step in becoming assertive is to become aware of other people's feelings. By ignoring, demeaning, or putting down others, one cannot develop or find happiness. Equal regard must be shown for other people's needs and wishes. Thus, being assertive entails balancing one's needs with those of others.
Be confident and clear in what you want to express and keep your body language under control. Therefore, it is important to be aware of one's goals in each situation.
Being assertive is a communication style that may not come naturally. Therefore, it's important to practise being forceful without offending other people.
One must be aware of their emotions, feelings, and actions. Knowing what one wants and how to express it to others will be made easier as a result.
Q11) Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Ans) Self-actualization, as defined by Maslow, is a higher order psychological need that humans aspire to once their lower order wants are met. He has put out a need hierarchy model that is represented as a pyramid structure, with lower order needs at the base and higher order needs at the top.
The levels of the hierarchy, starting from the base of the pyramid are:
Physiological needs: These are necessities for human survival on a biological level. Air, food, water, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, and sleep are a few examples.
Examples of safety requirements include weather protection, security, law and order, and stability.
The first of the social wants, love and belongingness, is the need for close relationships and a sense of community. Friendship, intimacy, trust, acceptance, receiving and giving love and affection are a few examples of these requirements.
Esteem requirements are divided into two groups:
Self-actualization requirements: Examples include achieving one's full potential, finding fulfilment in oneself, and pursuing peak experiences and personal progress.
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